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Coverage: GSL'11
GSL SL2 - Code A Ro16 (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 01:34 CST, 24 February 2011 - iMsg
Day1 (03:00 CST, 2 March 2011)
LosirA vs August - VOD
Huk vs Revival - VOD
Virus vs GanZI - VOD
CoCa vs Leenock - VOD
Day2 (03:00 CST, 4 March 2011)
Rain vs JJun - VOD
Alicia vs Noblesse - VOD
SuperNoVa vs Alive - VOD
M vs Killer - VOD
<< Ro32 - Coverage - Ro8 >>
Edited by xou at 03:22 CST, 7 March 2011 - 4335 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code S Brackets (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 07:02 CST, 22 February 2011 - iMsg

Ro16 (bo3) - Ro8 (bo5) - Ro4 (bo5) - Final (bo7) - ¤ Winner ¤

MC ¯|
¤ |- MC ¯|
Byun _| |
¤ |- MC ¯|
Jinro ¯| | |
¤ |- HongUn _| |
HongUn _| |
¤ |- MC ¯|
san ¯| | |
¤ |- san ¯| | |
TheWind _| | | |
¤ |- san _| |
Trickster ¯| | |
¤ |- sC _| |
sC _| |
¤ |- MC
July ¯| |
¤ |- July ¯| |
Clyde _| | |
¤ |- July ¯| |
Check ¯| | | |
¤ |- NaDa _| | |
NaDa _| | |
¤ |- July _|
Ensnare ¯| |
¤ |- Lyn ¯| |
Lyn _| | |
¤ |- Anypro _|
Anypro ¯| |
¤ |- Anypro _|
Kyrix _|

<< Ro32 Group H - Coverage - Ro16 >>
Edited by xou at 03:03 CDT, 19 March 2011 - 5093 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code A Ro32 (1 comment)
Posted by xou @ 09:21 CST, 16 February 2011 - iMsg
Day1 (03:00 CST, 21 February 2011)
LosirA vs LegalMind - VOD
August vs Loner - VOD
Curious vs Huk - VOD
Revival vs ButterflyEffect - VOD
Day2 (03:00 CST, 23 February 2011)
Virus vs Moon - VOD
GanZI vs HayprO - VOD
CoCa vs Ace - VOD
YuGiOh vs Leenock - VOD
Day3 (03:00 CST, 25 February 2011)
Rain vs Yeah - VOD
mOOnGLade vs JJun - VOD
Junwi vs Alicia - VOD
SuperNoVa vs Squirtle - VOD
Day4 (03:00 CST, 28 February 2011)
Noblesse vs Maka - VOD
Alive vs Cezanne - VOD
M vs Ret - VOD
Killer vs jookTo - VOD
<< Brackets - Coverage - Ro16 >>
Edited by xou at 14:35 CST, 28 February 2011 - 5300 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code A Brackets (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 06:44 CST, 12 February 2011 - iMsg

Ro32 (bo3) - Ro16 (bo3) - Ro8 (bo3) - Ro4 (bo3) - Final (bo7) - ¤ Winner ¤

LosirA ¯|
¤ |- LosirA ¯|
LegalMind _| |
¤ |- LosirA ¯|
August ¯| | |
¤ |- August _| |
Loner _| |
¤ |- LosirA ¯|
Curious ¯| | |
¤ |- Huk ¯| | |
Huk _| | | |
¤ |- Huk _| |
Revival ¯| | |
¤ |- Revival _| |
B-Effect _| |
¤ |- LosirA ¯|
Virus ¯| | |
¤ |- Virus ¯| | |
Moon _| | | |
¤ |- Virus ¯| | |
GanZI ¯| | | | |
¤ |- GanZI _| | | |
HayprO _| | | |
¤ |- Leenock _| |
CoCa ¯| | |
¤ |- CoCa ¯| | |
Ace _| | | |
¤ |- Leenock _| |
YuGiOh ¯| | |
¤ |- Leenock _| |
Leenock _| |
¤ |- LosirA
Rain ¯| |
¤ |- Rain ¯| |
Yeah _| | |
¤ |- Rain ¯| |
mOOnGLade ¯| | | |
¤ |- JJun _| | |
JJun _| | |
¤ |- Alicia ¯| |
Junwi ¯| | | |
¤ |- Alicia ¯| | | |
Alicia _| | | | |
¤ |- Alicia _| | |
Noblesse ¯| | | |
¤ |- Noblesse _| | |
Maka _| | |
¤ |- SuperNoVa _|
SuperNoVa ¯| |
¤ |- SuperNoVa ¯| |
Squirtle _| | |
¤ |- SuperNoVa ¯| |
Alive ¯| | | |
¤ |- Alive _| | |
Cezanne _| | |
¤ |- SuperNoVa _|
M ¯| |
¤ |- M ¯| |
Ret _| | |
¤ |- Killer _|
Killer ¯| |
¤ |- Killer _|
jookTo _|

