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14:00 CDT - 1256 users online
Bets Placed
User Stake Odds Winnings
14:07 CST 15 Jan 2009 Deimos 200 64.2% Lose 311  
  Fixture: (Lost) QNC Q3 TDM: Germany vs Belarus - Belarus
07:31 CDT 17 Oct 2008 Deimos 100 36.6% Lose 272  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC MoA :: srs`Cypher -vs- mouz.cooller - mouz.cooller to win
07:30 CDT 17 Oct 2008 Deimos 100 42.8% Win 233  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC MoA :: srs`av3k -vs- RazerJ - RazerJ to win
07:29 CDT 17 Oct 2008 Deimos 135 80.6% Win 167  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) ESWC MoA :: srs`Cypher -vs- xlo.spart1e - srs`Cypher to win
07:27 CDT 17 Oct 2008 Deimos 100 67.7% Lose 147  
  Fixture: (Lost) ESWC MoA :: mouz.cooller vs xlo.spart1e - mouz.cooller to win
02:22 CDT 9 Sep 2008 Deimos 88 64.7% Win 135  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) D3porte: Cypher vs question - serious/Cypher
07:51 CDT 26 Aug 2008 Deimos 50 80.8% Win 61  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) cypher vs killsen - cypher
07:51 CDT 26 Aug 2008 Deimos 30 71.7% Win 41  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) chance vs czm - czm
07:51 CDT 26 Aug 2008 Deimos 20 56.5% Lose 35  
  Fixture: (Lost) jibo vs zero4 - zero4
07:50 CDT 26 Aug 2008 Deimos 25 49% Draw 50  
  Fixture: (Draw, refunded) rapha vs fox - fox
07:50 CDT 26 Aug 2008 Deimos 25 60.3% Lose 41  
  Fixture: (Lost) killsen vs czm - czm
07:49 CDT 26 Aug 2008 Deimos 25 58.3% Win 42  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) zero4 vs fox - zero4
07:49 CDT 26 Aug 2008 Deimos 25 52.7% Win 47  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) rapha vs jibo - jibo
07:47 CDT 26 Aug 2008 Deimos 300 80.6% Win 372  
  Fixture: (Win, cashed) chance vs cypher - cypher
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