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Coverage: IEM4
IEM4 EC Playday #1 Part 2 (18 comments)
Posted by xou @ 09:54 CST, 3 December 2009 - iMsg
The European Championship goes on tonight with an early match from Playday 3 between k1llsen and madix at 13:00 CDT, and a rescheduled game from Playday 1 featuring draven and pulseh at 15:30 CDT.

Links: European Championship, mIRC #esl.quakelive
Edited by xou at 02:01 CST, 4 December 2009 - 6589 Hits
IEM4 European Championship Playday #1 (129 comments)
Posted by xou @ 00:59 CST, 1 December 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CST, 2 December 2009
Schedule: Passed

The Intel Extreme Masters IV Quakelive American Championship has just finished this last weekend. Now the American Finals in Canada Edmonton are the next step and will be played between the 11th and the 13th of December.

Meanwhile the European Championship already started with a few matches from Group D (due to United Kingdom GaRpY been away for the entire month). And tomorrow, the first Playday is kicking off for real! As Wednesday is the Quakelive's day on ESL TV, the 4 best matches will be on stream and commentated by United Kingdom 2GD and United Kingdom Joe! Here is what you can expect tomorrow evening:

Links: American Championship, European Championship, ESL TV, mIRC #esl.quakelive
Streaming: ESL-TV (Alternative host) - VOD
Edited by xou at 01:52 CST, 3 December 2009 - 36529 Hits
IEM US Regular Season - Final Day (14 comments)
Posted by Rondrian @ 18:31 CST, 24 November 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 21:00 CST, 25 November 2009 to 00:40 CST, 26 November 2009
Schedule: Passed

Tomorrow is the final play day of the Intel Extreme Masters American Championship regular season. We are looking for another two players that will be directly qualified for the LAN finals taking place in Canada Edmonton on the 11th to 13th December. The top player of each group is direclty qualified for the Continental Finals America, the second and third placed players of each group will face up against second and third placed players from other groups in a relegation match on Sunday, 29th November. The winner of those relegation matches will join the offline finals as well.

Already qualified for the offline finals are United States of America dkt and United States of America rapha, United States of America DaHang will probably also reach the offline finals directly, because his last match vs. United States of America swooped will be forfeited due illness.

Broadcasting links for the matches will be announced later on. Demos of already played matches like Netherlands Vo0 vs. United States of America rapha can be found here.

Source: ESL IEM US QL Site
Edited by Rondrian at 19:52 CST, 25 November 2009 - 4928 Hits
IEM4 European Championship Schedule (1 comment)
Posted by xou @ 22:46 CST, 21 November 2009 - iMsg
After the different events happening in December and January were considered, the schedule of the European Championship was finalized and is available to everyone. No need to mention that all matches are still subject to reschedule. On that matter, today all the players were sent the rules and informations about the tournament, including the rescheduling process. For now, United Kingdom GaRpY's matches are known to be moved to the end of November.

Here are the pre-defined dates and times for the matches at the moment (times are CET):

All the games planned on Wednesday after 16:00 CDT are planned to be covered on the ESL TV Quakelive show by United Kingdom 2GD and United Kingdom Joe. For all the other games nothing is planned, but it is expected to have streaming for the majority of games.

Links: QL European Championship, Groups, Schedule, ESL TV
Edited by xou at 22:46 CST, 21 November 2009 - 1221 Hits
IEM4 American Championship Group Matches (47 comments)
Posted by QuakeLiveTV @ 19:07 CST, 18 November 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 21:00 CST, 18 November 2009 to 22:30 CST, 18 November 2009
Schedule: Passed

Tonight more IEM4 American Championship Playday #2 matches will be played and get covered starting at 21:00 CST, 18 November 2009. Coverage will be provided by

Stream: QuakeLive.TV
Links: American Championship, Groups, mIRC #esl.quakelive
Edited by xou at 07:19 CST, 19 November 2009 - 13337 Hits
IEM Euro Championship Group Drawing (116 comments)
Posted by Rondrian @ 14:11 CST, 17 November 2009 - iMsg
Tomorrow night on ESL TV at 16:00 CDT during ESL TVs Quake Live Show the groups for the Intel Extreme Masters European Championship regular season will be drawn. From four seeding pools the players will be drawn into eight groups of four, from each pool only one player can be in one group. Also players from the same Nation or Clan can't be in one group. The top two of each of those groups will advance to the Intel Extreme Masters European Champion Finals, which will be played offline in LAN.

Update: The groups are now public and some more informations are available about the IEM4 Championship. The slot distribution for the Global Finals will be as following: Europe gets 6 slots, America gets 3 slots (+ rapha for Dubai) and Asia gets 2 slots. Also, the European Championship Finals will take take in Germany Cologne during the 23rd and 24th of January for Quakelive.