<< Coverage - Ro32 >>
Edited by xou at 09:57 CST, 11 March 2011 - 3914 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code S Ro32 Group H (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 09:13 CST, 10 February 2011 - iMsg
Date: ~05:30 CST, 1 March 2011

Match #1
sc2_terran MarineKing vs Kyrix sc2_zerg @ Terminus RE

Match #2
sc2_terran sC vs InCa sc2_protoss @ Tal'Darim Altar

Match #3
sc2_terran MarineKing vs InCa sc2_protoss @ Xel'Naga Caverns

Match #4
sc2_terran sC vs Kyrix sc2_zerg @ Terminus RE

Decider #1
sc2_terran MarineKing vs sC sc2_terran @ Tal'Darim Altar

Decider #2
sc2_protoss InCa vs Kyrix sc2_zerg @ Shakuras Plateau

Group H VODs

1st. Kyrix (2-1) - Interview
2nd. sC (2-1) - Interview
3rd. InCa (1-2)
4th. MarineKing (1-2)

<< Group G - Coverage - Brackets >>
Edited by xou at 02:41 CST, 3 March 2011 - 4367 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code S Ro32 Group G (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 09:11 CST, 10 February 2011 - iMsg
Date: ~03:00 CST, 1 March 2011

Match #1
sc2_protoss Trickster vs Anypro sc2_protoss @ Metalopolis

Match #2
sc2_protoss Genius vs FruitDealer sc2_zerg @ Shakuras Plateau

Match #3
sc2_protoss Trickster vs Genius sc2_protoss @ Shakuras Plateau

Match #4
sc2_zerg FruitDealer vs Anypro sc2_protoss @ Xel'Naga Caverns

Decider #1
sc2_zerg FruitDealer vs Anypro sc2_protoss @ Tal'Darim Altar

Group G VODs

1st. Trickster (2-0) - Interview
2nd. Anypro (2-1) - Interview
3rd. FruitDealer (1-2)
4th. Genius (0-2)

<< Group F - Coverage - Group H >>
Edited by xou at 01:30 CST, 3 March 2011 - 2410 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code S Ro32 Group F (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 09:10 CST, 10 February 2011 - iMsg
Date: ~01:30 CST, 26 February 2011

Match #1
sc2_protoss choya vs Lyn sc2_terran @ Scrap Station

Match #2
sc2_protoss BanBans vs TheWind sc2_zerg @ Terminus RE

Match #3
sc2_protoss choya vs BanBans sc2_protoss @ Terminus RE

Match #4
sc2_zerg TheWind vs Lyn sc2_terran @ Tal'Darim Altar

Decider #1
sc2_protoss choya vs TheWind sc2_zerg @ Metalopolis

Decider #2
sc2_terran Lyn vs BanBans sc2_protoss @ Tal'Darim Altar

Group F VODs

1st. Lyn (2-1) - Interview
2nd. TheWind (2-1) - Interview
3rd. BanBans (1-2)
4th. choya (1-2)

<< Group E - Coverage - Group G >>
Edited by xou at 03:05 CST, 28 February 2011 - 2193 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code S Ro32 Group E (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 09:08 CST, 10 February 2011 - iMsg
Date: ~23:00 CST, 25 February 2011

Match #1
sc2_zerg NesTea vs san sc2_protoss @ Shakuras Plateau

Match #2
sc2_terran BoxeR vs Ensnare sc2_terran @ Tal'Darim Altar

Match #3
sc2_protoss san vs BoxeR sc2_terran @ Xel'Naga Caverns

Match #4
sc2_terran Ensnare vs NesTea sc2_zerg @ Tal'Darim Altar

Decider #1
sc2_zerg NesTea vs BoxeR sc2_terran @ Shakuras Plateau

Decider #2
sc2_protoss san vs Ensnare sc2_terran @ Shakuras Plateau

Group E VODs

1st. san (3-0) - Interview
2nd. Ensnare (2-1) - Interview
3rd. NesTea (1-2)
4th. BoxeR (0-3)

<< Group D - Coverage - Group F >>
Edited by xou at 03:04 CST, 28 February 2011 - 2807 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code S Ro32 Group D (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 09:07 CST, 10 February 2011 - iMsg
Date: ~05:30 CST, 24 February 2011

