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17:21 CDT - 1168 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
09:35 CDT 29 Apr 2009 hnns 500 35.5% Lose 1406  
  Fixture: (Lost) Manchester United vs Arsenal - Arsenal
18:17 CDT 15 Mar 2009 hnns 540 22% Lose 2446  
  Fixture: (Lost) R3spect Q3 TDM: MiEL vs TP - Team Poland
11:39 CDT 18 Oct 2008 hnns 844 51.9% Lose 1624  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC MOA Final: spart1e vs Rapha - spart1e
05:30 CDT 18 Oct 2008 hnns 617 69.7% Win 884  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC MoA :: K1llsen -vs- SK-Rapha - Rapha to win
05:28 CDT 18 Oct 2008 hnns 500 57.8% Lose 864  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC MoA :: SK-Rapha -vs- RazerJ - RazerJ to win
10:47 CDT 17 Oct 2008 hnns 500 44.7% Win 1117  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC MoA :: srs`av3k -vs- RazerJ - RazerJ to win
07:48 CDT 5 Sep 2008 hnns 500 42.4% Lose 1178  
  Fixture: (Lost) D3porte: Cypher vs question - LaMz|question
09:18 CDT 24 Aug 2008 hnns 500 28.2% Lose 1767  
  Fixture: (Lost) czm vs matrox - matrox
13:33 CDT 4 Jun 2008 hnns 500 16.3% Draw 3049  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) Cypher - vs - Guard - Guard
23:59 CDT 27 May 2008 hnns 743 40% Lose 1857  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC USA Lower Finals: Chance vs Rapha - chance
20:12 CDT 22 May 2008 hnns 100 13.4% Win 743  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC USA - Rapha vs destrukt - destrukt
20:06 CDT 21 May 2008 hnns 500 44.5% Lose 1122  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC USA Semifinals: Rapha vs Chance - chance
15:27 CDT 17 Apr 2008 hnns 500 11% Lose 4540  
  Fixture: (Lost) Cypher - vs - Stalk3r - Stalk3r
23:44 CST 23 Jan 2008 hnns 500 17.3% Lose 2879  
  Fixture: (Lost) NA CPM 1v1 OpenCup: gellehsak vs pod1 - gellehsak
17:42 CST 19 Dec 2006 hnns 500 19.3% Lose 2586  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) CPL Finals :: czm vs Hacker.RazerJ - Hacker.RazerJ
12:52 CST 10 Dec 2006 hnns 500 23.7% Lose 2101  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WSVG: Toxic vs Socrates - Socrates to win
08:47 CDT 19 Oct 2006 hnns 500 44.2% Lose 1129  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WCG: Ztrider vs Socrates_ - Ztrider to win
14:47 CDT 26 Aug 2006 hnns 5000 76.1% Draw 6563  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) KODE5 Finals: toxic vs Cooller - toxic to win
16:49 CDT 5 Aug 2006 hnns 3656 52.5% Win 6961  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) QuakeCon: toxic > Cooller - toxic to win
09:30 CDT 9 Jul 2006 hnns 1384 37.8% Win 3656  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ISC06 Grand Final: Toxic wins - Toxic to win
09:44 CDT 8 Jul 2006 hnns 1066 77% Win 1384  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ISC06: 2GD vs fox - fox to win
10:51 CST 20 Feb 2006 hnns 651 61% Win 1066  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) fazz v draven - fazz
09:03 CST 18 Feb 2006 hnns 500 76.7% Win 651  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ic v GUNK - iCE cLIMBERS
19:50 CST 4 Feb 2006 hnns 500 32.8% Lose 1520  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ClanBase Eurocup XII - Cooller VS Vo0 - Vo0
06:19 CST 10 Jan 2006 hnns 500 20.3% Lose 2451  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) EC Q4 TDM: iCE cLIMBERS vs a-Losers - a-Losers
11:59 CST 18 Dec 2005 hnns 500 33.2% Lose 1504  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) CPLWinterQ4: cooller vs toxic - toxic wins
05:53 CDT 24 Jun 2005 hnns 500 62.6% Win 797  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) Will czm lose on Aerowalk? - czm wins all Aerowalks
09:41 CDT 18 Jun 2005 hnns 500 9.4% Lose 5281  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) CC - Australia vs Argentina - Draw
21:01 CDT 8 Jul 2004 hnns 460 85.1% Draw 540  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) - Sweden wins
16:28 CDT 4 Jun 2004 hnns 500 21.1% Lose 2360  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Lakers win 4-2
17:21 CDT 7 Apr 2004 hnns 4879 39.4% Lose 12380  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Cooller
23:33 CST 14 Dec 2003 hnns 2281 46.7% Win 4879  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - 32nd
12:13 CST 14 Dec 2003 hnns 1732 75.9% Win 2281  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - iCE cLIMBERS
21:51 CST 17 Nov 2003 hnns 500 28.8% Win 1732  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - Clan 519
06:26 CDT 3 Oct 2003 hnns 40 25% Lose 160  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - 1-2 win MurK
14:37 CDT 28 Sep 2003 hnns 466 25% Lose 1864  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - 0-2 win MurK
16:46 CDT 15 Sep 2003 hnns 180 87.1% Win 206  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - QPO
12:40 CDT 30 Aug 2003 hnns 500 23% Lose 2170  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Veg
23:25 CDT 21 Jul 2003 hnns 180 40.2% Lose 447  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Four Kings Intel
19:39 CDT 12 Jul 2003 hnns 40 37.8% Lose 105  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - zEx wins
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