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Coverage: Zotac SC2
ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #10 is over (31 comments)
Posted by KekS @ 06:42 CDT, 2 May 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:15 CDT, 2 May 2010 to 13:30 CDT, 2 May 2010
Schedule: Passed

Like every Sunday Germany & Hong Kong ZOTAC bring you the weekly Europe ZOTAC StarCraft II Beta Cup, starting on Sunday 07:15 CDT, 2 May 2010, checkins will as per usual open at 06:00 CDT. There's 100 € price money up for grabs and we'll be running with 1024 signups and 512.

Final: Ukrainesc2_zerg RoX.KIS.DIMAGA 1:3 Swedensc2_protoss mTw.NaNi Replays

Streams: TheGunRun, Orb, Germany GameSports, France aAa, France Millenium, Russia
Links: Info, Playerlist, Replaypacks of all Zotac SC2 cups, mIRC #zotac.sc2
Edited by xou at 06:00 CDT, 3 May 2010 - 13129 Hits
ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #9 is OVER (29 comments)
Posted by KekS @ 10:32 CDT, 25 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:15 CDT, 25 April 2010 to 14:00 CDT, 25 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Like every Sunday Germany & Hong Kong ZOTAC bring you the weekly Europe ZOTAC StarCraft II Beta Cup, starting on Sunday 07:15 CDT, 25 April 2010, checkins will as per usual open at 06:00 CDT. There's 100 € price money up for grabs and we'll be running with 1024 signups and 512.

Please note that because of the upcoming update the mappool is subject to change, we'll keep you updated on which maps will be added and which removed.

IMPORTANT: Remember to update your game-ID in your profile - players without a working ID will be disqualified, no questions asked.

Final: Swedensc2_protoss mTw|Nani 3:2 Francesc2_zerg MoMaN Replays

Streams: TheGunRun, Orb, Germany GameSports, Germany phipssc2tv, France aAa, France Millenium
Links: Info, Playerlist, Replaypacks of all Zotac SC2 cups, mIRC #zotac.sc2
Edited by KekS at 15:06 CDT, 25 April 2010 - 14331 Hits
ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #8 is over (26 comments)
Posted by KekS @ 13:40 CDT, 18 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 18 April 2010 to 13:30 CDT, 18 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Like every Sunday Germany & Hong Kong ZOTAC bring you the weekly Europe ZOTAC StarCraft II Beta Cup, starting on Sunday 07:15 CDT, 18 April 2010, checkins will as per usual open at 06:00 CDT. There's 100 € price money up for grabs and we'll be running with 1024 signups and 512 checkins like the last couple of weeks.

Live commentary in english will once again be brought to you by United States of America Day[9] ... or not...

Final: Swedensc2_protoss Bischu 0:3 Swedensc2_zerg ZpuX Replays

Streams: United States of America Day[9] (starting at 10:30 CDT), United States of America TheGunRun
Links: Info, Playerlist, Replaypacks of all Zotac SC2 cups, mIRC #zotac.sc2
Edited by xou at 16:39 CDT, 18 April 2010 - 12434 Hits
ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #7 (31 comments)
Posted by KekS @ 05:00 CDT, 11 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 11 April 2010 to 13:00 CDT, 11 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

Like every Sunday Germany & Hong Kong ZOTAC bring you the weekly Europe ZOTAC StarCraft II Beta Cup, starting on Sunday 07:15 CDT, 11 April 2010, checkins will as per usual open at 06:00 CDT. There's 100 € price money up for grabs and we'll be running with 1024 signups and 512 checkins like the last couple of weeks.

Update (15:50 CDT, 10 April 2010):
I just got word from United States of America Day[9] that he'll be doing commentary for the semifinal & final tomorrow again - so stay tuned.

Final: PolandSC_Protoss mouz.MaNa 3:2 NetherlandsSC_Protoss Liquid'Nazgul Replays

Streams: Day[9], mavensc2,
Other Streams: Germany gamesports, Germany phipstv, France dreamsofstarcraft2, France [M], France aAa, Russia, Denmark/United Kingdom xDkFat
Links: Brackets, Info, Playerlist, Replaypacks of all Zotac SC2 cups, mIRC #zotac.sc2
Edited by KekS at 14:21 CDT, 11 April 2010 - 30283 Hits
ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #6 is over (55 comments)
Posted by KekS @ 17:49 CDT, 3 April 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:15 CDT, 4 April 2010 to 15:00 CDT, 4 April 2010
Schedule: Passed

GameSports' next ZOTAC StarCraft II Beta Cup takes places next Sunday, 07:15 CDT, 4 April 2010. There's 100 € price money up for grabs and after an astonishing 706 sign-ups and the full check-in list (512 players) we will upgrade the grid to 1024 players (2048 signups) as soon as we've solved our technical difficulties. Until then we'll be running with 1024 signups and 512 checkins.

Important Note: Please check your account on the ZOTAC cup page if you really have your valid and up2date entered - we will disqualify everyone who doesn't because of the huge delays last weekend.

*Update (02:45 CDT, 2 April 2010)
We got us some sweet United States of America Day[9] action for the semifinal & final, starting at around 10:00 CDT.

