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16:00 CDT - 1372 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
10:32 CDT 2 Aug 2012 conflex 150 12% Lose 1250  
  Fixture: (Lost) Quakecon duel winner - ZeRo4
10:31 CDT 2 Aug 2012 conflex 100 17.7% Lose 562  
  Fixture: (Lost) Quakecon ctf winner - DaFoneMen
10:31 CDT 2 Aug 2012 conflex 50 81.7% Win 61  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Quakecon - dkt vs a1r-r41d - dkt
10:30 CDT 2 Aug 2012 conflex 100 29.9% Draw 333  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) Quakecon - Flysher vs Fiend - Flysher
10:29 CDT 2 Aug 2012 conflex 100 91.1% Win 109  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Quakecon - Cypher vs dkt - Cypher
03:34 CDT 6 Aug 2011 conflex 202 39.6% Lose 509  
  Fixture: (Lost) Qkcon: rapha vs strenx - strenx
03:34 CDT 6 Aug 2011 conflex 100 70.2% Lose 142  
  Fixture: (Lost) Qkcon: ]:-E vs ic - iCE cLIMBERS
03:34 CDT 6 Aug 2011 conflex 100 21% Lose 474  
  Fixture: (Lost) Qkcon: czm vs Cooller - czm
03:34 CDT 6 Aug 2011 conflex 100 37.8% Lose 264  
  Fixture: (Lost) Qkcon: BallerSsS vs ufx - ufx
14:16 CDT 9 Oct 2010 conflex 100 45.3% Lose 220  
  Fixture: (Lost) Semi Final: DaHanG vs. Vo0 - Vo0
14:16 CDT 9 Oct 2010 conflex 66 86.5% Win 76  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Semi Final: rapha vs czm - rapha
05:55 CDT 9 Oct 2010 conflex 200 46.8% Win 426  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Group A - Chance vs dkt - Chance
05:55 CDT 9 Oct 2010 conflex 200 52.2% Lose 382  
  Fixture: (Lost) Group A - Vo0 vs czm - czm
05:54 CDT 9 Oct 2010 conflex 100 59.9% Win 166  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Group A - Chance vs Vo0 - vo0
14:03 CST 2 Nov 2003 conflex 82 38.1% Lose 215  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - More Events
23:22 CDT 25 Oct 2003 conflex 500 56.7% Lose 880  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - TuLLs wins 2-0
23:21 CDT 25 Oct 2003 conflex 100 22.2% Lose 448  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - gellehsak
10:04 CDT 1 Oct 2003 conflex 95 25% Draw 380  
  Fixture: (Archive Draw, refunded) - 0-2 win no Visible Remorse
10:03 CDT 1 Oct 2003 conflex 100 57.6% Win 173  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - 2-0 win Unmatched
10:02 CDT 1 Oct 2003 conflex 100 79.6% Win 125  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - 2-0 win iCE cLIMBERs #1
16:59 CDT 26 Sep 2003 conflex 100 59.1% Lose 169  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - aAa
15:36 CDT 22 Sep 2003 conflex 200 51.8% Win 385  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - iron fist
21:38 CDT 20 Sep 2003 conflex 25 60.1% Win 41  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - med
21:27 CDT 20 Sep 2003 conflex 25 29.8% Lose 83  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - [<<]
21:19 CDT 20 Sep 2003 conflex 25 87.7% Win 28  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - QPO
21:03 CDT 20 Sep 2003 conflex 200 39.8% Win 501  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - Insane
21:02 CDT 20 Sep 2003 conflex 200 59.6% Lose 335  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Razor
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