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Coverage: ZOTAC QL
ZOTAC Quake Live Cup #6 is over! (95 comments)
Posted by vash_ @ 00:00 CST, 8 November 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 8 November 2009 to 12:00 CST, 8 November 2009
Schedule: Passed

The 6th edition of the weekly ZOTAC QuakeLive cup will take place this Sunday. The sign-ups are open until 08:00 CDT so be sure to check their homepage and sign up.

Update: From 144 signed up players 103 actually checked in. Famous players participating in ZOTAC #6 were Russia cooller, Germany k1llsen, Lithuania guard, France strenx, Sweden spart1e and many more.

1. France fnatic\strenx - 100€
2. Russia mouz|cooller
3. Lithuania BVG|guard / Iceland linKoo
Links: Tourney tree - mIRC #zotac.qlive
Edited by shorrty at 12:59 CST, 28 November 2009 - 34912 Hits
ZOTAC QL Hall of Fame 2009-2010 (23 comments)
Posted by shorrty @ 08:32 CST, 6 November 2009 - iMsg
All winners at a glance:

2009-2010 rankings
1. France Kevin "strenx" Baéza (17)
2. Germany Marcel "k1llsen" Paul (10)
3. Belgium Adrien "burnedd" Denis (4)
3. Lithuania Marius "GUard" Ivanauskas (4)
5. Sweden Sebastian "Spart1e" Siira (3)
5. Russia Anton "Cooller" Singov (3)
7. Poland Maciej "av3k" Krzykowski (2)
7. Belarus Alexey "Cypher" Yanushevsky (2)
7. Russia Nikolay "agent" Mayorov (2)
10. Sweden Pelle "fazz" Söderman (1)
10. Austria Richard "noctis" Gansterer (1)
10. United States of America Tim "DaHanG" Fogarty (1)
10. United Kingdom Gareth "GaRpY" Marshall (1)
10. Sweden Michael "mAdix" Hindersson (1)

Cup list
Cup #1: France strenx
Cup #2: Germany k1llsen
Cup #3: Germany k1llsen
Cup #4: Sweden fazz
Cup #5: Lithuania GUard
Cup #6: France strenx
Cup #7: Poland av3k
Cup #8: Germany k1llsen
Cup #9: France strenx
Cup #10: Russia Cooller

Cup #11: Sweden spart1e
Cup #12: France strenx
Cup #13: France strenx
Cup #14: Sweden spart1e
Cup #15: France strenx
Cup #16: Belgium burnedd
Cup #17: Germany k1llsen
Cup #18: Poland av3k
Cup #19: France strenx
Cup #20: France strenx

Cup #21: United States of America DaHanG
Cup #22: United Kingdom GaRpY
Cup #23: Belarus Cypher
Cup #24: Belarus Cypher
Cup #25: France strenx
Cup #26: Sweden spart1e
Cup #27: Germany k1llsen
Cup #28: France strenx
Cup #29: France strenx
Cup #30: France strenx

Cup #31: Belgium burnedd
Cup #32: France strenx
Cup #33: Belgium burnedd
Cup #34: Lithuania GUard
Cup #35: Austria noctis
Cup #36: France strenx
Cup #37: Russia agent
Cup #38: Russia Cooller
Cup #39: Belgium burnedd
Cup #40: France strenx

Cup #41: France strenx
Cup #42: Russia Cooller
Cup #43: France strenx
Cup #44: Sweden mAdix
Cup #45: Germany k1llsen
Cup #46: Lithuania GUard
Cup #47: Germany k1llsen
Cup #48: Germany k1llsen
Cup #49: Germany k1llsen
Cup #50: Russia agent

Cup #51: Germany k1llsen
Cup #52: Lithuania GUard
Link: Brackets
Edited by xou at 08:43 CDT, 30 August 2011 - 28603 Hits
ZOTAC QL Cup #5 is over! (64 comments)
Posted by vash_ @ 13:00 CST, 1 November 2009 - iMsg
The 5th edition of the weekly ZOTAC Quake LiveCup will take place this Sunday starting at 08:05 CDT. November 1st, 2009. The sign-ups are still open until 08:00 CDT, November 1st, 2009 so be sure to check their homepage and sign up!

