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20:19 CDT - 695 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
13:18 CDT 21 Aug 2009 baron Railgun 480 46.6% Lose 1028  
  Fixture: (Lost) Gamescom Final: Noctis vs Rapha - Noctis wins
07:21 CDT 14 Aug 2009 baron Railgun 500 74.2% Win 673  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) GOM S3 FINAL: Flash vs Iris - Flash (T)
09:31 CDT 2 Aug 2009 baron Railgun 500 24.2% Lose 2063  
  Fixture: (Lost) CB Div1: Spart1e -vs- Bodzo - Bodzo
17:52 CDT 26 Jul 2009 baron Railgun 1296 76% Lose 1703  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESL-TV QL Inv: bodzo vs draven - bodzo
16:11 CDT 22 Jul 2009 baron Railgun 500 38.5% Win 1296  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESL-TV QL Inv: strenx vs fazz - fazz
21:12 CDT 18 Jul 2009 baron Railgun 350 9% Lose 3858  
  Fixture: (Lost) noctis -vs- Weird - Weird
21:27 CDT 7 Jul 2009 baron Railgun 525 69.9% Win 750  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EMS4: cypher vs spart1e - cypher
07:25 CDT 24 Jun 2009 baron Railgun 100 44.2% Win 225  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EMS4: Jibo vs cypher - cypher
16:42 CDT 21 Jun 2009 baron Railgun 500 70.7% Lose 706  
  Fixture: (Lost) EMS4: k1llmas vs spart1e - spart1e
10:36 CDT 12 Jun 2009 baron Railgun 575 7.6% Lose 7485  
  Fixture: (Lost) EMS4: k1llmaster vs a1r-r41d - a1r-r41d
13:12 CDT 15 Apr 2009 baron Railgun 500 86.9% Win 575  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Germany vs Poland - Poland
13:21 CDT 26 Mar 2009 baron Railgun 200 23.6% Lose 847  
  Fixture: (Lost) Liquibition #29 - F91 vs Nony - NonY
07:49 CDT 18 Mar 2009 baron Railgun 2000 25.2% Lose 7910  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Germany vs Netherlands - Netherlands
00:59 CDT 15 Mar 2009 baron Railgun 1000 20.8% Lose 4802  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Germany vs Netherlands - Netherlands
09:01 CDT 10 Mar 2009 baron Railgun 306 7.4% Lose 4133  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Sweden vs Austria - Austria
17:06 CST 2 Mar 2009 baron Railgun 700 26.2% Win 2664  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Austria vs Netherlands - Austria
10:23 CST 14 Jan 2009 baron Railgun 498 43.6% Win 1141  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Hungary vs Netherlands - Hungary
22:36 CST 6 Jan 2009 baron Railgun 200 50.1% Win 399  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Free -vs- Mind - Pretty alias free (P)
12:31 CDT 16 Oct 2008 baron Railgun 500 50.4% Lose 990  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC MoA :: LLL-fox -vs- Toxjq - Toxjq to win
12:15 CDT 5 Sep 2008 baron Railgun 500 36.7% Lose 1358  
  Fixture: (Lost) D3porte: Cypher vs question - LaMz|question
16:06 CDT 24 Aug 2008 baron Railgun 556 34.2% Lose 1622  
  Fixture: (Lost) cooller vs zero4 - zero4
09:07 CDT 19 Aug 2008 baron Railgun 200 56% Win 356  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) D3porte: question vs SombrA - question
09:19 CDT 16 Aug 2008 baron Railgun 583 57.2% Lose 1018  
  Fixture: (Lost) D3porte: Krysa vs question - Krysa
08:04 CDT 14 Aug 2008 baron Railgun 500 85.6% Win 583  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) D3porte: Vo0 vs geo - Vo0
07:13 CDT 27 Jul 2008 baron Railgun 500 63.6% Lose 785  
  Fixture: (Lost) RazerJ vs av3k (1st set) - av3k wins
07:17 CDT 6 Jul 2008 baron Railgun 1032 28.1% Lose 3663  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC Masters Final: Cypher vs fojji - fojji wins 2:1
20:05 CDT 5 Jul 2008 baron Railgun 500 48.4% Win 1032  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Semi-Finals: Jibo vs fox - fox
08:32 CDT 11 Jun 2008 baron Railgun 199 24% Win 826  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) k1llsen - vs - Killmaster - Killmaster
15:50 CDT 28 May 2008 baron Railgun 500 65.3% Win 765  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Killmaster - vs - zik - Killmaster
02:19 CST 24 Jan 2008 baron Railgun 1000 94.9% Win 1053  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) NA CPM 1v1 OpenCup: Vo0 vs light - Vo0
09:47 CST 9 Jan 2008 baron Railgun 400 81.6% Win 489  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESL Q4 Knockout Series Grand Final - k1llsen
06:43 CST 11 Nov 2007 baron Railgun 694 69.8% Win 992  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) i32 :: toxjq -vs- av3k - toxjq to win
16:02 CDT 18 Oct 2007 baron Railgun 522 75.1% Win 694  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Rugby World Final - ZA vs ENG - South Africa wins
17:13 CDT 27 Aug 2007 baron Railgun 150 47.3% Lose 316  
  Fixture: (Lost) WCG NL: vnX vs Flopzie - Flopzie
05:52 CDT 22 Aug 2007 baron Railgun 220 60.5% Win 363  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) WCG NL: Krye vs Glyx - Krye
19:14 CDT 19 Aug 2007 baron Railgun 328 64.1% Lose 510  
  Fixture: (Lost) CB EC: ATTaX vs - ALTERNATE aTTaX
14:24 CDT 8 Aug 2007 baron Railgun 250 61.3% Win 407  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ClanBase War§ow TDM Finals - bms to win
18:16 CDT 20 Jul 2007 baron Railgun 250 61.3% Win 407  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV w§w 1v1 :: BoBel vs V!ct!M (QuadV) - BoBel to win
20:04 CDT 13 Jul 2007 baron Railgun 400 81.9% Win 487  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Q4 TDM :: FOE vs eVolve (Q4TV) - FOE to win
18:13 CDT 12 Jul 2007 baron Railgun 100 34.1% Lose 292  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ECXV w§w 1v1 :: AgamemnonZ vs V!ct!M - AgamemnonZ to win
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