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16:25 CDT - 1375 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
09:01 CST 24 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 2000 91.7% Win 2179  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Sweden vs Serbia - Sweden
09:00 CST 24 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 150 10% Lose 1495  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Belarus vs Slovenia - Slovenia
09:31 CST 21 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 295 69.7% Win 422  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) R3spect Q3 TDM: SP vs TP - Team Poland
11:27 CST 20 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 200 39.4% Lose 507  
  Fixture: (Lost) EOC 08 Final: spart1e vs K1llmaster - K1llmaster
11:18 CST 20 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 1000 84.8% Win 1179  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Belgium vs Czech Republic - Czech Republic
08:37 CST 19 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 150 47.9% Win 312  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Jangbi -vs- Pretty - Jangbi (P)
19:24 CST 14 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 710 86.3% Draw 822  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QNC Q3 TDM: Sweden vs Denmark - Sweden
19:23 CST 14 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 500 64.1% Lose 779  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Germany vs Belarus - Belarus
19:22 CST 14 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 1500 91.3% Win 1641  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Poland vs Spain - Poland
22:40 CST 9 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 100 62.3% Draw 160  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) Jangbi -vs- BackHo - Jangbi (P)
20:54 CST 8 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 100 52.6% Win 189  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Free -vs- Mind - Pretty alias free (P)
12:33 CST 8 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 566 24.3% Win 2325  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Russia vs Austria *updated* - Austria
12:52 CST 7 Jan 2009 x37wfd836326a37 500 88.2% Win 566  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Germany vs Iceland - Germany
12:30 CDT 5 Apr 2008 x37wfd836326a37 500 75.6% Win 660  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) UT3 1v1 EC: siLw vs Frantic - Frantic to win
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