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The Path of Least Resistance (2 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 22:58 CST, 10 February 2013 - iMsg
There is a philosophy among some people in the community, that we should not implement the path of least resistance. Among the people in question, an unscientific determination has been made that the path should have added resistance, presumably for the purpose of weeding out weak, shallow, instant-

Quake Dyslexia (5 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:05 CST, 10 February 2013 - iMsg
The geniuses behind Quake Live thought there were too many players, so they added an option to vote-kick people out of public servers. They use a sampler system to entice people into buying accounts, which has never worked and still doesn't, and yet, like insane people, they continue using it.

Salem Witch Trials (3 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:36 CST, 20 January 2013 - iMsg
Does it bother any of you that so many QL players are delusional nutjobs? If you are better than someone else, you must be cheating. If you are warping, even if it's completely unintentional and beyond your control, you are a cheater who is worse than a serial killer. Maybe QL should devise

2013 will be a great year for eSports (11 comments)
Posted by SoLomoNK @ 09:36 CST, 29 December 2012 - iMsg
dear ID Software owners, dear esr readers, dear quakers, dear warsowians, My bet is that 2013 will be a great year for videogame, eSports, Fast Paced Shooters, and for the whole Quake scene, including Warsow. But first of all, as Warsow's founder, I'd like to tell my endless grati
Edited by SoLomoNK at 22:31 CST, 29 December 2012
School Shooting (23 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 16:55 CST, 17 December 2012 - iMsg
So, you know, there was another school-shooting thing here. In this case, it would seem we have stepped into a 1990's timewarp, as all the old politician douchebag types who grew up in a golden pre-video-game age are now discussing the serious issue of video-games. Before a motive has even been
Edited by G.I. Jonesy at 16:58 CST, 17 December 2012
The one true Quake Legend (12 comments)
Posted by Warrant @ 11:49 CST, 13 December 2012 - iMsg
ZeRo4, [img1] 1) Complete player, ZeRo4 never had glaring weakness in his game like a lot of top players in early quake. He had the movement,timing,aim the complete package.He also competed at the highest level in CTF and TDM. 2) Longevity, ZeRo4 was competing back in the earliest days of Quak

#PLAYKVEK IS LIFE (No comments)
Posted by esdf @ 19:11 CST, 12 December 2012 - iMsg

HoQ TDM S3 Div 1 Predictions & Updates (64 comments)
Posted by [eXodus] @ 09:08 CST, 29 November 2012 - iMsg
This season is looking up to be the best one so far, with so many high level teams signing up it's going to be exciting to see who performs to their best, and who wishes the season to be over. Hopefully their won't be any dropouts and we have 9 weeks of pure TDM greatness ahead of us. Pred
Edited by [eXodus] at 17:05 CST, 2 December 2012
What is Quake? (52 comments)
Posted by Memento_Mori @ 05:05 CDT, 26 October 2012 - iMsg
This is going to be a short essay. For the first time after an event, I felt that staying quiet and think of the past days was the best I could do. I finally managed to put together a few paragraphs that I combined in this column. I know this event deserves more than what I could capture here, and h
Edited by Memento_Mori at 17:05 CDT, 26 October 2012
the adventures of mouse* @Enschede (3 comments)
Posted by mouse* @ 11:02 CDT, 21 October 2012 - iMsg
Adroits in Enschede - a simple mans view I am pretty sure Memento Mori will write a literary masterpiece about the event but still I want to give you a little look into my weekend. It is Sunday , 11:33 and I am in the train back home to Germany already. I am really sad that i had to leave thi

the adventures of mouse* @Enschede (35 comments)
Posted by mouse* @ 10:58 CDT, 21 October 2012 - iMsg
Adroits in Enschede - a simple mans view I am pretty sure Memento Mori will write a literary masterpiece about the event but still I want to give you a little look into my weekend. It is Sunday , 11:33 and I am in the train back home to Germany already. I am really sad that i had to leave thi

EuroCup XXVI (87 comments)
Posted by chubz @ 13:44 CDT, 22 September 2012 - iMsg
From the 34 signed up clans I'm going to try and do a coherent guide to top clans contending for a spot in this season EuroCup XXVI. Mind you the list of clans this season is rather small and a maybe almost half of clans signed up should well be above requirements we think there are for playin
Edited by chubz at 08:08 CDT, 26 September 2012
Now is the right time, part 1 (9 comments)
Posted by AL|EN @ 10:23 CDT, 20 August 2012 - iMsg
I sense something, a presence I've not felt since long time... I remember that over 10 years ago i played my first Quake 1 game ever in my school. Even if i played using only keyboard (yes, only forward, back, jump and turn left/right, no look up/down) i was stunned. We scream all over the
Edited by AL|EN at 10:24 CDT, 20 August 2012
Is Warsow the future? (140 comments)
Posted by 24 @ 21:54 CDT, 12 August 2012 - iMsg
I first met the game in 2007, when I tested three different full conversion Quake III Arena modifications: OpenArena, World of Padman, and Warsow. Out of these three, Warsow stood the farthest from its predecessor. I found playing it fun, but it wasn't convincing enough to stick around, and the
Edited by xou at 03:41 CDT, 13 August 2012
Strategy Blog Covering Basics and Gaming (No comments)
Posted by wokyen @ 10:48 CDT, 10 August 2012 - iMsg (Front Page and Video Games section) At the above location you will find a blog that attempts to cover the foundations of strategy in many different areas. I apologize if the language is a bit unclear or confusing, but my hope is that competitive gamers are able to

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