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16:41 CDT - 818 users online
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ouch.... (No comments)
Posted by hejduk @ 07:42 CST, 11 December 2008 - iMsg
1337 Hits
korea (No comments)
Posted by reyu @ 03:36 CST, 7 December 2008 - iMsg
1109 Hits
draftdraftydraft (3 comments)
Posted by Daishi @ 14:02 CDT, 27 September 2008 - iMsg

Edited by Daishi at 08:37 CDT, 28 May 2014 - 4772 Hits
More Temp (No comments)
Posted by Daishi @ 08:15 CDT, 19 September 2008 - iMsg

Edited by Daishi at 01:58 CDT, 26 March 2010 - 1686 Hits
Eerik to Multihunter (No comments)
Posted by Daishi @ 01:19 CDT, 18 September 2008 - iMsg
Eerik to Multihunter:

I've been banned and am not sure why. Could you give me further details please? We're in second place on the server WW race at the moment, so I am anxious.

I've also messaged multihunter, so please disregard if they are handling it.


You have been banned due to sharing out your account password.
Don't say you didn't because I see all login details. :)
fast way to sort this is to admit and not do it again.

who logged in?
because we havent been doing it.
and why didnt you ban us before?

Because i'm a new game admin who has only just looked.
desertsands and TMC logged into the account


I have had a few responses back and forth with MH2 on this now, so I apologise for the long reply as it's a summary.

He says that we have shared passwords with desertsands.

She has been our sitter on several occasions and we hers. We (Andrew and Eerik, I am his double) have never logged in to her account otherwise.

It's possible that she has our password. However, she wouldn't have logged in with it recently (post rw/tullia banning) and I would be amazed if she's done it even once since the eerik account was banned in June. We learnt our lesson then and have not done it since.

DS is from the UK and Eerik + I are in Estonia. There's no way that DS has logged in from this country, I'm sure a whois lookup on the IP will show that.



Can you tell me when that happened? I am 99% sure that it was BEFORE we were banned in June for this. Once we were banned then, we stopped. I am sure that we have not logged into anyone elses since that time.

If their logins were before our earlier ban, then I believe we've already server our punishment. If the logins were after that, all I can offer in our defence is that we didn't do anything ourselves. If someone else had our password we cannot control if they logged in to our account. We have been acting in good faith.

-Eerik (well, Andrew)

Within the last few days, you logged into desertsands also, I can see this. :)
that is not true.
can not be true - to check i asked her for her password and it is something ive never heard before.


I don't dispute that you have more information on this than us. I'm not arguing, but I simply don't see how this happened. I have never logged into DS account, and neither has eerik.

The only times we've been on it are when we've been set as sitter, which has happened multiple times. DS says that nobody even has her password.

I worked for the security department at PokerStars (the world's largest online poker site), and I know you have a lot of data on us. I also know that people who lie to security are always obvious. I am being completely honest with you in my replies. I have never logged into DS account, and neither has Eerik.


the quickers this gets admited (I see your login remember) the quicker you get unbanned

the thing is, I see all logins, many by you are not registered as a sitter, means you used the password.

I do not have DS' password. Eerik does not have DS' password. DS does not have our password (she says, though I don't trust her as I do Eerik).

The system should show us logging in to DS account as sitter. If the system is showing us logging in to DS account without being a sitter, then your system has to have a bug in it. We have added and removed sitters dozens of times in the last week, perhaps this causes a problem? Some are suggesting in our IRC channel that it may be a bug related to same computer usage?

That's all I can say on this I guess. I hope that you look again at the data and look again at your system. I find it hard to believe your system DOES have such a bug as it's been going for so long.

I am a sensible man, I do not have a problem admitting guilt if I am guilty. My word means a lot to me though, and I did not break the rules as you are stating.

Somebody else may have logged into our account, but we have not logged in to anyone elses since we were banned in June.


unbanned until I review futher
1732 Hits
Eerik to Multihunter2 (No comments)
Posted by Daishi @ 00:59 CDT, 18 September 2008 - iMsg
Me to MH2:


I've been banned and am not sure why. Could you give me further details please? We're in second place on the server WW race at the moment, so I am anxious.

