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Coverage: DHW'13
Alien Arena Tourney at Winter Dreamhack (5 comments)
Posted by Badb0y @ 00:59 CST, 28 November 2013 - iMsg
Happy Friar via earthquake:

The Quake 2 GPL powered indie game Alien Arena is going to be at Winter Dreamhack in Sweden, starting November 28th to December 1st. Dreamhack is the largest (?) gaming fistivle on the planet (25,000 visitors). COR is teaming up with Intel and will be at the Intel booth. The winner of the tournament will win a brand new Intel solid state hard drive. Nice! So if you happen to be going and want a drive, you have less the n24 hours to tweak those AA skills!

Source: earthquake
Edited by Badb0y at 02:59 CST, 28 November 2013 - 39399 Hits
Fraze and Camma on DHW'13 Groups (47 comments)
Posted by M05 @ 19:20 CST, 25 November 2013 - iMsg
Now that that the groups have been announced and Australia Cameron "Camma" Hockley and Frazer "Fraze" Hockley have arrived in Sweden Sweden for the upcoming Dreamhack Winter 2013, we get the boys thoughts on this weekends tournament. Please note this interview was conducted before Russia Cooller withdrew from the tournament. This is the 2nd interview.

Read the full interviews.

Links: First Interview, Its Direct
Edited by xou at 04:40 CST, 26 November 2013 - 63012 Hits
Cooller out and updated schedule for DHW (189 comments)
Posted by blaze @ 10:25 CST, 25 November 2013 - iMsg
Due to the unfortunate reasons that forced Russia Cooller to drop out of the Sweden DreamHack Winter 2013 Quake Live Tournament we felt that we were forced to make some changes to the groups. The solution we came up with was to upgrade a player from High seed to Top seed and have him replace Cooller in Group D. After a lot of internal discussion we ended up with 2 players who we considered moving to Top Seed. To remove our (possibly) biased opinions we chose to toss a coin to make the decision for us. Sweden Spart1e came out on top and will be moved to Group D. Sweden madix will be the replacement in group B.

Together with this we chose to move the schedule 2 hours on the first day. This is to lets the players have some more time to travel to DreamHack. Note that the times for Friday and Saturday will remain unchanged.

Update: I've confirmed with Cooller that the statement written by Nico is correct and he will be unable to attend DreamHack.

Links: Cooller's announcement
Edited by wn at 11:04 CST, 25 November 2013 - 61525 Hits
COOLLER can't participate DHW13 (232 comments)
Posted by Nico_QD @ 07:49 CST, 25 November 2013 - iMsg

Anton "Cooller" Singov:
"I apologize to all quakelive community but unfortunately I won't be able to make it to DHW2013 due to work reasons. I'm very grateful for that enthusiasm you're guys giving to us which is still holding our professional scene on that high level. I really hope for understanding. I promise to keep playing that long as i can and i will be a part of the next tournaments so you guys will be able to see more cooller's stuff, if you want. Wish a good luck to all players. Can't wait DHW2013 started. Will try to get some streaming of games. See you."
Edited by xou at 08:04 CST, 25 November 2013 - 69618 Hits
DreamHack Winter 2013 Coverage (85 comments)
Posted by xou @ 15:58 CST, 24 November 2013 - iMsg
DreamHack Winter 2013 is hosting its Quakelive Duel tournament from Thursday 28th to Saturday 30th November in Sweden Jönköping.

From this coverage page, you can have access to:
- Page 1 - Duel tournament details and schedule
- Page 2 - Group A results, demos and VODs
- Page 3 - Group B results, demos and VODs
- Page 4 - Group C results, demos and VODs
- Page 5 - Group D results, demos and VODs
- Page 6 - Playoff results, demos and VODs
- Page 7 - Rankings and Prize money
- Page 8 - Coverages, Interviews & Galleries links
- Page 9 - Streamings links & informations

Official links: DreamHack Winter 2013, Tournament website
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Edited by PerpetualWar at 14:15 CST, 29 November 2013 - 79453 Hits
DHW'13 Group fixtures (45 comments)
Posted by xou @ 15:57 CST, 24 November 2013 - iMsg
With the schedule for the group matches of the DreamHack Winter 2013 Quakelive duel tournament finalized, it's time to have some bets!

Given the amount of games in the group stage (112), we preferred to cover the most interesting or closest matches. In total, 25 fixtures are available and will be opened at the following time / date: 13:00 CST, 25 November 2013.

Also, the DHW'13 coverage post is ready. Feel free to post content links missing from it in the comments.

Update: After the recent update, some bets have been deleted, and some new were made. Also, the bets were adapted to new schedule!

Link: Open fixtures, DHW'13 coverage post
Edited by xou at 11:44 CST, 25 November 2013 - 16445 Hits
DHW'13 Group A Preview (80 comments)
Posted by twister @ 21:54 CST, 22 November 2013 - iMsg
Thanks to the assistance of Poland Super Koziol and his sublime graphical skills I'm happy to present you a preview of the first DreamHack group. This first part of what is supposed to be a 4-part (but will probably end up being a 2-part) series gives a short introduction of the players and critically discusses their chances in the tournament.

I hope you enjoy reading and please don't take the graphics too seriously.
Article Page: 1 || next page >>
Edited by xou at 03:02 CST, 23 November 2013 - 39582 Hits
DHW'13 Group Overview (163 comments)
Posted by FFT @ 09:48 CST, 21 November 2013 - iMsg
Since the announcement of the seeds and the groups there has a been a lot of drama and excitement. I share a great deal of this excitement and spent some time looking at the groups and pondering what they will bring. It would have been an amazing tourney regardless but with the extra prize pool gathered by the community it might bring out some more hidden resources of players and even a more fierce competition.

