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16:34 CDT - 1377 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
02:46 CDT 13 Jul 2012 Gladius 500 41.1% Win 1213  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) Rising Stars II - szr vs nons - nons
09:12 CDT 26 Sep 2011 Gladius 500 8.8% Lose 5666  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESL CC'11: Sweden vs Hungary - Hungary
16:14 CDT 17 Aug 2010 Gladius 500 34.6% Lose 1443  
  Fixture: (Lost) av3k -vs- Spart1e - Spart1e
02:16 CDT 5 Jul 2010 Gladius 500 56.5% Lose 884  
  Fixture: (Lost) WC 2010: Germany - Spain - Germany wins
04:37 CDT 29 Jun 2010 Gladius 500 37.4% Lose 1336  
  Fixture: (Lost) WC 2010: Paraguay - Japan - Japan
05:44 CDT 26 May 2010 Gladius 500 40.4% Lose 1236  
  Fixture: (Lost) QLNC'10: Poland vs Netherlands - Netherlands
14:21 CDT 5 May 2010 Gladius 676 80.5% Lose 838  
  Fixture: (Lost) ENC: Poland vs Russia - Poland
04:44 CDT 9 Apr 2010 Gladius 500 73.9% Win 676  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QLNC'10: Austria vs Poland - Poland
07:08 CST 11 Feb 2010 Gladius 500 39.2% Lose 1275  
  Fixture: (Lost) QLNC'10: Austria vs Germany - Germany
15:56 CST 13 Jan 2010 Gladius 500 67.9% Draw 736  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) EMS5: edv vs LLL - LowLandLions
05:42 CST 17 Dec 2009 Gladius 1557 50.6% Lose 3076  
  Fixture: (Lost) IEM EU Champ: noctis vs av3k - noctis
13:15 CDT 17 Oct 2009 Gladius 542 34.7% Win 1557  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) rapha vs fox - fox
08:28 CDT 15 Aug 2009 Gladius 542 58.8% Draw 920  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) QkCon09 duel: Cypher vs Rapha - Cypher wins
12:31 CDT 8 Jul 2009 Gladius 500 31.7% Lose 1574  
  Fixture: (Lost) EMS4: cypher vs spart1e - spart1e
04:56 CDT 24 Jun 2009 Gladius 300 40.3% Win 742  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EMS4: Jibo vs cypher - cypher
08:25 CDT 21 Jun 2009 Gladius 500 33.2% Lose 1502  
  Fixture: (Lost) EMS4: strenx vs k1llsen - k1llsen
13:44 CDT 22 May 2009 Gladius 1878 50.2% Lose 3739  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: France vs Russia - Russia
04:15 CDT 25 Mar 2009 Gladius 980 52.1% Win 1878  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: France vs Poland - France
14:58 CDT 23 Mar 2009 Gladius 592 60.3% Win 980  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) QNC Q3 TDM: Austria vs Russia - Russia
07:36 CST 26 Feb 2009 Gladius 600 63% Lose 951  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Austria vs Netherlands - Netherlands
03:24 CDT 17 Oct 2008 Gladius 679 56.9% Win 1192  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC MoA :: SK-Rapha -vs- Toxjq - SK-Rapha to win
05:20 CDT 25 Aug 2008 Gladius 400 58.8% Win 679  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) killsen vs griffin - killsen
05:19 CDT 21 Aug 2008 Gladius 3333 47.3% Lose 7040  
  Fixture: (Lost) D3porte: k1llmas vs Guard - Guard
06:20 CDT 6 Jul 2008 Gladius 500 15% Win 3333  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC Masters Final: Cypher vs fojji - Cypher wins 2:0
08:02 CST 11 Feb 2008 Gladius 500 59.3% Win 842  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) CB NC Q3 CTF: GER vs PL - GER to win
05:53 CDT 6 Sep 2007 Gladius 400 33.5% Win 1192  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) EC COD2: Winner of the CB EuroCup XV - TEK9
16:12 CDT 21 Oct 2002 Gladius 50 6.2% Win 804  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - ni3
16:11 CDT 21 Oct 2002 Gladius 100 51% Lose 195  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Python
16:10 CDT 21 Oct 2002 Gladius 50 8.2% Lose 608  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Janus
16:09 CDT 21 Oct 2002 Gladius 50 26.1% Lose 191  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - matr0x
16:08 CDT 21 Oct 2002 Gladius 50 31.7% Lose 157  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Death
16:07 CDT 21 Oct 2002 Gladius 50 5% Lose 992  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Impulse
16:05 CDT 21 Oct 2002 Gladius 50 46.1% Lose 108  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Death
16:04 CDT 21 Oct 2002 Gladius 50 4.6% Lose 1072  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Jibo
16:29 CDT 3 Jun 2002 Gladius 100 21.1% Lose 472  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - Draw
12:02 CDT 17 Apr 2002 Gladius 100 56.2% Win 177  
  Fixture: (Archive Win, cashed) - Russia
14:38 CST 6 Apr 2002 Gladius 120 20.4% Lose 587  
  Fixture: (Archive: Lost) - UNR, rG, MurK
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