I've also messaged multihunter, so please disregard if they are handling it.


It appears you are banned for Mulitaccounting with Desertsands


I'm pretty sure she's in Norway. I'm in Estonia. We've never shared the same computer and I don't think have even logged in from the same country before.

I've never logged into her account except as sitter (she is near WW so we store some wheat there), and I'm unaware of her ever logging into mine... Could you tell me when that happened please?



Further to my earlier reply - turns out she's logging in from the UK, I was confusing her with another member


From what I can see, you've both been logging in from the same IP address many times, and she hasn't been added as SCU or sitter


When was that last? I've only logged into her account as sitter and she's only logged into this (so far as I know) as sitter. Where's the IP from? I am 100% sure it isn't from Estonia, where I am.

DS isn't online at the moment for me to ask her what's going on, but I think this was her first day back at work for a while so I don't think she could have done this recently...



I've just been on the phone to my double. He says it's possible DS has our password from ages ago. We were banned for pw sharing in early June, and have not done it since.

I would not be surprised to hear that she logged into our account before that time. However, since we were banned for it before, we haven't done anything like it since.

It seems to me that we've been banned for something we've already been punished for. I trust this fits in with the data on your side? I cannot think of another reason why it would show up otherwise.


So she's a he now?

From what I can her IPs match yours 95% of the time, and this is based on recent log ins, this is good proof for Mulitaccounting

Has MH1 messaged you?

Hello - this is the original eerik here.
Let me explain how we work.
Me(Eerik) and Andrew share this account.
We both live in Estonia, Andrew moved here from England a bit more than a month ago.
We share the account.
I have not as far as I remebmer(and this is a good 2 months at least) logged in as desertsands(a she, from the uk) using her password, infact, i might have never done this, even when we were banned for password sharing in june.
Weve had desertsands as our sitter many times, we change them regularly and only have 2 for the night even tho its WW time. Our members are staying up countless hours in the middle of the night just to not break the password sharing rule.

Please understand and unban.


I haven't had a reply from MH1 yet.

Me (Andrew) and my double (Eerik) play on this account, he is a he. DS is a she and is not playing on this account.

DS has logged into this account as a sitter, would that explain the matching IP addresses? She has been a sitter on many occasions. I also log in to her account (as a sitter!) whenever our wonder is low on wheat. I have never logged in to her account using her password and she has not logged in to ours since we were banned in June for pw sharing. We have learnt our lesson from that.

Can you tell me where this IP address is from please? As you can see, I am in Estonia and this is where all the account activity is from. DS is in the UK.



Due to a few complications, I can no longer handle this.


Edited by Daishi at 01:12 CDT, 18 September 2008 - 1663 Hits
Razer & srs release Cypher mouse (No comments)
Posted by Zerter @ 03:24 CDT, 9 September 2008 - iMsg
computer peripherals manufacturer Razer has announced in a pressrelease they will be releasing a mouse to celebrate Belarus Alexey ‘Cypher’ Yanushevsky's recent victory at the 2008 Electronic Sports World Cup.

The white 'serious.razer.Cypher Limited Edition Deathadder mouse' carries Cypher's signature and nickname and fifteen of them will be attainable alongside a signed Cypher shirt and a Razer Messenger bag through participation in online contests which are to be announced at razorzone and Razer's fan page at Facebook.

Five will also be given away at the Igromir Expo in Russia Moscow from the 6th till the 9th of November where Cypher will be playing demonstration matches.
2568 Hits
2010 qualifications (1 comment)
Posted by reyu @ 03:31 CDT, 7 September 2008 - iMsg
Romania 0 - 3 Lithuania
Austria 3 - 1 France
Rep. of Macedonia 1 - 0 Scotland

some weird scores huh? ;D

also Italy clinched 3 points from Cyprus at the last minute.
1027 Hits
Cypher's real challenge comes in America (No comments)
Posted by evan @ 12:27 CDT, 22 August 2008 - iMsg
SK Gaming have published a column in preparation for the Electronic Sports World Cup (ESWC) grand finals which start next Monday.

