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Progress (No comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 20:10 CDT, 10 August 2010 - iMsg
Apparently, id and Quake are stuck in 1993, where people would go to arcades and could only play 1v1, and everyone would wait in line and put their quarters up on the screen, and if you got a high-score, you'd put in your initials, and everyone would see them on the high-score page. It'

The Pro Account (6 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 20:41 CDT, 8 August 2010 - iMsg
I don't have any problem with paying $24 a year.. I mean, who could possibly have a problem with that amount of money? Homeless Quake players? I also understand perfectly well, it's either ads or subscriptions (or potentially donations, but how well does that ever work?). And if you onl

Is id Sofware screwing its partners? (10 comments)
Posted by anal justice @ 13:19 CDT, 6 August 2010 - iMsg
Long story short: I have a buddy who is a licensed partners of ESL in my country. He's doing cups, running ladders and stuff like that. As you may know, ESL provides (at least in my opinion, hence why I have a regular job and do not bother with e-sports) next to nothing in return. So,
Edited by anal justice at 13:22 CDT, 6 August 2010
The Problem With Quake (4 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 17:11 CDT, 1 August 2010 - iMsg
First of all, the problem is with the developers. What do you think happens when a player opens the server list, and finds no one playing? They leave. They go to some other game, where people are actually playing. Because of how antiquated and poorly structured the server design is, even if people a

Re: Sheep-shearing on a sinking boat? (3 comments)
Posted by sama @ 16:50 CDT, 23 July 2010 - iMsg
Soo many words... Let's face it, Quake Live from a business perspective has no future. I mean where is the incentive for a new player to join Quake Live nowadays? Imagine you were a 13 years old teenager, would you play Quake? Quite frankly I would not. The community is small, the game looks

Progress (5 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 14:43 CDT, 18 July 2010 - iMsg
Maybe if the very immature 'pro-gaming' community would wake up to reality, and stop playing sports hero, we could actually make some progress. Let's be objective here: How much money can 'pro-gamers' make today, compared to fifteen years ago? The exact same amount? Less? Th

Sheep-shearing on a sinking boat? (176 comments)
Posted by Memento_Mori @ 03:31 CDT, 14 July 2010 - iMsg
If I had to draw an analogy, before its initial opening, QL looked like the sexy girl from out of town a friend of you brought to your birthday party. The fact she turned out being underage and arguably female marked the beginning of a long lasting tormented relationship, which recently had an inter
Edited by Memento_Mori at 03:54 CDT, 15 July 2010
The Death of Deathmatch (22 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 20:58 CDT, 13 July 2010 - iMsg
CS players often criticize Quake, for not having many players... as if that means Quake isn't good, when usually, popular equals mediocre. But really, is any deathmatch game still popular? Halo doesn't count, it may as well be a game for snails, it's so slow and handicapped by poor co

Why are we playing Quake Live? (61 comments)
Posted by fagrick @ 15:28 CDT, 8 July 2010 - iMsg
Let’s be honest here, after seeing day one of ESWC, history writes itself again. Quake Live is once again hurting the community. Why? Day one of ESWC saw little matches. Nothing was on schedule due to one simple problem. ID Software. Now, this isn't entirely their fault. If the world was
Edited by will at 00:13 CDT, 10 July 2010
ESL Classics: rapha vs. Cooller (148 comments)
Posted by Carmac @ 13:18 CDT, 7 July 2010 - iMsg
There will be another season of QUAKE LIVE in the Intel Extreme Masters. I thought I should point that out before going on to other things, since no one really bothered to post about it on ESReality for almost a week. What does that mean? It means that the game you guys love to follow so much i
Edited by Carmac at 10:31 CDT, 8 July 2010
The Problem With Sports (5 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 19:50 CDT, 25 June 2010 - iMsg
As any athlete knows, there is no future in athletics. You play your game for a while, and then you must retire, regardless of your choice. It comes to be, for every professional athlete, the point is reached where they must leave what they love. And when they do, the beginning is a depressing time.

Let's ban He4rTL3sS from esreality (106 comments)
Posted by OSEF @ 01:17 CDT, 21 June 2010 - iMsg
Usually when someone is too much annoying he is banned here or go in Probation mod. Thank to the moderators ;-) 100 differents peoples agree with me, and bye bye He4rTL3sS.

Piracy (16 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 09:05 CDT, 16 June 2010 - iMsg
People keep saying, game-developers do not make PC games because of piracy. I'm just wondering, how greedy are these developers? Honestly, how much money do they make from PC games, even with piracy? You're telling me, they don't turn a healthy profit, with or without piracy? Seems to

Re: mrlamboukos' QL Journal (30 comments)
Posted by DTS @ 15:27 CDT, 7 June 2010 - iMsg
Re: mrlamboukos' QL Journal what is your favorite character in Quake live and generaly in quake , there is any special reason for using it ? Well the Quake Live characters aren't generally in Quake, unless you are talking about Rangers
Edited by DTS at 18:49 CDT, 7 June 2010
Isn't that New champion great (9 comments)
Posted by G.I. Jonesy @ 08:39 CDT, 7 June 2010 - iMsg
When the founders were thinking about adding Freedom of the Press to the constitution, sycophantic crap journalism about celebrities is what they envisioned. If society is dumb enough to buy such crap, instead of legitimate journalism, they will be lucky to avoid all the potentially horrible thin

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