Match #1
sc2_terran NaDa vs TheBest sc2_terran @ Shakuras Plateau

Match #2
sc2_protoss HongUn vs TOP sc2_terran @ Xel'Naga Caverns

Match #3
sc2_terran NaDa vs TOP sc2_terran @ Crossfire SE

Match #4
sc2_protoss HongUn vs TheBest sc2_terran @ Shakuras Plateau

Decider #1
sc2_terran TOP vs @ TheBest sc2_terran @ Crossfire SE

Decider #2
sc2_terran NaDa vs HongUn sc2_protoss @ Xel'Naga Caverns

Group D VODs

1st. NaDa (3-0) - Interview
2nd. HongUn (2-1) - Interview
3rd. TOP (1-2)
4th. TheBest (0-3)

<< Group C - Coverage - Group E >>
Edited by xou at 03:18 CST, 25 February 2011 - 1922 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code S Ro32 Group C (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 09:05 CST, 10 February 2011 - iMsg
Date: ~03:00 CST, 24 February 2011

Match #1
sc2_terran Jinro vs Polt sc2_terran @ Crossfire SE

Match #2
sc2_terran RainBOw vs Check sc2_zerg @ Tal'Darim Altar

Match #3
sc2_terran Jinro vs RainBOw sc2_terran @ Shakuras Plateau

Match #4
sc2_zerg Check vs Polt sc2_terran @ Tal'Darim Altar

Decider #1
sc2_zerg Check vs Polt sc2_terran @ Crevasse

Group C VODs

1st. Jinro (2-0) - Interview
2nd. Check (2-1) - Interview
3rd. Polt (1-2)
4th. RainBOw (0-2)

<< Group B - Coverage - Group D >>
Edited by xou at 03:18 CST, 25 February 2011 - 2336 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code S Ro32 Group B (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 09:04 CST, 10 February 2011 - iMsg
Date: ~04:30 CST, 22 February 2011

Match #1
sc2_zerg Zenio vs Byun sc2_terran @ Terminus RE

Match #2
sc2_zerg Zenio vs Clide sc2_terran @ Metalopolis

Match #3
sc2_terran Byun vs Clide sc2_terran @ Terminus RE

Decider #1
TBA @ Crevasse

Decider #2
TBA @ Shakuras Plateau

Group B VODs

1st. Clide (3-0) - Interview
2nd. Byun (2-1) - Interview
3rd. Zenio (0-2)

<< Group A - Coverage - Group C >>
Edited by xou at 01:32 CST, 23 February 2011 - 2712 Hits
GSL SL2 - Code S Ro32 Group A (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 09:02 CST, 10 February 2011 - iMsg
Date: ~03:00 CST, 22 February 2011

Match #1
sc2_terran Mvp vs Hyperdub sc2_terran @ Tal'Darim Altar

Match #2
sc2_zerg July vs MC sc2_protoss @ Xel'Naga Caverns

Match #3
sc2_terran Mvp vs July sc2_zerg @ Tal'Darim Altar

Match #4
sc2_protoss MC vs Hyperdub sc2_terran @ Crossfire SE

Decider #1
sc2_terran Mvp vs July sc2_zerg @ Metalopolis

Group A VODs

1st. MC (2-0) - Interview
2nd. July (2-1) - Interview
3rd. Mvp (1-2)
4th. Hyperdub (0-2)

<< Groups - Coverage - Group B >>
Edited by xou at 01:33 CST, 23 February 2011 - 2502 Hits
GSL TL1 - Rankings (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 08:16 CST, 10 February 2011 - iMsg
Global Starcraft II Team League Feb.

cup_gold - 10,000,000 KRW (~6 511€)
Incredible Miracle (IM)
cup_silver - 5,000,000 KRW (~3 255€)
StarTale (ST)
The SCV Life (TSL)
Zenith-NEX (ZeNEX)
For Our Utopia (fOu)
Prime-World Elite (Prime.WE)
Old Generations (oGs)
SlayerS (SlayerS)

<< Final - Coverage >>
Edited by xou at 07:55 CDT, 25 March 2011 - 1605 Hits
GSL TL1 - Final (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 07:06 CST, 9 February 2011 - iMsg
Date: 03:00 CST, 10 February 2011

ST vs IM - VOD

<< Ro4 - Coverage - Rankings >>
Edited by xou at 08:06 CST, 10 February 2011 - 1960 Hits
GSL TL1 - Ro4 (No comments)
Posted by xou @ 18:53 CST, 7 February 2011 - iMsg
Date: 03:00 CST, 9 February 2011



<< Ro8 - Coverage - Final >>
Edited by xou at 08:06 CST, 10 February 2011 - 2230 Hits
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