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15:16 CDT - 1094 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
06:48 CST 4 Feb 2009 firephoenix 2 14.1% Lose 14  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: France vs Germany - Germany
07:13 CST 3 Feb 2009 firephoenix 500 72.6% Win 688  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) TITTY SAMBO FINAL: Bisu -vs- Jangbi - Bisu (P)
03:25 CST 26 Jan 2009 firephoenix 122 60.1% Win 202  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC QL TDM: Finland vs Germany - Germany
10:51 CST 24 Jan 2009 firephoenix 400 21.3% Lose 1876  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Hungary vs Spain - Spain
07:32 CST 7 Jan 2009 firephoenix 750 28.5% Lose 2625  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Ukraine vs Croatia - Croatia
18:12 CDT 26 Aug 2008 firephoenix 403 37.5% Win 1072  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) RazerJ vs rapha - rapha wins
16:02 CDT 26 Aug 2008 firephoenix 589 71.8% Lose 820  
  Fixture: (Lost) RazerJ vs k1llsen - RazerJ wins
06:17 CDT 26 Aug 2008 firephoenix 403 49% Draw 820  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) rapha vs fox - fox
06:17 CDT 26 Aug 2008 firephoenix 100 43.7% Win 228  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) jibo vs zero4 - jibo
06:16 CDT 26 Aug 2008 firephoenix 200 55.3% Win 361  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) zero4 vs fox - zero4
16:51 CDT 25 Aug 2008 firephoenix 241 28.2% Draw 853  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) noctis vs rapha - rapha
16:18 CDT 25 Aug 2008 firephoenix 162 53.2% Win 303  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ddk vs matrox - matrox
17:25 CDT 24 Aug 2008 firephoenix 100 68.1% Lose 146  
  Fixture: (Lost) voo vs chance - voo
17:24 CDT 24 Aug 2008 firephoenix 100 62.6% Win 159  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs zero4 - cooller
17:24 CDT 24 Aug 2008 firephoenix 100 41.4% Win 241  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) jibo vs czm - czm
17:24 CDT 24 Aug 2008 firephoenix 100 33.2% Lose 300  
  Fixture: (Lost) hunter vs ddk - ddk
17:23 CDT 24 Aug 2008 firephoenix 100 61.5% Win 162  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) zero4 vs voo - zero4
07:12 CDT 6 Jul 2008 firephoenix 250 68.9% Lose 362  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC Masters 3rd Place: RazerJ vs av3k - RazerJ wins
07:12 CDT 6 Jul 2008 firephoenix 250 27.7% Lose 900  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC Masters Final: Cypher vs fojji - fojji wins 2:1
13:53 CDT 16 Jun 2008 firephoenix 1000 80.3% Win 1245  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CB Q4 1v1 OC - HELL vs Weird - HELL
08:37 CDT 29 May 2008 firephoenix 909 38.1% Win 2384  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC USA Finals - Destrukt vs Rapha - rapha
15:24 CDT 13 Mar 2008 firephoenix 692 76% Win 909  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CB NC Q3 CTF: France vs UK - France
13:02 CDT 12 Mar 2008 firephoenix 5000 65.8% Lose 7593  
  Fixture: (Lost) CB NC Q3 CTF: Belgium vs Sweden - Sweden
15:01 CST 3 Mar 2008 firephoenix 1000 11.7% Lose 8510  
  Fixture: (Lost) .txt CPM TDM Cup: plus+ vs. team y - plus+ win 2:1
13:23 CST 27 Feb 2008 firephoenix 5000 77.3% Win 6464  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) NA CPM 1v1 OpenCup: Vo0 vs Jon4thaN - Vo0
08:24 CST 17 Feb 2008 firephoenix 2183 80% Win 2728  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CB NC Q3 CTF: UK vs. ESP - UK to win
16:23 CST 12 Feb 2008 firephoenix 2500 14.1% Draw 17642  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) NA CPM 1v1 OpenCup: light vs Jon4thaN - light
13:41 CST 11 Feb 2008 firephoenix 3093 66% Win 4683  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CB NC Q3 CTF: GER vs PL - GER to win
07:09 CST 9 Feb 2008 firephoenix 250 18.8% Lose 1329  
  Fixture: (Lost) CB NC: UK vs FRA - UK to win
13:54 CST 4 Feb 2008 firephoenix 804 24% Win 3343  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CB NC Q3 CTF: Belgium vs Germany - Belgium
03:41 CST 21 Dec 2007 firephoenix 500 62.1% Win 804  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EC XVI Q4 1v1: bl4jnd vs geo - bl4jnd
13:58 CST 30 Nov 2007 firephoenix 100 44.4% Lose 225  
  Fixture: (Lost) EC XVI Q4 1v1: cYmoZz vs geo - cYmoZz
13:52 CST 28 Nov 2007 firephoenix 1410 11.3% Lose 12430  
  Fixture: (Lost) Instant Cup #5 - nergal vs DreamCatcher - nergal to win
08:34 CDT 6 Sep 2007 firephoenix 250 38.1% Win 654  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EC COD2: Winner of the CB EuroCup XV - TEK9
18:06 CDT 5 Sep 2007 firephoenix 165 74.8% Draw 220  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) EC WC3: Winner of the CB EuroCup XV - Grubby
18:06 CDT 5 Sep 2007 firephoenix 250 42.2% Win 591  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EC CS: Winner of the CB EuroCup XV - NoA
18:05 CDT 5 Sep 2007 firephoenix 250 41.1% Draw 608  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) EC COD2: Winner of the CB EuroCup XV - Logitech
13:31 CDT 20 Aug 2007 firephoenix 500 75.1% Win 665  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) WCG NL: Grubby vs DeSnoDeSnodaarD - Grubby
08:37 CST 19 Dec 2006 firephoenix 500 32.9% Lose 1515  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) CPL Finals :: Hacker.RazerJ vs czm - Hacker.RazerJ to win
09:00 CST 10 Dec 2006 firephoenix 500 23.7% Lose 2105  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WSVG: Toxic vs Socrates - Socrates to win
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