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3. Also the best player will be rewarded with 100€.

From 113 players who sign up, today 75 players checked in for the 5th cup. The result is some kind of curious, because Germany k1llsen, France strenx and Russia Cooller didn´t enter the top 3 places. guard won the final against foox.

After a long day of many exciting matches we have the following placements:

1. Lithuania BVG|guard - 100€
2. France FooX
3. Hungary skzipilota / Netherlands ovr^weird

tourney tree cup #5

Links: Tourney page - mIRC #zotac.qlive
Edited by Badb0y at 14:59 CST, 5 November 2009 - 14054 Hits
ZOTAC Quake Live Cup #4 is over! (64 comments)
Posted by vash_ @ 06:51 CDT, 25 October 2009 - iMsg
The 4th edition of the weekly ZOTAC Quake LiveCup will take place this Sunday starting at 08:05 CDT, 17 September 2024. The sign-ups are still open until 08:00 CDT, 17 September 2024 so be sure to check their homepage and sign up.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3. Also the best player will be rewarded with 100€.

Signed up well known players until now are Germany k1llsen, Germany mTw|smoke, Germany quad|psyr3x, Germany faculty|siLw, Sweden xlo|fazz, Sweden xlo|madix, Poland bodzo and Lithuania BVG|guard.

From 95 players who sign up, today 71 players checked in for the 4th cup. In the grand final, fazz faced arguably Germany's strongest player, k1llsen. Cup is now over, and the winner is fazz.
Be sure to sign up for next weeks cup at!

1. Sweden xlo^fazz - 100€
2. Germany k1llsen
3. Germany mTw|smoke / United Kingdom Arm3D`pulseh

Stream: Holysh1t (english) & GameSports (german)
Links: Tourney tree, Tourney page - mIRC #zotac.qlive on
Edited by vash_ at 12:57 CST, 1 November 2009 - 19127 Hits
Zotac Quakelive Cup #2 is over! (49 comments)
Posted by xou @ 01:38 CDT, 11 October 2009 - iMsg
The 2nd edition of the Zotac Quakelive will take place this Sunday starting at 07:00 CDT. The sign-ups are still open until 06:00 CDT.

Once again the cup format will consist of SE brackets using bo1 matches until the quarter finals. Then the games will be played as bo3. Also the best player will be rewarded with 100€.

The first & last cup won France strenx.
From 109 players who sign up, today 61 players checked in for the 2nd cup, including Belgium burnedd, Russia rekkth (= Cooller), Belarus Cypher, Germany k1llsen, Sweden madix and all the other participants. Cup is now over, and the winner is K1llsen. Also, the sign-ups for the 3nd cup are now open!

1. Germany k1llsen - 100€
2. Belgium burnedd
3. Poland tox1c / Sweden madix

Stream: holysh1t
Links: Tourney tree, Tourney page - mIRC #zotac.qlive
Edited by xou at 16:50 CDT, 15 October 2009 - 15456 Hits
Zotac Quakelive 1v1 Cup #1 is over! (96 comments)
Posted by Nukm @ 11:43 CDT, 4 October 2009 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 4 October 2009 to 10:00 CDT, 4 October 2009
Schedule: Passed

ZOTAC is organizing weekly tournaments for WC3, FIFA, DOTA and SC:BW with a prize money of 100€. Now it was announced that ql Quake Live will also be supported from now on. Over 100 successful WC3 Cups shows their long term commitment.

The first QL tournament's page will be going online this Friday and the sign-ups will open on the 27th. The cup will then start on the 4th of October.


Update: From 115 players who sign up, today 59 players checked in for the first cup, including France strenx, Belgium burnedd, Lithuania guard, United Kingdom GaRpY, Poland bodzo, Sweden madix und Germany k1llsen. Cup is now over, and the winner is strenx. Also, the sign-ups for the 2nd cup are now open!

1. France strenx - 100€ (demos)
2. Germany k1llsen
3. Poland bodzo / Belgium burn3d (demos)

Links: Tourney tree, Tourney page - mIRC #zotac.qlive
Edited by xou at 16:50 CDT, 15 October 2009 - 34678 Hits
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