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14:38 CDT - 1342 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
06:56 CST 3 Dec 2017 andres 200 47.9% Lose 416  
  Fixture: (Lost) DHW - Semi Final - Dahang vs rapha - rapha
06:56 CST 3 Dec 2017 andres 415 39.2% Win 1057  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) DHW - Semi Final - toxjq vs cyhper - toxjq
13:52 CDT 25 Aug 2017 andres 300 84% Win 356  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QWC Sacrifice Playoffs Semifinal #1: 2z vs. The Defendants - 2z
13:52 CDT 25 Aug 2017 andres 201 77.4% Win 259  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QWC Sacrifice Playoffs Semifinal #2: NOTOFAST vs.Team Liquid - NOTOFAST
05:30 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 10 79.1% Win 12  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) [QWC EU Finals] Xron vs. Luminus - Xron
05:30 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 5 57.8% Lose 8  
  Fixture: (Lost) [QWC EU Finals] Brejk vs. dem0n - dem0n
05:30 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 5 84.8% Win 5  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) [QWC EU Finals] wichtL vs. smoke - wichtL
05:29 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 10 92.2% Win 10  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) [QWC EU Finals] Luke_ie vs. Cypherrr - Cypherrr
05:29 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 20 34.1% Lose 58  
  Fixture: (Lost) [QWC EU Finals] Cooller vs. evil - evil
05:29 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 25 74.5% Lose 33  
  Fixture: (Lost) [QWC EU Finals] strenx vs. Av3k - strenx
05:28 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 25 44.6% Lose 55  
  Fixture: (Lost) [QWC EU Finals] stermy vs. k1llsen - stermy
05:24 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 25 24.9% Lose 100  
  Fixture: (Lost) [QWC EU Finals] prox1mo vs. Vo0 - prox1mo
05:24 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 50 62.1% Win 80  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) [QWC EU Finals] clawz vs. kRoNic - clawz
05:23 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 50 56.5% Win 88  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) [QWC EU Finals] Pikawa vs. BaSe - BaSe
05:23 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 25 83.2% Win 30  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) [QWC EU Finals] fazz vs. inz - fazz
05:23 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 50 65.4% Win 76  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) [QWC EU Finals] Karwik vs. Nitrino - Nitrino
05:23 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 50 74.1% Win 67  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) [QWC EU Finals] AGENT vs. zoot - AGENT
05:22 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 100 91.5% Win 109  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) [QWC EU Finals] SL1P vs. toxjq - toxjq
05:22 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 50 47.6% Lose 104  
  Fixture: (Lost) [QWC EU Finals] GaRpY vs. NOFEAR - GaRpY
05:22 CDT 4 Aug 2017 andres 22 89.3% Win 24  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) [QWC EU Finals] Sephis vs. noctis - noctis
07:09 CST 25 Feb 2015 andres 200 41.3% Lose 483  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125fps: clawz vs Cooller - clawz
07:08 CST 25 Feb 2015 andres 100 75.4% Win 132  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125fps: evil vs nitrino - evil
07:08 CST 25 Feb 2015 andres 100 79.8% Win 125  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125fps: cypher vs dem0n - cypher
07:08 CST 25 Feb 2015 andres 100 60.2% Win 165  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125fps: agent vs pavel - agent
08:40 CST 26 Dec 2014 andres 669 20.5% Lose 3248  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125FPS showmatch - Strenx vs Cypher - strenx
10:23 CST 20 Dec 2014 andres 200 78.8% Win 253  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125fps: cypher vs ash - cypher
10:22 CST 20 Dec 2014 andres 312 74.8% Win 416  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125fps: evil vs agent - evil
10:57 CST 18 Dec 2014 andres 400 29.4% Lose 1357  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125fps: cypher vs k1llsen - k1llsen
10:56 CST 18 Dec 2014 andres 302 73.1% Win 412  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125fps: ash vs dem0n - ash
08:46 CST 9 Dec 2014 andres 100 63.3% Win 157  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125fps: spart1e vs agent - agent
08:46 CST 9 Dec 2014 andres 100 31.1% Win 321  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125fps: agent vs k1llsen - agent
08:45 CST 9 Dec 2014 andres 100 86.9% Win 114  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125fps: k1llsen vs sting_pl - k1llsen
08:45 CST 9 Dec 2014 andres 100 69.3% Lose 144  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125fps: spart1e vs k1llsen - killsen
08:44 CST 9 Dec 2014 andres 100 90.7% Win 110  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125fps: k1llsen vs baSe_ - k1llsen
08:05 CDT 19 Jul 2014 andres 350 41.4% Lose 843  
  Fixture: (Lost) QCON '14 - DaHanG versus Cypher - DaHanG
08:05 CDT 19 Jul 2014 andres 350 52.5% Lose 666  
  Fixture: (Lost) QCON '14 - tox vs evil - tox
08:04 CDT 19 Jul 2014 andres 408 24.7% Lose 1651  
  Fixture: (Lost) QCON '14 CTF 2014 versus WELP - WELP
04:43 CDT 16 Mar 2014 andres 589 53.1% Win 1108  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) FACEIT Winter Season Finals winner - evil
12:39 CST 29 Nov 2013 andres 300 51% Lose 587  
  Fixture: (Lost) DHW13: fazz/Fraze - fazz
12:37 CST 29 Nov 2013 andres 261 37.2% Lose 700  
  Fixture: (Lost) DHW13: DaHanG/Cypher - DaHanG
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