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Community Movie Demo Request (No comments)
Posted by zuphrin @ 13:16 CST, 1 March 2008 - iMsg
kane and me (suffer1ng) are planning to create a Quake 4 Fragmovie which will hopefully be amazing. But we will need your help! We need amazing frags, loads of. Keep in mind if you send us decent frags, then we will only be able to create a decent movie. So make sure you are only sending us amazing frags.

"What sort of demos can I send you in?"
We will only accept...
demos recorded in Q4MAX!
these gametypes: CTF, TDM, FFA, Duel, Tourney
demos from any version of Q4MAX in 1.4.2

Again, make sure you are only sending amazing frags! Sending us decent frags will only waste our time which means that the movie will take longer to be released.

Please don't send us .txt files with frags + times inside, instead put them into the demonames!
Just like this:

So if I had a double airrocket on Heartless at 15:40min, I would name the demo like:

For the case I have more than one frag in that demo, I would just make the demoname longer then, like:

You can email us your demos to: (Keep in mind that there is a size cap, I think it's 20mb, so better don't put all your demos into one .rar file, split them instead)

The BEST thing would be if you create a short clip of your frags, e.g. via fraps. This would save us so much time.
HERE you can find a trial of fraps. And you can find a tutorial on how to compress the videos HERE.

We're counting on you ;)
1010 Hits
You're banned due to headshotting admins (No comments)
Posted by SeRPeNToR @ 13:11 CST, 29 February 2008 - iMsg
Well, recently after 2 years finally my ping got better with some Turkish CS servers. Then there was this "ZeYtnBurNu Clan" Server where I found it interesting because most of the clan members and some other good player were playin' there. well I'm not a VERY good player, but from what I learned, I must be that good to get banned from a SECURE server, Because some of the admins got headshots by my scout rifle. WTF man?! since when you ban people because they're good with scout rifle? I mean well yes most of my scout shots had hit the target I admit that, but MAN I'm 25 years old, I've no reason to use hacks or what ever ppl using! I've been playing this game for almost 10 years now, I've been in tournaments, events, well not world wide, but I have enough experience! And since when people cheat with their steam accounts on a VAC server. I'm so bombed about this.

please don't be a loser, there are some people out there who can shoot for real.

PS: Janbe dashte bashid baba...
Edited by SeRPeNToR at 13:31 CST, 29 February 2008 - 979 Hits
Razer Lauches LAN Sponsorship program (No comments)
Posted by Dolvich @ 01:54 CST, 29 February 2008 - iMsg
Relying on years of experience of collaborating with gaming comunity Razer decided to present something more advanced for organizers and those gathering at LAN events. The new Lan Party Sponsorship program is to help LAN organizers all over the world. The events that will match the Razer's criteria will receive lot of merchandise that will definitely benefit the events.

Launching this January, Razer™ is proud to announce the debut of the Razer LAN Party Sponsorship program, a new initiative to support the global gaming scene and help gamers connect within their community to meet new friends, teammates and even rivals.

Razer’s LAN Party Sponsorship Program is open to all gamers interested in running a LAN event. We strongly encourage all organizers of LAN events to check out the sponsorship program and work with Razer to make their party a Razer-sanctioned LAN party.

As part of the benefits of running a Razer-sanctioned LAN party, organizers who register with Razer are eligible to receive a load of administrative gear to turn their LAN event into a truly electrifying experience. Each package will come with posters, gaming marshal t-shirts, lanyards, case wraps and other items to decorate your event and help officiate the party to make it an enjoyable event for all of your attendees.

In addition, Razer will be supplying qualified LAN parties with attractive prizes that include nothing less than Razer’s own cutting-edge gaming peripherals and gear. The top gamers at your event have a chance to win bonafide Razer schwag, Razer apparel and even one of Razer’s latest award-winning gaming mice.

To top it all off, Razer will be looking for the most sensational LAN parties to feature on the Razer web site, allowing gamers from all over the world to witness and take part in these gaming events no matter where they are.