Source: ESL News
Edited by xou at 16:59 CST, 18 November 2009 - 34778 Hits
IEM4 European Championship Qualifier #4 (10 comments)
Posted by xou @ 02:50 CST, 15 November 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 12:00 CST, 15 November 2009 to 16:30 CST, 15 November 2009
Schedule: Passed

The fourth and last Qualifier cup of the European Championship will see its first matches played tonight at 13:00 CDT. The sign-ups for this cup will remain open until 12:30 CDT, then the check-in process will begin. About 135 players already signed up to battle for the last 4 slots!

The cup structure will consist of a single elimination brackets with 128-slots. The first 2 rounds would be played as bo1 and all the other rounds as bo3. The top4 players will be the last ones to get qualified and join the following ones:

Update: Here are the rankings and the last qualified players from this 4th cup:
1st. Netherlands Ben "Sc00t" Siebert
2nd. Belgium Romain "dem0n" Leclercq
4th. Sweden Tomas "doj" Jonson
4th. United Kingdom Hamid "pulseh" Alnasser
Stream:, rondrian@LS
Links: Sign-up, Sign-ups list, Brackets, mIRC #esl.quakelive, Qualifier #1, Qualifier #2, Qualifier #3
Edited by xou at 07:27 CST, 16 November 2009 - 6720 Hits
IEM4 European Championship Qualifier #3 (113 comments)
Posted by xou @ 05:45 CST, 12 November 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CST, 12 November 2009 to 18:30 CST, 12 November 2009
Schedule: Passed

The third Qualifier cup of the European Championship will kick off tonight at 14:00 CDT, right before the default time for the EMS5 TDM Round 2 matches. Again, the sign-ups will remain open until 13:30 CDT, then the check-in process will begin. At the moment, a bit less than 120 players already signed up!

With so many players, the cup should again use a single elimination brackets with 128-slots. The first 2 rounds would be played as bo1 and all the other rounds as bo3. The top4 players from this cup will be qualified and join the following ones:

Update: Here are the rankings and the qualified players from this 3rd cup:
1st. Iceland Eyţór "linKoo" Kristjánsson
2nd. Ireland Ciarán "kRoNic" Rodgers
3rd. Sweden Karl "fooKi" Johansson
4th. Netherlands Geordy "geow" Molenaar
The 4th and last Qualifier Cup will be played this Sunday and the sign-ups are already open.

Links: Sign-up, Sign-ups list, Brackets, mIRC #esl.quakelive, Qualifier #1, Qualifier #2
Edited by xou at 03:51 CST, 13 November 2009 - 27915 Hits
IEM America Playday #1 (60 comments)
Posted by Rondrian @ 17:38 CST, 11 November 2009 - iMsg
Tonight the IEM4 American Championship should see the next Playday 1 games played. For the streaming coverage, Marcus "djWHEAT" Graham from and the guys from QL-TV will be around to shoutcast the following matches:
- finished: United States of America walter vs Vo0 Netherlands (bet / results + demos) - with djWHEAT
- finished: United States of America SK-rapha vs EG|Chance United States of America (bet / results + demos) - with djWHEAT

- rescheduled: Canada EG|Griffin vs Loaded|relic United States of America (bet / match details) - with QL-TV
- finished: United States of America swooped vs Loaded|carnage United States of America (bet / result + demos) - with QL-TV

Some matches are still subject to rescheduling and this post will be updated as often as possible.

Streams: (Audio only), QL-TV

Links: American Championship, Groups, mIRC #esl.quakelive
Edited by xou at 22:37 CST, 11 November 2009 - 8868 Hits
ESL IEM4 American Champ Coverage TONIGHT (2 comments)
Posted by QuakeLiveTV @ 15:30 CST, 11 November 2009 - iMsg
djWHEAT will be shoutcasting matches between walter vs vo0 followed by rapha vs chance starting at 10pm EST TONIGHT at

Further IEM4 American Championship coverage by djWHEAT on Nov 15 2009:

griffin vs. LostCause and dkt vs. kgb

Mark your calendars!

While djWHEAT is out of town, QLTV will be helping to cover matches on November 18. Wheat's coverage will resume on Nov 22.

IEM4 American Championship Results so far:

DaHanG vs judge_ -> 2:0
gellehsak vs kgb -> 2:0
dkt vs pl4gue -> 2:0
sparks vs LoSt-CaUzE -> 0:2
Edited by Nukm at 15:57 CST, 11 November 2009 - 1268 Hits
IEM4 European Championship Qualifier #2 (160 comments)
Posted by xou @ 01:25 CST, 10 November 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CST, 9 November 2009 to 18:00 CST, 9 November 2009
Schedule: Passed

The second Qualifier cup of the European Championship will kick off tonight at 14:00 CDT. Again, the sign-ups will remain open until 13:30 CDT, then the check-in process will begin. About 130 players already signed up!

