Besides our usual duel tournaments we often offer you other game modes to play. And after successful
TDM draft community demanded the same thing for CTF. We asked ourselves: "Why not?" So now we are organizing
JeeQL'11 Dec. CTF Draft Tournament for those, who prefer stealing heavy enemy flags rather then hit mercy-limit. Everything starts December, 18 at 08:00 CST, and now is the right time to register! So far it's been 45 players (including the world famous ones), who applied.
Cup starts: Dec 18, 2011 @ 15:00 CET
Registration begins: Dec 05, 2011 @ 20:00 CET
Registration ends: Dec 16, 2011 @ 0:00 CET
Captains and players picking: Dec 17, 2011
Map pool: Japanese Castles, Ironworks, Reflux Spider Crossings, Shining Forces, Troubled Waters
Map pick system[/b]: pick, pick, drop, drop – the map that is left is the third map
Tournament system: DE Brackets. Upper Brackets: Bo3, Lower Brackets: Bo1(Forced map - Reflux Spider Crossings)
Complete rules
1. BAWS: Exodus Ph0enx, PsY_, dubcat, jcb
2. hangover: Xtro, Nhsb, Bloody, Twister, pvs
3. Onkel: Fragmaster, Guismo12, tripleSex, Mousestar, Shard
4. DOH: Reeseend, Spart1e, v1ctory, brajente, Ipx
5. NUT: 7of9, Ischju, Sizzrp, Rage, H4te
6. WE OWN YOU SUCK: Ynam, Conan, fl4sh, Kaide, Riosatiy
7. The Who: vsm, smeden, Aireth, Ins, Integer
8. EPIC NOOB PWNERS: pyton, Crv, Redeep, Hustle, feidi
9. absolution: Paw, Nightops, hT, Fleer, x2v
10. japanese sex robots: Kersi, Fishbone, h8m3, tNyo_O, aLsteR
11. Pants on head: Tg, Juven1le, Wolf, Sothis, Z3rGRu5H
12. Flag 4 Sale: Dcr, krysa, Grdg, daBONDi, Demnokk
13. Avengers: Apex, Wit, 0lag,ThzChz, Runge
14. kmvvd: devknof, Makie, Vid,vanQ, drive_buy
15. death penalty: vandra, Hazrd, iSte, Torskinatorn, DEICIDE
16. With Cheat Already: miawallace1, vampire, pepper, Jonnytecak, Qball147
17. Superiority of force: Yejevick, Mwaaa, SARK, alteza, Emilow
18. vgjtk: Vuduu, _grim, Jagge, ta1kun, Kirson
19. capture ur mom: PAINE, rehepapp, un1oker, Yuzi, Trix0
20. 2FAT2FULGORE: Fulgore, zuch, Maxtt, Junkz, Catsheep
21. Cockers: Razorx, mZk, Grinsekatze, Opibaap, mtd
22. Kebab: Andy, pops, proud, x3n, itshadow
Update: For those, who missed the cup - VOD's up
Level Up TV,
Cup page,