For more information on Razer’s LAN party sponsorship program and to learn how to participate, visit
2103 Hits
United Kingdom -vs- Belarus (No comments)
Posted by Legie @ 05:40 CST, 28 February 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: q3dm7 - Temple of Retribution
Mod: N/A
How to play back Q3 demos

very close match with crazy uk comeback :) (pov deus @ 19:50)
1219 Hits
Sweden -vs- Polen (No comments)
Posted by proZaC @ 15:10 CST, 21 February 2008 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: q3dm7 - Temple of Retribution
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: xlo^proZaC
Version info: CPMA 1.45
How to play back Q3 demos

Well we played vs Polen in nations cup. I joined in the 2nd map, due to some misinformation blabla. Watch it, hope you enjoy it! /Cy
881 Hits
more1on1 playable map ? aerowalk remix ? (No comments)
Posted by Elmanchot @ 07:57 CST, 13 February 2008 - iMsg
it look likes only 3 maps are really played : placebo , monsoon, phrantic .
those maps are awesome but we need more :(

Ravage and torment aren't bad.
But mega and red are too close , and people with good timing skill + back and hide are really boring to play on this map (no rail :)
Ravage, it's different , i don't know why but i don"t have good feeling on it.

Maybe we need more remix map or new map , i think aerowalk would be great on q4.
any ideas about unknown maps or map who must be remixed ?
717 Hits
Games FAQ Layout (No comments)
Posted by Nicky @ 02:35 CST, 11 January 2008 - iMsg
18:05 CDT, 19 September 2024 - 18:05 CDT, 19 September 2024 (displays current time)
11:00 CST, 4 February 2024 - 11:00 CST, 4 February 2024
14:00 CDT, 5 September 2004 - 14:00 CDT, 5 September 2004
22:05 CDT, 28 September 2024 - 22:05 CDT, 28 September 2024

blurb txt here

Promotional Video
[stage6=<direct url here>,320,180]
[youtube=<direct url here>]
System Requirements




Community Mods and Utilities:

Stock Maps:

Map Packs:

ClanBase ClanBase

Helpful Links:

mIRC IRC Channels:

Facebook wiki Stage6 steam GfW

(For information to be added to this FAQ please iMsg the author or post below)
Edited by Nicky at 16:22 CDT, 19 October 2008 - 1495 Hits
Quake 3 (No comments)
Posted by Nicky @ 03:45 CST, 9 January 2008 - iMsg
Quake 3 Quake 3 (Q3) was released on December 2, 1999. Developed by id id Software.

work in progress....
1290 Hits
The Warcraft III Prize Money List 2007 (No comments)
Posted by Zerter @ 09:21 CST, 2 January 2008 - iMsg
In a Gotfrag article just released the 2007 prize money winnings in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne by tournament, player, race and nation have been gathered and broken down in various numbers.

Read it to find out various interesting information, such as:

Tthe combined winnings total over one million dollars with the player topping the list winning more than a Counter-Strike team ever has in a season. One Warcraft III race can claim more winnings than the other three combined, the players of a certain nation in Asia can claim the same.
1452 Hits
The Warcraft III Prize Money List 2007 (No comments)
Posted by Zerter @ 09:21 CST, 2 January 2008 - iMsg
In a Gotfrag article just released the 2007 prize money winnings in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne by tournament, player, race and nation have been gathered and broken down in various numbers.

Read it to find out various interesting information, such as:

Tthe combined winnings total over one million dollars with the player topping the list winning more than a Counter-Strike team ever has in a season. One Warcraft III race can claim more winnings than the other three combined, the players of a certain nation in Asia can claim the same.
1024 Hits
Quad at Home -vs- k1ck esports (No comments)
Posted by qahdrk @ 02:13 CST, 10 December 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: Sandstorm
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: qah-tureon
Version info: 1.42 q4max 0.80
How to play back Q4 demos

Clanbase opencup semi final game of Germany quad at home vs Portugal kick esports
very intens match with alot of action

enjoy !
1006 Hits
Quad at Home -vs- k1ck esports (No comments)
Posted by qahdrk @ 16:58 CST, 9 December 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: N/A
Mod: N/A
Viewpoint: qah-tureon
Version info: 1.42 q4max 0.80
How to play back Q4 demos

Clanbase opencup semi final game of quad at home Germany vs kick esports Portugal
very intens match with alot of action

enjoy !
1101 Hits
waffle (No comments)
Posted by tom @ 04:26 CST, 10 November 2007 - iMsg
Edited by tom at 13:40 CDT, 6 May 2009 - 1501 Hits
iCE cLIMBERS -vs- Quad Peoples Org (No comments)
Posted by qahdrk @ 06:16 CDT, 31 October 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: pro-q3dm6 - Campgrounds
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: ic-TOXIC
How to play back Q3 demos

