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14:47 CDT - 1341 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
00:26 CDT 24 Jul 2013 hks 2319 49.1% Win 4715  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS July League - Group C2 - agent
14:23 CDT 17 Jul 2013 hks 500 21.5% Win 2319  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS July League - Group D1 - bpatela
13:46 CDT 16 Jun 2013 hks 1305 2.2% Lose 58066  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125 FPS June League - Overall Winner - agent
06:55 CDT 1 Jun 2013 hks 514 39.3% Win 1305  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS May League - cypher vs evil - evil
07:29 CDT 31 May 2013 hks 300 58.3% Win 514  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS May League - cypher vs cooller - cypher
12:14 CDT 25 May 2013 hks 547 13.9% Lose 3912  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125 FPS May League - guard vs ash - ash
07:17 CDT 20 May 2013 hks 200 44.6% Win 447  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) 125 FPS May League - Group A2 winner - cooller
08:19 CDT 13 May 2013 hks 500 74.2% Lose 673  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125 FPS May League - Group A winner - dem0n
07:45 CDT 25 Apr 2013 hks 500 28% Lose 1781  
  Fixture: (Lost) 125 FPS April League - strenx vs cypher - strenx
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