Streams: United States of America Day[9] (starting approximately 10:00 CDT)
Links: Brackets, Info, Playerlist, Replaypacks of all Zotac SC2 cups, mIRC #zotac.sc2
Edited by KekS at 08:50 CDT, 5 April 2010 - 37248 Hits
ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #5 is Over! (18 comments)
Posted by KekS @ 05:33 CDT, 28 March 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CDT, 28 March 2010 to 13:00 CDT, 28 March 2010
Schedule: Passed

GameSports' next ZOTAC Starcraft 2 Beta Cup takes places next Sunday, 07:00 CDT, 28 March 2010. There's 100 € price money up for grabs and we're currently thinking about doubling the grid size from 512 to 1024 participants thanks to the amazing 662 sign-ups and the full check-in list (512 players!). So for now we're running the usual 1024 slots for sign-ups & 512 for check-ins.

Important Note: Daylight Savings Time in Europe Europe (CEST): Sunday, March 28, 2010: 2:00 AM forward to 3:00 AM. This will probably affect all of our non-European participants, so double-check which time it's actually going to be on when signing up, it might be an hour earlier than you'd expect.

Update (03:00 CDT, 26 March 2010): This week I can proudly announce that the livestream with English commentary will be done by United States of America SC2GG rise (check out some of his youtube commentaries).

Streams: United States of America Rise's stream, Germany gamesports, France [M], United States of America TheGunRun
Links: Brackets, Info, Playerlist, Replaypacks of all Zotac SC2 cups, mIRC #zotac.sc2
Edited by KekS at 13:17 CDT, 28 March 2010 - 8784 Hits
ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #4 is over (72 comments)
Posted by KekS @ 13:10 CDT, 21 March 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:10 CDT, 21 March 2010 to 14:00 CDT, 21 March 2010
Schedule: Passed

Known for its QuakeLive Cups ZOTACs next Starcraft 2 Beta Cup takes places next Sunday, 08:00 CDT, 21 March 2010. There's 100 € pricemoney up for grabs and since cup #2 had 331 signups and #3 had 472 signups of which 379 players participated we have decided to keep the 1024 slots for signups & 512 for check-ins.

Notable change to the ruleset after the mess with streams & people chatting on the streams:
1.5 From semi-finals on all Matches will be hosted by the ZOTAC admins, any match that is started by a player-host from this point on will be cancelled.

*UPDATE: (11:00 CDT, 20 March 2010)
This week we will have a livestream with commentary by the infamous United States of America Sean "Day[9]" Plott for the semifinal & final which is probably going to start at around 11:00 CDT, 21 March 2010.

**UPDATE: (08:00 CDT, 21 March 2010)
Wow! Full 512 check-ins - at this rate we'll have to go up to 1024 slots for cup #5, notable players this week: Ukraine DIMAGA, United States of America Artosis, Germany Horror, Sweden Morrow, Netherlands Nazgul and many more...

Final: UkraineSC_Zerg RoX.DIMAGA 1:3 United KingdomSC_Terran MYM]DeMusliM

Streams: Day[9]'s Stream, xDkFat, Russia, France, Germany
Links: Brackets, Info, Playerlist, Replaypacks of all Zotac SC2 cups, mIRC #zotac.sc2
Edited by xou at 07:05 CDT, 27 March 2010 - 23805 Hits
ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #3 is over (39 comments)
Posted by KekS @ 04:58 CDT, 14 March 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 08:00 CDT, 14 March 2010 to 13:50 CDT, 14 March 2010
Schedule: Passed

Known for its QuakeLive Cups ZOTACs next Starcraft 2 Beta Cup takes places next Sunday, 08:00 CDT, 14 March 2010. There's 100 € pricemoney up for grabs and since cup #2 had 331 signups and the full 256 slots after check-ins covered they decided to make it bigger this time (1024 slots for signups, 512 for check-ins).

Ukraine RoX.KIS.DIMAGA 3-1 United Kingdom MYM]DeMusliM

Stream: ZOTAC|koik & AZRAELeva & France Millenium WebTV
Links: Brackets, Info, Playerlist, Sign-up, mIRC #zotac.sc2
Edited by xou at 07:05 CDT, 27 March 2010 - 17513 Hits
ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #2 is over (34 comments)
Posted by vash_ @ 04:26 CST, 7 March 2010 - iMsg
Scheduled: 07:00 CST, 7 March 2010 to 13:00 CST, 7 March 2010
Schedule: Passed

Known for its QuakeLive Cups ZOTACs next Starcraft 2 Beta Cup takes places this Sunday, 07:00 CST, 7 March 2010. There's 100 € pricemoney up for grabs and still some free slots left (512 slots for signups, 256 for check-ins).

Belgium LLL.orly 3:2 Sweden morrow

Replays can be found on

Links: Info, Playerlist, Sign-up, mIRC #zotac.sc2, Replays
Edited by xou at 07:05 CDT, 27 March 2010 - 10854 Hits
ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup #1 over (28 comments)
Posted by KekS @ 09:24 CST, 28 February 2010 - iMsg
Known for its QuakeLive Cups ZOTACs first Starcraft 2 Beta Cup takes places this Sunday. There's 100 € pricemoney up for grabs and still some free slots left (512 slots for signups, 256 for check-ins).

Update: ZOTAC SC2 Beta Cup is running now with players like Germany HasuObs, Germany kolll, Germany HoRRoR, Poland Raven, Poland MaNa, Poland dreiven, Ukraine DIMAGA, Germany THE MIGHTY KEKS (yeah, i lost in the second round after an amazing win over ...nobody) and many more!

Ukraine DIMAGA 3-0 Belgium orly

Streams: Germany MyStarCraft & France Millenium

Info :: Rules :: Playerlist :: Signup! :: mIRC #zotac.sc2 on QuakeNet :: Brackets!
Edited by xou at 07:05 CDT, 27 March 2010 - 10674 Hits
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