Here we go again, on demand heres one more demo from iCE cLIMBERS vs Quad Peoples Org with vieuwpoint toxic.

enjoy !
1131 Hits
iCE cLIMBERS -vs- Quad Peoples Org (No comments)
Posted by qahdrk @ 10:54 CDT, 30 October 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: pro-q3dm6 - Campgrounds
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: ic-TOXIC
How to play back Q3 demos

here we go again, simply another demo from ic vs qpo with vieuwpoint toxic

1266 Hits
iCE cLIMBERS -vs- Iron Fist (No comments)
Posted by qahdrk @ 01:59 CDT, 27 October 2007 - iMsg

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Rating: - (0 votes)
Gametype: Team Game
Map: pro-q3dm6 - Campgrounds
Mod: Team Death Match
Viewpoint: ic-TOXIC
How to play back Q3 demos

after all the demos posted i simply couldnt resist to upload a tdm demo of my favorite players toxic where he played with ic vs the famous iron fist a very well known team from the UK with deus and blokey etc. as far i can remember iron had won some eurocup over ice climbers not sure. but that dont take away this beast from a demo :)

enjoy !!
1327 Hits
CoD4 Demo released (No comments)
Posted by 0v3r @ 19:32 CDT, 11 October 2007 - iMsg
Today the latest installment of the Call of Duty series, Modern Warfare had its demo released on PC today! The game which has already had a multiplayer beta on XBOX 360 is one of the winters hotly anticipated titles and is available to download now through Yahoo games. Weighing on at 1.4 gb you can download it here

Required (minimum) Specs
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 2.4 GHz or AMD(R) Athlon(TM) 64 2800+ processor or any 1.8Ghz Dual Core Processor or better supported
RAM: 512MB RAM (768MB for Windows Vista)
Hard Drive: 8GB of free space
Video card: NVIDIA(R) Geforce(TM) 6600 or better or ATI(R) Radeon(R) 9800 Pro or better

853 Hits
1 -vs- 2 (No comments)
Posted by Nicky @ 13:16 CDT, 8 October 2007 - iMsg
Edited by Nicky at 14:58 CST, 14 November 2007 - 1347 Hits
ClanBase opens ET:QW ladders (No comments)
Posted by lab @ 07:54 CDT, 22 September 2007 - iMsg
After successful ladder petitions and upcoming full release of ET:QW, ClanBase has decided to start two different ladders for demo. After game will be available in full version ladders will switch to full version.

First ladder will use standard 6v6 Stopwatch mode. Here is the quote from CB’s newspost. “In Stopwatch mode you will be able to use all vehicles but with popular restrictions. Rules for this ladder have been based on these from ClanBase ET:QW Beta Cup and these which are used in most popular ET:QW leagues. They’ve already been approved by the community and we think you will be happy to play with these regulations. With all these features we think that teams will enjoy playing many exciting games. 6v6 gives you many opportunities to finish objectives in different styles and of course you can use vehicles to help yourself. So grab your guns, take a seat and prepare to battle for first place in ET:QW 6v6 Stopwatch ladder. “

Second ladder will use will be for infantry only. “Infantry as name says is different than Stopwatch. It will be based only on individual aiming and tactical skills of team. No vehicles and deployables will be allowed during games. You can experience who is best aimer in your team and how it could help you to achieve final goal. So if you are relying only on your infantry and you don’t want to drive and destroy several vehicles on map, or you want a change from Stopwatch, you should definitely take part in this newborn ladder. “

ET:QW Demo Stopwatch 6on6 and Rules
ET:QW Demo Infantry 4on4 and Rules

All the details about signing up to competition can be found over at ClanBase.
836 Hits
New UT3 Interview (No comments)
Posted by RaaD @ 17:52 CDT, 8 August 2007 - iMsg

A Spanish-language site has posted an interview with Dave Ewing, lead level designer at Epic Games. They have asked some good competition-related questions.

Dave: The feel of the physics, speed and weapon damage feel much more similar to UT99. Players are much less floaty and are more attached to the ground. You can still wall dodge and double jump in UT3, but you can't dodge-double jump and when you land from a double jump your momentum is slightly killed. This means you'll find yourself using double jumps to reach higher spots then you could with a single jump, but you won't want to double jump much while in actual combat.
1168 Hits
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