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13:57 CDT - 1197 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
10:56 CDT 15 Jul 2013 plaboco 500 17.7% Lose 2811  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125 FPS July League - Group A1 - Cyber
12:40 CDT 10 Jun 2013 plaboco 500 18.8% Lose 2650  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125 FPS June League - Group D1 - Ash
08:18 CDT 28 May 2013 plaboco 469 32.4% Lose 1446  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125 FPS May League - matr0x vs strenx - matr0x
08:43 CDT 27 May 2013 plaboco 325 69.2% Win 469  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS May League - guard vs ash - guard
08:43 CDT 27 May 2013 plaboco 700 43.6% Lose 1603  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125 FPS May League - pavel vs agent - agent
13:25 CDT 22 May 2013 plaboco 1000 34.5% Lose 2891  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125 FPS May League - Group D2 winner - p0ni
15:14 CDT 26 Apr 2013 plaboco 819 40.4% Win 2025  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS April League - evil vs cooller - cooller
08:50 CDT 24 Apr 2013 plaboco 602 73.4% Win 819  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS April League - strenx vs cypher - cypher
10:50 CDT 23 Apr 2013 plaboco 500 83% Win 602  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS April League cooller vs baksteen - cooller
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