Once more, the cup should use a single elimination brackets with 128-slots. The first 2 rounds would be played as bo1 and all the other rounds as bo3. The top4 players from this cup will be qualified and join the following ones:

The VOD of the first cup is still available on ESL TV. But it's very unlikely that ESL TV will cover this second cup. Feel free to contact an admin on IRC if you wish to stream some matches.

Update: The cup is over and some VODs of the matches can be found from Congratulations to GaRpY and Z4muZ For breaking our current "number of overtimes in a game" with 7 OTs on dm13, the first map of the final! The Qualifier cup #3 will be played on Thursday 12th (Sign-ups) Here are the finals rankings and the 4 players who qualified:
1st. Sweden Alexander "Z4muZ" Ihrfors
2nd. United Kingdom Gareth "GaRpY" Marshall
3rd. Netherlands Richard "Weird" Krooman
4th. Lithuania Marius "GUard" Ivanauskas
Links: Sign-up, Sign-ups list, Brackets, mIRC #esl.quakelive, Qualifier #1
Edited by xou at 02:09 CST, 10 November 2009 - 53500 Hits
IEM4 European Championship Qualifier #1 (124 comments)
Posted by xou @ 17:25 CST, 4 November 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:00 CST, 4 November 2009 to 17:30 CST, 4 November 2009
Schedule: Passed

The first Qualifier cup for the European Championship will start tonight at 14:00 CDT. The sign-ups will be open until 13:30 CDT, then it will be time for the check-ins! So far more than 120 142 players are already signed up, but only 64 128 players will remain after the check-ins. Then the first 2 rounds will be played as bo1, and all the other rounds as bo3!

The top4 players from the cup will be qualified and will join the following invited players for the European Championship:
Update: ESL TV will cover the matches starting at 16:00 CDT with 2GD and Joe (Alt. Host)!
Update 2: The 1st cup is now over and the next one will be played on Monday 9th (Sign-up!). Here are the rankings and the 4 qualified players:
1st. Poland Bogdan "bodzo" Mazur
2nd. United Kingdom daniel "zsx" sanders
3rd. Iceland Friđbjörn "xrebz" Davidsen
4th. France Charles "FooX" Moriceau
Update 3: The VOD of the show is now available!

Links: Sign-up, Sign-ups list, Brackets
mIRC #esl.quakelive
Edited by xou at 10:48 CST, 5 November 2009 - 32487 Hits
16 Invitees for IEM Euro Championship (91 comments)
Posted by Rondrian @ 06:05 CST, 3 November 2009 - iMsg
Today the last six invited players for the Intel Extreme Masters European Championship were announced. Now all 16 invited players are set and the last 16 players to fill the 32 player regular season line up, can be established in Qualifier cups. Those 32 players will play for $13,200 prize money in the European Championship.

Those 16 players will be grouped together with 16 players from four qualifier cups into eight groups of four. From those eight groups the top two of each group advance to the offline finals.

The first qualifier Cup will start 13:00 CST, 4 November 2009 with probably 64 to 128 members, which will play in a single elimination bracket, with the first rounds being bo1, while in later rounds it will be bo3.

Links: Sign Up for Qualifier #1 - already signed up players - Announcement of Invitees
Edited by Carmac at 10:19 CST, 3 November 2009 - 20877 Hits
ESL Dubai Bloopers Video (94 comments)
Posted by Streetrunner @ 12:02 CDT, 30 October 2009 - iMsg
The AGP presents a blooper video from the ESL Quake Live Intel Extreme Masters 4 Global Challenge in Dubai. The tournament was great but also had some funny moments. Hope you all enjoy.

We posted an additional AGP Classic match this week as well: Fatal1ty vs Zero4 at QuakeCon 2002. You all might remember when the defending champion of QuakeCon got shut out on DM6. Well, this is it.

Stay tuned next week for a special treat.

Brought to you by the AGP (Association of Gaming Professionals). Thank you for your continual support!
Edited by xou at 12:11 CDT, 30 October 2009 - 30511 Hits
IEM European Championship Details (8 comments)
Posted by Rondrian @ 11:21 CDT, 30 October 2009 - iMsg
As announced yesterday the Intel Extreme Masters European Championship will have four qualifiers Cups with the top four of each cup joining the 16 invited players for a regular season with 32 players. Today the ESL announced the details about the qualification cups and also the first five invited players.

Here are the first five invites for the European Championship, the next five will be announced on Sunday and the last six will be announced on Tuesday.

Source: Qualifier Announcement - Invite Announcement
Edited by xou at 12:00 CDT, 30 October 2009 - 2896 Hits
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