The column centres around Serious Gaming star Alexi 'Cypher' Yanushevsky, the winner of ESWC Masters and Quakecon 2008, and his rise to the top of Quake's "renaissance" and why "we should all stop being Cypher fanboys".

Why then has little Alexi Yanushevsky grown up and become “unstoppable”? He hasn't, that's the strange thing. It's all in the head and if hyperbole is a drug then the ESReality community is surely coked up to its eyeballs; congratulating him on his win at ESWC because of av3k's non-attendance, calls to have him nerfed, the “ephelps” of Quake...

You can read the rest of the column on SK Gaming - here
877 Hits
Russia vs Georgia (No comments)
Posted by reyu @ 13:53 CDT, 8 August 2008 - iMsg
813 Hits
lolol (1 comment)
Posted by Demiurge @ 22:37 CDT, 23 July 2008 - iMsg
Edited by Demiurge at 22:52 CDT, 16 March 2016 - 4549 Hits
jtyj (No comments)
Posted by Slasher @ 13:44 CDT, 21 July 2008 - iMsg

Edited by Slasher at 13:44 CDT, 21 July 2008 - 1563 Hits
jtyj (No comments)
Posted by Slasher @ 13:37 CDT, 21 July 2008 - iMsg
1408 Hits
jtyj (No comments)
Posted by Slasher @ 13:37 CDT, 21 July 2008 - iMsg
1304 Hits
jtyj (No comments)
Posted by Slasher @ 13:37 CDT, 21 July 2008 - iMsg
1303 Hits
Quake Live Exclusive Trailer in HD (No comments)
Posted by Slasher @ 13:30 CDT, 21 July 2008 - iMsg has posted the debut public trailer for Quake Live.

ect classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="gtembed" width="480" height="392"> bed src="" swLiveConnect="true" name="gtembed" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="true" quality="high" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="392">bed> ect>

Edited by Slasher at 13:31 CDT, 21 July 2008 - 1334 Hits
Which year was the best ESWC Q3 event? (No comments)
Posted by tom @ 15:39 CDT, 10 July 2008 - iMsg
ESWC 2003: 40% (2)

ESWC 2008: 40% (2)

ESWC 2005: 20% (1)

ESWC 2004: 0% (0)

Taking into consideration all factors; players, skill-level, organization, length, GTV whine etc etc

Edited by tom at 15:45 CDT, 10 July 2008 - 2643 Hits
Another fragmovie (5 comments)
Posted by qahdrk @ 16:50 CDT, 2 July 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: 8.3 (2 votes)
Hi here is another fragmovie of me and my son justin..
Not the best quality but some quality frags, especialy the last one 8>
Enjoy !
Edited by iG|drk at 17:06 CDT, 2 July 2008 - 3528 Hits
Oslo Lions expands to Sweden (No comments)
Posted by h1o @ 04:57 CDT, 1 July 2008 - iMsg
After our latest addition of the CS team, Lions thought that it was the right time to move to a duel game. The choice of the game wasn't that hard with the ESWC MASTERS, Quakecon and Gamegune all around the corner, featuring our beloved Quake3.

There are a bunch of great Quake 3 players out there, so we had to find someone whom could fit our goals and vision. Having participated at Dreamhack Summer with our Counter Strike 1.6 team we closely followed the development of the Quake3 competition.

And without further speculations we can now pleasantly announce that SwedenAndreas "ArrW" Ihrfors will be our first dedicated Quake3 player, and we are glad to be a part of his future in both Quake3, and a possible competitive Quake Live scene.
Edited by h1o at 05:19 CDT, 1 July 2008 - 1008 Hits
test (No comments)
Posted by clan519 @ 14:16 CDT, 28 June 2008 - iMsg
test poast
1234 Hits
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