If you read all this I am in awe if not - TL;DR- HYPE HYPE HYPE
Edited by Badb0y at 01:06 CST, 22 November 2013 - 82642 Hits
DaHang pre-DreamHack 2013 interview (70 comments)
Posted by Demiurge @ 06:43 CST, 21 November 2013 - iMsg
As part of the pre-coverage to the Winter DreamHack 2013 Winter event, we are introducing an interview with one of the top contenders, United States of America Tim "DaHanG" Fogarty, conducted by QL dueler, United States of America Nuttybr0. The interview explains his excitement to play at DreamHack and his sponsorship with Point Gaming thanks to United States of America Jochs.
DreamHack Winter is coming up in less than 10 days, how do you feel going in?

DaHanG: I feel very good. I haven't played top tier players except rapha a few times but he's never that impressive until days before the events when it's crunch time and he gets back in shape. So it is hard to tell exactly where I'm at but I feel like I am in better shape than I was at QuakeCon earlier this year.
Article Page: 1 || next page >>
Edited by xou at 07:52 CST, 21 November 2013 - 39100 Hits
Seeds and Group Drawings for DHW 2013 (767 comments)
Posted by blaze @ 06:39 CST, 18 November 2013 - iMsg
Scheduled: 13:30 CST, 20 November 2013 to 14:30 CST, 20 November 2013
Schedule: Passed

The signup deadline for the Sweden DreamHack Winter 2013 Quake Live Tournament passed about 2 weeks ago. There were some unfortunate drop outs from the tournament. Sadly Spain p0ni, Spain Sl1p, Lithuania fire_bot, Russia pavel and France strenx. We've found some great replacements though. Denmark brescia, Poland luukets, Israel no_il and France _gory, where all of them (as far as I know) make their first international lan debut.

As you can see there's one spot missing in low seed and we're working hard on finding a replacement. We have a name under discussion but we haven't received confirmation on his part that he can make it. We'll announce it as soon as possible though!

On Wednesday 13:30 CST, 20 November 2013 United Kingdom Zoot and Portugal Ins will host the group drawings live with a number of surprise guests! Tune in to ZootLive!

Update: Sweden jewRo will be the last replacement, which means that the player list is complete once again.

Links: ZootLive,
Edited by zoot at 15:05 CST, 20 November 2013 - 234546 Hits
Dreamhack Donations (531 comments)
Posted by Memento_Mori @ 03:15 CST, 14 November 2013 - iMsg
I've been asked to handle donations for community prizes for the upcoming Dreamhack. Here is what I came up with. The subject is still getting in shape, so your opinion counts!

You can donate here. Feedback on prize distribution is welcome.
Edited by xou at 06:15 CST, 20 November 2013 - 199774 Hits
DHW: DreamArena Campground (294 comments)
Posted by blaze @ 15:09 CST, 12 November 2013 - iMsg
DreamHack is proud to present the broadcasting details and casters for the Sweden DreamHack Winter 2013 Quake Live Tournament. In partnership with FACEIT we're also proud to introduce the DreamArena CampGrounds, where up to 300 fans can watch the matches live on-site.

In the auditorium of Rydbergssalen, just next to DreamArena Extreme we'll build DreamArena Campgrounds - a dedicated arena specifically for Quake Live with the capacity of 300 people. In the arena you will be able to view matches on stage with FACEIT providing professional production together with United Kingdom zoot and United Kingdom ddk who will cast the matches. zoot and ddk will provide the coverage of the tournament together with various guest casters. With players from all around the world you can expect great interviews as well!

All the highlighted group stage matches and important playoff matches will be broadcasted through Twitch.TV in 720p. The twitch channel can be found at

To view the games on site will be provided on a first come, first serve basis. Book your day pass or event pass through the booking site.

We're currently filling a few unfortunate drop outs from the tournament. Unfortunately Spain p0ni and Lithuania fire_bot can't make it to DreamHack and their spots will be replaced shortly.

Links:, Booking site, DreamHack Quake Live Twitch Channel
Edited by Demiurge at 16:41 CST, 13 November 2013 - 83429 Hits
Zoot and DDK to cast DHW 2013 (21 comments)
Posted by fnx-za @ 14:10 CST, 12 November 2013 - iMsg
Official announcement that United Kingdom Daniel ‘ddk’ Kapadia and United Kingdom Xavier ‘zoot’ Dharma will be casting Quakelive at this years Dreamhack Winter 2013!

There will also be a dedicated area for spectators: "Highlighted matches and all the important Playoffs matches will be broadcasted from DreamArena Campgrounds"

Edited by twister_ at 14:55 CST, 12 November 2013 - 7617 Hits
Etty vs Laskij showmatch! IC Challenge! (8 comments)
Posted by Laskiy @ 11:40 CST, 10 November 2013 - iMsg
Etty and Laskij present - The ICECREAM CHALLENGE!

Edited by uaLaskij at 06:46 CST, 12 November 2013 - 5408 Hits
Last 5 players to DreamHack Winter 2013 (640 comments)
Posted by blaze @ 03:23 CST, 4 November 2013 - iMsg
It's time. The last sign up date have passed and we finally release the last 5 players for the Sweden DreamHack Winter 2013 Quake Live Tournament. This means that the player list is finalized and won't receive any changes unless we get any drop outs. We're happy to announce Poland Av3k, France strenx, United States of America DaHang, Sweden tox and Denmark Sothis as the last 5 players.

Important notice to all attending players: A confirmation email have been sent out to you. If you haven't replied to it yet, do it. It's very important that you reply and confirm your spot otherwise we will replace you.

Edited by blaze at 03:23 CST, 4 November 2013 - 244497 Hits
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