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12:11 CDT - 1145 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
09:31 CDT 20 Aug 2010 n1ghty 200 77.1% Win 259  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) rapha -vs- Spart1e - rapha
11:29 CDT 17 Aug 2010 n1ghty 500 9.6% Lose 5180  
  Fixture: (Lost) av3k -vs- calipt - calipt
07:23 CDT 7 Jul 2010 n1ghty 1088 59.8% Lose 1817  
  Fixture: (Lost) WC 2010: Germany - Spain - Germany wins
18:22 CDT 27 Jun 2010 n1ghty 849 77.9% Win 1088  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) WC 2010: Brazil - Chile - Brazil
19:32 CDT 26 Jun 2010 n1ghty 500 58.8% Win 849  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) WC 2010: Germany - England - Germany
02:25 CDT 21 Jun 2010 n1ghty 200 33.3% Lose 599  
  Fixture: (Lost) strenx -vs- av3k - strenx
05:14 CDT 19 Jun 2010 n1ghty 500 20.6% Lose 2416  
  Fixture: (Lost) WC 2010: Ghana - Australia - Australia
04:21 CDT 11 Jun 2010 n1ghty 500 64.9% Lose 770  
  Fixture: (Lost) WC 2010 - South Africa - Mexico - Mexico
06:58 CDT 15 May 2010 n1ghty 500 38.6% Lose 1292  
  Fixture: (Lost) Ownage Grand Final: Locktar vs Milton - Locktar wins
14:54 CDT 5 May 2010 n1ghty 595 80.8% Lose 736  
  Fixture: (Lost) ENC: Poland vs Russia - Poland
11:04 CDT 28 Apr 2010 n1ghty 300 75.8% Win 395  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ENC: Sweden vs Netherlands - Sweden
16:09 CDT 20 Apr 2010 n1ghty 500 29.3% Lose 1700  
  Fixture: (Lost) CB NC13: France vs Germany - Germany
09:27 CDT 11 Apr 2010 n1ghty 1237 31% Lose 3984  
  Fixture: (Lost) QLNC'10: Austria vs Poland - Austria
21:19 CDT 8 Apr 2010 n1ghty 1237 88.2% Draw 1401  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QLNC'10: France vs Hungary - France
07:06 CDT 26 Mar 2010 n1ghty 1094 88.3% Win 1237  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: France vs Iceland - France
04:46 CDT 25 Mar 2010 n1ghty 500 45.6% Win 1094  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: United Kingdom vs Austria - Austria
09:29 CST 27 Feb 2010 n1ghty 813 41.3% Lose 1964  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM World Finals: Cooller vs rapha - rapha
08:34 CST 25 Feb 2010 n1ghty 615 75.6% Win 813  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EMS5 Final: 4K vs fnatic - fnatic
12:14 CST 20 Feb 2010 n1ghty 615 52.4% Draw 1173  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QLNC'10: Sweden vs Netherlands - Sweden
17:10 CST 18 Feb 2010 n1ghty 615 77% Draw 798  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QLNC'10: Hungary vs Poland - Poland
15:05 CST 16 Feb 2010 n1ghty 520 84.4% Win 615  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Hungary vs Czech Rep - Hungary
17:50 CST 11 Feb 2010 n1ghty 520 95.4% Draw 545  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QLNC'10: France vs Lithuania - France
16:23 CST 3 Feb 2010 n1ghty 320 94.5% Draw 338  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QLNC'10: United Kingdom vs Slovenia - United Kingdom
13:58 CST 2 Feb 2010 n1ghty 200 90.6% Win 220  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Finland vs Slovakia - Finland
08:52 CST 30 Jan 2010 n1ghty 500 77.5% Lose 644  
  Fixture: (Lost) QLNC'10: Russia vs Iceland - Russia
04:19 CST 24 Jan 2010 n1ghty 100 29.1% Lose 343  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM4 EU Finals - SF: cypher vs strenx - strenx
19:11 CST 22 Jan 2010 n1ghty 100 72.7% Lose 137  
  Fixture: (Lost) MSL Final: Flash vs Jaedong - Flash (T)
04:08 CST 22 Jan 2010 n1ghty 100 12.9% Lose 772  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Finals: cypher vs zsx - zsx
12:10 CST 21 Jan 2010 n1ghty 804 49.4% Lose 1627  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Finals: strenx vs Z4muZ - Z4muZ
02:15 CST 21 Jan 2010 n1ghty 100 52.9% Win 188  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: av3k vs spart1e - av3k
15:12 CST 20 Jan 2010 n1ghty 357 57.9% Win 616  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: av3k vs spart1e - av3k
15:22 CST 19 Jan 2010 n1ghty 215 83.5% Win 257  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Russia vs Denmark - Russia
09:15 CST 19 Jan 2010 n1ghty 200 92.9% Win 215  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Austria vs Lithuania - Austria
17:02 CST 15 Jan 2010 n1ghty 500 34.4% Lose 1452  
  Fixture: (Lost) QLNC'10: Italy vs Czech Rep - Czech Republic
17:23 CST 12 Jan 2010 n1ghty 644 91.6% Win 702  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Poland vs Spain - Poland
18:36 CST 5 Jan 2010 n1ghty 500 77.6% Win 644  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Netherlands vs Finland - Netherlands
10:12 CST 14 Dec 2009 n1ghty 500 69.1% Lose 723  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: madix vs dem0n - madix
12:02 CST 9 Dec 2009 n1ghty 500 45.6% Draw 1095  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) IEM EU Champ: noctis vs av3k - noctis
03:29 CST 3 Dec 2009 n1ghty 100 15.6% Lose 638  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: pulseh vs draven - pulseh
11:33 CST 2 Dec 2009 n1ghty 500 42.5% Lose 1174  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: cypher vs Z4muZ - Z4muZ
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