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14:23 CDT - 1567 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
08:45 CDT 12 Apr 2007 gribouts 500 44.2% Win 1128  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXV Quake4 1v1 :: impulse vs Faren - Faren to win
08:47 CST 28 Jan 2007 gribouts 700 81.5% Win 858  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXIV Q4 TDM :: foundatioN vs aCtion - aCtion to win
11:25 CST 22 Jan 2007 gribouts 100 93.3% Win 107  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXIV Q4 TDM :: es vs FOE - FOE to win
12:07 CST 10 Dec 2006 gribouts 150 22.5% Lose 665  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WSVG: Toxic vs Socrates - Socrates to win
15:57 CST 9 Dec 2006 gribouts 100 16.7% Lose 596  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WSVG: Toxic vs Fatal1ty - Fatal1ty
10:21 CST 26 Nov 2006 gribouts 150 94.4% Win 158  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) SNL Finals :: Grand Final - Ztrider
10:19 CDT 24 Oct 2006 gribouts 100 23.3% Win 428  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) SNL: facz vs. Wakka - facz
17:32 CDT 19 Oct 2006 gribouts 200 19.3% Lose 1032  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WCG: Toxic vs Stermy - Stermy
17:32 CDT 19 Oct 2006 gribouts 200 63.8% Lose 313  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WCG: Socrates_ vs fox - fox
07:32 CDT 18 Oct 2006 gribouts 200 59.9% Lose 333  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WCG: Stermy vs Fatal1ty - Stermy to win
07:32 CDT 18 Oct 2006 gribouts 300 50.7% Win 591  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) WCG: Cypher vs av3k - av3k to win
05:05 CDT 15 Oct 2006 gribouts 200 20.5% Lose 974  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) DL: Toxic vs av3k - av3k to win
05:32 CDT 3 Oct 2006 gribouts 300 13.8% Draw 2162  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) SNL : Ztrider vs OoZe - OoZe to win
01:19 CDT 23 Sep 2006 gribouts 200 80.4% Win 248  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) EC XIII Q4 TDM : a-Losers.MSI vs aAa - a-Losers to win
11:00 CDT 22 Sep 2006 gribouts 400 45% Win 887  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) EC XIII Q4 TDM : a-Loser vs lm - lm to win
11:38 CDT 10 Sep 2006 gribouts 250 63.6% Win 392  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) EC XIII Q4 1on1 : GaRpY vs forever - forever to win
12:55 CDT 2 Sep 2006 gribouts 200 36.3% Lose 549  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) EC XIII Q4 1on1 : Cs3 vs GaRpY - Cs3 to win
16:58 CDT 26 Aug 2006 gribouts 200 73.5% Draw 271  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) KODE5 Finals: toxic vs Cooller - toxic to win
10:43 CDT 25 Aug 2006 gribouts 200 87.2% Win 229  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) KODE5 Finals: toxic vs stermy - toxic to win
10:42 CDT 25 Aug 2006 gribouts 150 33.4% Lose 448  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) KODE5 Finals: forever vs Cooller - forever to win
12:10 CDT 24 Aug 2006 gribouts 200 93.9% Win 212  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) KODE5 Finals: Cooller vs Dunpeal - Cooller to win
12:09 CDT 24 Aug 2006 gribouts 200 79.5% Win 251  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) KODE5 Finals: stermy vs k1ller - stermy to win
12:09 CDT 24 Aug 2006 gribouts 350 30% Lose 1163  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) KODE5 Finals: forever vs LoSt CauSe - LoSt CauSe to win
12:08 CDT 24 Aug 2006 gribouts 400 93.4% Win 427  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) KODE5 Finals: toxic vs MaCrOsS - toxic to win
03:51 CDT 16 Aug 2006 gribouts 300 84.5% Draw 354  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) EC XIII Q4 1on1 : winz vs fazz - winz to win
04:26 CDT 9 Aug 2006 gribouts 200 49.6% Win 402  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) EC XIII Q4 1on1 : fazz < Cs3 - Cs3 to win
05:27 CDT 7 Aug 2006 gribouts 200 58.5% Lose 341  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) EC XIII Q4 TDM : aL vs FOE - aL to win
17:50 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 400 82.2% Win 486  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) QuakeCon: Britney > fnatic/atr - Britney to win
16:22 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 300 66.6% Win 449  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) QuakeCon: toxic > Cooller - toxic to win
14:09 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 300 72.2% Win 415  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) QuakeCon: Cypher > 2GD - Cypher to win
14:09 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 200 73.2% Win 272  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) QuakeCon: Britney > mousesports - Britney to win
14:09 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 500 50.1% Lose 997  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) QuakeCon: Cooller > Ztrider - Ztrider to win
10:21 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 400 50% Lose 800  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) QuakeCon: Cooller < toxic - Cooller to win
07:48 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 400 52.4% Lose 762  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) QuakeCon: PolDragons > alltherage - alltherage to win
07:47 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 300 62.4% Lose 480  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) QuakeCon: blue vs forever - forever to win
07:47 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 300 59.2% Lose 506  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) QuakeCon: GaRpY < Clamp-ok - GaRpY to win
07:47 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 200 39.7% Win 502  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) QuakeCon: Cypher vs stermy - Cypher to win
07:47 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 400 60.8% Win 657  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) QuakeCon: Britney > mousesports - Britney to win
07:46 CDT 5 Aug 2006 gribouts 400 66.6% Lose 599  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) QuakeCon: Devistation > inevitable Fate - inevitable Fate to win
11:21 CDT 22 Jul 2006 gribouts 500 29% Win 1719  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) EC XIII Q4 TDM : GUNK vs aAa - aAa to win
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