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02:21 CDT - 836 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
11:36 CST 15 Feb 2009 hedin 30 16.7% Lose 179  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Poland vs Hungary - Hungary
11:35 CST 15 Feb 2009 hedin 100 57.4% Win 173  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) FD CQ3 2v2: BoP vs {DFM} - {DFM}
04:05 CST 13 Feb 2009 hedin 100 12.8% Lose 777  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Poland vs Hungary - Hungary
00:36 CST 9 Feb 2009 hedin 50 20.2% Lose 246  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Austria vs Ukraine - Ukraine
10:15 CST 7 Feb 2009 hedin 100 27.1% Lose 368  
  Fixture: (Lost) R3spect Q3 TDM: Miel vs TP - Team Poland
01:14 CST 6 Feb 2009 hedin 243 90.7% Lose 267  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Poland vs Netherlands - Poland
11:53 CST 5 Feb 2009 hedin 100 42.6% Lose 234  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Austria vs Ukraine - Ukraine
02:48 CST 4 Feb 2009 hedin 50 14% Lose 356  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: France vs Germany - Germany
04:21 CST 3 Feb 2009 hedin 200 93% Draw 214  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) Q3 CPM TDM NC: Russia vs Czech Republic - Russia
04:14 CST 3 Feb 2009 hedin 100 9% Lose 1103  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Belarus vs France - Belarus
23:57 CST 31 Jan 2009 hedin 459 94.2% Win 486  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Germany vs Slovenia - Germany
23:48 CST 30 Jan 2009 hedin 100 89.7% Draw 111  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QNC Q3 TDM: Russia vs Croatia - Russia
23:45 CST 30 Jan 2009 hedin 100 93.2% Win 107  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Germany vs Slovenia - Germany
23:40 CST 30 Jan 2009 hedin 200 80.5% Win 248  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: United K. vs Ukraine - United Kingdom
17:06 CST 25 Jan 2009 hedin 500 89.6% Win 557  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Poland vs Slovakia - Poland
02:37 CDT 9 Sep 2008 hedin 200 64.7% Win 308  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) D3porte: Cypher vs question - serious/Cypher
11:13 CDT 6 Sep 2008 hedin 200 35.3% Lose 566  
  Fixture: (Lost) D3porte: Cypher vs question - LaMz|question
04:43 CDT 25 Aug 2008 hedin 100 90.4% Win 110  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cooller vs ali nab - cooller
05:10 CDT 21 Aug 2008 hedin 100 79.9% Lose 125  
  Fixture: (Lost) D3porte: Rutt vs stalq3r - stalq3r
05:09 CDT 21 Aug 2008 hedin 100 52.5% Win 190  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) D3porte: k1llmas vs Guard - k1llmas
06:55 CDT 19 Aug 2008 hedin 30 75% Win 40  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) D3porte: question vs SombrA - question
11:34 CDT 16 Aug 2008 hedin 500 63.4% Lose 787  
  Fixture: (Lost) D3porte: impulse vs geo - impulse
06:35 CDT 14 Aug 2008 hedin 50 17.4% Lose 285  
  Fixture: (Lost) D3porte: Vo0 vs geo - geo
07:07 CDT 6 Jul 2008 hedin 100 34.8% Lose 287  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC Masters Final: Cypher vs fojji - Cypher wins 2:1
07:05 CDT 6 Jul 2008 hedin 100 69.9% Lose 142  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC Masters 3rd Place: RazerJ vs av3k - RazerJ wins
02:08 CDT 6 Jul 2008 hedin 250 42.3% Lose 589  
  Fixture: (Lost) Semi-Finals: Jibo vs fox - Jibo
02:07 CDT 6 Jul 2008 hedin 250 64.6% Win 386  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Semi-Finals: Cypher vs av3k - Cypher
09:58 CDT 9 Jun 2008 hedin 50 19.6% Draw 254  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) Cypher - vs - Guard - Guard
12:21 CDT 5 Jun 2008 hedin 100 17.5% Win 570  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) k1llsen - vs - Killmaster - Killmaster
22:58 CDT 4 Jun 2008 hedin 100 20.6% Win 483  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) k1llsen - vs - Killmaster - Killmaster
22:56 CDT 4 Jun 2008 hedin 200 86% Draw 232  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) Cypher - vs - Guard - Cypher
08:27 CDT 3 Jun 2008 hedin 100 83.2% Win 120  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Cypher - vs - Question - Cypher
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