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13:55 CDT - 1308 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
02:41 CDT 27 Jul 2009 schulz 230 84.5% Win 271  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESL-TV QL Inv: fox vs HELL - fox
08:51 CDT 22 Jul 2009 schulz 208 90.2% Win 230  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESL-TV QL Inv: spart1e vs PURRI - spart1e
03:51 CST 22 Feb 2009 schulz 200 88% Win 227  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CB NC12 Q3 CTF: Poland vs Sweden - Sweden
03:51 CST 22 Feb 2009 schulz 200 91.5% Win 218  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Sweden vs Germany - Sweden
03:51 CST 22 Feb 2009 schulz 159 97.5% Win 163  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CB NC12 Q3 CTF: Belgium vs Lithuania - Belgium
09:46 CST 28 Jan 2009 schulz 300 92.7% Win 323  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Germany vs Slovenia - Germany
09:45 CST 28 Jan 2009 schulz 236 94.6% Draw 249  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QNC Q3 TDM: Sweden vs Denmark - Sweden
02:53 CST 14 Jan 2009 schulz 200 54.7% Lose 365  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Hungary vs Netherlands - Netherlands
02:53 CST 14 Jan 2009 schulz 536 83.1% Draw 644  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QNC Q3 TDM: Sweden vs Denmark - Sweden
12:20 CDT 26 Oct 2008 schulz 259 57.9% Win 446  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EOC: spart1e vs K1llmaster - spart1e
09:51 CDT 17 Oct 2008 schulz 100 89.7% Win 111  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC MoA :: Adrian -vs- mouz.cooller - mouz.cooller to win
09:51 CDT 17 Oct 2008 schulz 200 77.4% Lose 258  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC MoA :: mouz.cooller vs xlo.spart1e - mouz.cooller to win
09:50 CDT 17 Oct 2008 schulz 322 95.1% Win 338  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC MoA :: srs`av3k -vs- Ons - srs`av3k to win
03:39 CDT 15 Oct 2008 schulz 250 69.9% Win 357  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC MoA :: noctis -vs- Fx|matr0x - noctis to win
03:37 CDT 15 Oct 2008 schulz 250 94% Win 265  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC MoA :: K1llsen -vs- Puppet - k1llsen to win
10:27 CST 5 Dec 2007 schulz 200 87.7% Win 227  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EC XVI wSw 1v1: Xhep -vs- V!ct!M - V!ct!M to win
11:18 CDT 21 Aug 2007 schulz 400 58.9% Lose 678  
  Fixture: (Lost) CB EC: ATTaX vs - ALTERNATE aTTaX
14:47 CDT 4 Jul 2007 schulz 292 72% Win 405  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q3 1v1 :: zik vs jilc4ke - zik to win
07:53 CDT 23 Jun 2007 schulz 200 86.1% Win 232  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q4 1v1 :: GaRpY vs ahzaz - GaRpY to win
07:53 CDT 23 Jun 2007 schulz 222 80.3% Draw 276  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ECXV Q4 1v1 :: HELL vs bl4jnd - HELL to win
14:28 CDT 19 Jun 2007 schulz 200 71.9% Win 278  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q4 TDM :: K1ck vs eVolve - eVolve to win
11:11 CDT 18 Jun 2007 schulz 200 83.7% Win 238  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q4 1v1 :: GaRpY vs ahzaz - GaRpY to win
11:11 CDT 18 Jun 2007 schulz 301 87.4% Win 344  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q3 1v1 :: noctis vs jilc4ke - noctis to win
01:42 CDT 13 Jun 2007 schulz 250 73.6% Win 339  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q3 1v1 :: zik vs draven - zik to win
01:42 CDT 13 Jun 2007 schulz 150 73.9% Win 202  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q4 1v1 :: GaRpY vs cYmoZz (QuadV) - GaRpY to win
01:41 CDT 13 Jun 2007 schulz 125 78% Win 160  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q4 1v1 :: draven vs HELL (QuadV) - HELL to win
11:10 CDT 20 May 2007 schulz 200 89.7% Win 222  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Quake4 1v1 :: GaRpY vs Quack - GaRpY to win
11:09 CDT 20 May 2007 schulz 250 78% Win 320  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Quake4 1v1 :: epiotic vs HELL - HELL to win
11:09 CDT 20 May 2007 schulz 150 60.5% Win 247  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Quake4 1v1 :: Xeon vs cYmoZz - cYmoZz to win
11:08 CDT 20 May 2007 schulz 173 73% Win 236  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Quake4 1v1 :: Cs3 vs d1ablo - Cs3 to win
07:54 CDT 16 May 2007 schulz 250 64.7% Draw 386  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ECXV Quake4 TDM :: dignitas vs Equus - dignitas to win
07:54 CDT 16 May 2007 schulz 373 86% Draw 433  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ECXV Quake4 TDM :: FOE vs K1ck - FOE to win
04:40 CDT 24 Apr 2007 schulz 150 76.5% Draw 196  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ECXV Quake4 TDM :: eVolve vs Reason - eVolve to win
04:40 CDT 24 Apr 2007 schulz 100 77.1% Draw 129  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ECXV Quake4 TDM :: FOE vs nEu - FOE to win
04:40 CDT 24 Apr 2007 schulz 200 80.9% Draw 247  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ECXV Quake4 1v1 :: zei0 vs Cs3 - Cs3 to win
04:39 CDT 24 Apr 2007 schulz 242 88.3% Win 273  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Quake4 1v1 :: winz vs LovingAngel - winz to win
13:35 CDT 23 Apr 2007 schulz 100 74.5% Win 134  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Quake3 1v1 :: Allter vs zik - zik to win
06:49 CDT 23 Apr 2007 schulz 200 86.8% Draw 230  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ECXV Quake4 TDM :: GUNK vs w1sR - GUNK to win
06:49 CDT 23 Apr 2007 schulz 266 86.1% Win 308  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Quake3 1v1 :: noctis vs Allter - noctis to win
03:59 CDT 22 Apr 2007 schulz 100 76.6% Win 130  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Quake4 TDM :: K1ck vs ESFans - K1ck to win
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