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14:32 CDT - 1580 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
06:38 CDT 4 Sep 2006 lepow 194 27.1% Lose 714  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) EC XIII WC3: Grubby vs Insomnia - Insomnia to win
06:42 CDT 2 Sep 2006 lepow 117 60.2% Win 194  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) EC XIII Q4 1on1 : Cs3 vs GaRpY - GaRpY to win
07:48 CDT 27 Aug 2006 lepow 500 72.3% Win 690  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) EC XIII Q4 1on1 : GaRpY vs fazz - GaRpY to win
12:43 CDT 26 Aug 2006 lepow 100 56.3% Win 177  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ENC Counter-Strike: Norway vs. Poland - Norway win
16:08 CDT 18 Jun 2006 lepow 250 46.3% Lose 539  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) Cooller versus toxic - SK.Toxic
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