Posted by eburbeck @ 13:03 CDT, 16 August 2016 - iMsg
I can't remember exactly what I was trolling Zhu about, but apparently he got so pissed that he banned me from his twitch chat. WP, EBURB, WP :P
Just ignore the author and read the content as it is.
Despite not playing quake anymore, i still come on esr. I tend to read anything with ql next to it. Then some random shit.
To be honest, some content used to be genuine, but now its just awful.
Right now, there is a guy asking for a csgo
**EDIT** 14/06/2016 - A lot of the stuff here doesn't apply to Quake: Champions. It looks like a genuine attempt to me to bring Quake to the modern gaming culture, and I hope it is successful.
I see a lot of people on the internet think of the oldschool shooters as 'mindless' twitc
Posted by TheMafia @ 19:22 CDT, 18 March 2016 - iMsg
Work in progress
Official Source:
Google Docs Copy:
TourneyCPM Article (look for updates here)
Ive played CTF for as long as
With rocket dodging there are 4 very important things to learn. Timing the dodge, predicting/reacting to the rocket direction and learning to tap left/right very fast like cooller which very few people in quake can replicate. All of this will come through experience but to master do
Part 1 here
In the next few months I kept getting better and better but something far more interesting was lurking around the corner. The first true definition of an online gaming community was forming. The same people would appear on the same servers and it didn't take long before your mind
Personal Introduction
Blog site
Disclaimer : I'm not a writer, English is not my native language and these are my personal memoirs. If you don't like them or like my writing style ...well, "Suck it down!" (c) Romero
Disclaimer2 : I'm not the 'US' Unholy
hey guys i bought a sennheiser hd558 a couple of months ago and they are too open.. i am looking for a new headset. i see nowdays alot is USB. i am used to 3.5mm plug. what are benefits of USB? it has integrated sounddevice? also im used to 2.0 and theres also alot of 5.1 and 7.1 out there combined
Posted by TheMafia @ 15:56 CST, 24 February 2016 - iMsg
I was testing my stream, turned out ok, could be better.
In the process i made a highlight of the portion where I dueled /black.
Here's a recent duel in CPMA for those that used to play or just want to see whats up there now.
1st duel is warm
1 year since logged in on esr cmss account.
18 days and 3 months since last logged in on this account.
Hidden in the shadows
Watching from the distance
Watching veteren sorrows
As more updates are followed
Basicly it's me. For those of you who don't know who I am, I am
Posted by LCANT @ 14:37 CST, 15 November 2015 - iMsg
I played Fallout 3 to the end. I also regularly commit to stupid acts that I later realize were unnecessary, typically because I'm not aware of some obvious relevant information that would better inform my decision-making process. These are facts from my life. Here are some other facts about me
Posted by LotBlind @ 14:17 CDT, 10 October 2015 - iMsg
That's pretty much it. Even as people write about how in their view QL should be changed to make it easier to get into (don't turn this into that thread though), they use the old code names for maps instead of the newer actual name names. I realize it probably happens instin