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13:55 CDT - 1308 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
09:45 CDT 24 Aug 2008 SweepeR 500 49.4% Lose 1011  
  Fixture: (Lost) griffin vs destrukt - destrukt
05:03 CST 18 Feb 2008 SweepeR 500 13.4% Lose 3714  
  Fixture: (Lost) CB NC Q3 CTF: Belgium vs Poland - PL to win
12:35 CST 21 Jan 2008 SweepeR 500 32.5% Lose 1534  
  Fixture: (Lost) showmatch: Av3k vs noctis - av3k
12:01 CST 2 Dec 2007 SweepeR 500 70.1% Lose 712  
  Fixture: (Lost) EC XVI Q4 1v1: cYmoZz vs geo - cYmoZz
12:14 CST 19 Nov 2007 SweepeR 500 19.8% Lose 2513  
  Fixture: (Lost) Point Blank vs Plus (cpmctf) - Point Blank
11:04 CST 11 Nov 2007 SweepeR 881 28.4% Lose 3100  
  Fixture: (Lost) Toxic vs Avek i32 final - Avek
06:15 CST 11 Nov 2007 SweepeR 534 60.5% Win 881  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) i32 :: HELL -vs- Naani - HELL to win
08:42 CST 9 Nov 2007 SweepeR 319 73.3% Win 434  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESL UT3 Demo Cup :: ScrMz vs GoHLinK - ScrMz to win
08:42 CST 9 Nov 2007 SweepeR 5000 70.7% Lose 7070  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESL UT3 Demo Cup :: majo vs kayoh - kayoh to win
12:15 CDT 21 Oct 2007 SweepeR 319 75.2% Draw 424  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) abso vs bl4jnd - bl4jnd
12:15 CDT 21 Oct 2007 SweepeR 5000 65.8% Draw 7598  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) Tora vs falcuma - falcuma
18:10 CDT 16 Oct 2007 SweepeR 3033 57% Win 5319  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Rugby World Final - ZA vs ENG - South Africa wins
07:04 CDT 6 Sep 2007 SweepeR 1026 33.8% Win 3033  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EC COD2: Winner of the CB EuroCup XV - TEK9
06:12 CDT 30 Aug 2007 SweepeR 500 48.6% Win 1026  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) WCG NL: qG.QualityGaming vs Supreme Gami - qG.QualityGaming
07:22 CDT 23 Aug 2007 SweepeR 200 78.2% Lose 255  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESL EMS: aTTaX vs - PGS
16:34 CDT 20 Aug 2007 SweepeR 798 61.9% Lose 1287  
  Fixture: (Lost) CB EC: ATTaX vs - ALTERNATE aTTaX
04:29 CDT 9 Aug 2007 SweepeR 500 62.6% Win 798  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ClanBase War§ow TDM Finals - bms to win
08:03 CDT 11 Jul 2007 SweepeR 1502 32% Lose 4686  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ECXV w§w 1v1 :: AgamemnonZ vs V!ct!M - AgamemnonZ to win
12:19 CDT 7 Jul 2007 SweepeR 900 59.8% Win 1502  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ESWC :: av3k -vs- Cooller - av3k to win
12:35 CDT 6 Jul 2007 SweepeR 500 55.5% Win 900  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ESWC :: winz -vs- Hunter - winz to win
10:39 CDT 13 Apr 2007 SweepeR 500 79.8% Draw 625  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ECXV Quake4 1v1 :: LovingAngel vs dreg - dreg to win
11:40 CDT 12 Apr 2007 SweepeR 500 87.8% Draw 569  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ECXV Quake4 1v1 :: kazmi vs k1llsen - k1llsen to win
06:51 CST 10 Mar 2007 SweepeR 500 70.2% Lose 711  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) Ownage LB Round 10: Marklar vs Insane - Insane
13:00 CST 4 Mar 2007 SweepeR 500 57.8% Lose 864  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) Ownage WB Round 4: lbn vs Insane - Insane
16:58 CST 11 Feb 2007 SweepeR 2585 77.6% Lose 3328  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ECXIV UT CTF Bronze Final :: P vs oG - oG to win
16:19 CST 10 Feb 2007 SweepeR 124 81.1% Lose 152  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ECXIV UT TDM Semi :: Whiners vs Team 1 - Whiners to win
06:01 CST 10 Feb 2007 SweepeR 100 80.4% Win 124  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) Ownage WB Round 4: Paradoks vs Doom - Paradoks
06:04 CST 9 Feb 2007 SweepeR 1521 61.1% Win 2485  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXIV UT2004 LBR3 :: astz! vs kiLLzA - astz! to win
06:19 CST 7 Feb 2007 SweepeR 792 59.9% Win 1321  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) ECXIV ET :: zP! vs aMenti - zP! to win
16:59 CST 6 Feb 2007 SweepeR 500 72.1% Win 692  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) W3: Grubby vs. Shy - Grubby to win
14:58 CST 22 Jan 2007 SweepeR 500 9.4% Lose 5272  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ECXIV ET :: idle vs NETR - NETR to win
04:09 CST 19 Dec 2006 SweepeR 500 29.8% Lose 1673  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) CPL Finals :: Z4muZ vs Python - Python to win
12:56 CST 10 Dec 2006 SweepeR 500 23.5% Lose 2126  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) WSVG: Toxic vs Socrates - Socrates to win
12:01 CST 28 Nov 2006 SweepeR 500 70.1% Lose 713  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) ECXIV Q4 TDM :: DkHKeyweb vs K1ck - DkHKeyweb to win
07:10 CST 12 Nov 2006 SweepeR 1569 36.8% Lose 4252  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) SNL PlayOff :: Wakka vs. Frexuz - Frexuz
05:13 CST 2 Nov 2006 SweepeR 1126 88.6% Win 1269  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) SNL: Jabberwackey vs. OoZe - OoZe
12:33 CST 31 Oct 2006 SweepeR 893 79.2% Win 1126  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) SNL: Ztrider vs. OoZe - Ztrider
09:03 CST 31 Oct 2006 SweepeR 100 42.6% Draw 234  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) SNL: sorax vs. facz - sorax
05:38 CST 30 Oct 2006 SweepeR 793 66.1% Draw 1198  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) SNL: sorax vs. facz - facz
11:09 CDT 27 Oct 2006 SweepeR 793 71.4% Draw 1109  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) ESL EM: mouz vs NiP - NiP
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