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Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
07:54 CST 23 Jan 2010 pernambucano 354 46.8% Lose 754  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM4 EU Finals - QF: av3k vs k1llsen - k1llsen
07:40 CST 23 Jan 2010 pernambucano 500 78.1% Win 639  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM4 EU Finals - QF: Cooller vs fox - Cooller
02:27 CST 23 Jan 2010 pernambucano 100 28.2% Win 354  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM4 EU Finals - QF: strenx vs stermy - strenx
02:05 CST 23 Jan 2010 pernambucano 300 74.3% Win 403  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM4 EU Finals - QF: Cooller vs fox - Cooller
02:03 CST 23 Jan 2010 pernambucano 79 18.8% Lose 418  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM4 EU Finals - QF: callipt vs cypher - callipt
23:45 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 605 61.7% Win 979  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: l1nkje vs zsx - l1nkje
13:23 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 232 53.2% Lose 435  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Finals: strenx vs Z4muZ - Z4muZ
11:01 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 27 18.1% Lose 149  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Finals: strenx vs draven - draven
11:00 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 100 54.9% Win 182  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: strenx vs Z4muZ - strenx
02:08 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 150 81.1% Lose 184  
  Fixture: (Lost) QLNC'10: Sweden vs Finland - Sweden
02:08 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 150 64.4% Win 232  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: Cooller vs Z4muZ - Cooller
02:06 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 100 78.2% Win 127  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: spart1e vs GaRpY - spart1e
02:06 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 100 50.6% Lose 197  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Finals: strenx vs Z4muZ - Z4muZ
02:05 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 100 73.6% Win 135  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: Z4muZ vs draven - Z4muZ
02:05 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 100 73.6% Win 135  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: strenx vs draven - strenx
02:04 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 42 47.6% Lose 88  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Finals: av3k vs spart1e - spart1e
02:03 CST 21 Jan 2010 pernambucano 100 65% Win 153  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Finals: Cooller vs strenx - Cooller
07:19 CST 20 Jan 2010 pernambucano 735 87.2% Win 842  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Russia vs Denmark - Russia
01:32 CST 18 Jan 2010 pernambucano 531 72.2% Win 735  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Austria vs Lithuania - Austria
23:47 CST 16 Jan 2010 pernambucano 400 92.6% Win 431  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Sweden vs Slovakia - Sweden
23:46 CST 16 Jan 2010 pernambucano 100 38% Lose 262  
  Fixture: (Lost) QLNC'10: Italy vs Czech Rep - Czech Republic
14:53 CST 12 Jan 2010 pernambucano 600 93.4% Win 642  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Poland vs Spain - Poland
05:55 CST 11 Jan 2010 pernambucano 605 88.9% Win 680  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Champ: stermy vs kRoNic - stermy
17:21 CST 7 Jan 2010 pernambucano 570 94% Win 605  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Russia vs Slovenia - Russia
19:29 CST 6 Jan 2010 pernambucano 522 91.4% Win 570  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Austria vs Serbia - Austria
11:03 CST 5 Jan 2010 pernambucano 522 84% Draw 621  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) EMS5: 4K vs FF - 4K
09:49 CST 3 Jan 2010 pernambucano 250 32.1% Lose 778  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: strenx vs fazz - fazz
09:48 CST 3 Jan 2010 pernambucano 250 77.4% Win 322  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Champ: strenx vs GaRpY - strenx
11:15 CST 22 Dec 2009 pernambucano 800 59.1% Lose 1352  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: linkoo vs calipt - linkoo
01:41 CST 22 Dec 2009 pernambucano 83 56.7% Lose 146  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: linkoo vs calipt - linkoo
14:23 CST 20 Dec 2009 pernambucano 105 67.8% Win 154  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Champ: dem0n vs guard - guard
14:29 CST 19 Dec 2009 pernambucano 400 66% Win 605  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Champ: dem0n vs guard - guard
21:24 CST 18 Dec 2009 pernambucano 296 72.9% Win 405  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Champ: FooX vs Sc00T - Sc00T
15:08 CST 18 Dec 2009 pernambucano 10 29.6% Lose 33  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: FooX vs Sc00T - FooX
13:16 CST 18 Dec 2009 pernambucano 300 35.8% Lose 836  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: zsx vs fooki - zsx
07:17 CST 17 Dec 2009 pernambucano 8 20.4% Lose 39  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: fox vs linkoo - linkoo
07:17 CST 17 Dec 2009 pernambucano 50 45.8% Win 109  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Champ: noctis vs av3k - av3k
07:17 CST 17 Dec 2009 pernambucano 100 96.6% Win 103  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Champ: noctis vs FooX - noctis
11:45 CST 16 Dec 2009 pernambucano 29 65.1% Win 44  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) IEM EU Champ: zsx vs fooki - fooki
11:40 CST 15 Dec 2009 pernambucano 300 86.4% Lose 347  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: cypher vs qrebo - cypher
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