Razer Lauches LAN Sponsorship program
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Launching this January, Razer™ is proud to announce the debut of the Razer LAN Party Sponsorship program, a new initiative to support the global gaming scene and help gamers connect within their community to meet new friends, teammates and even rivals.
Razer’s LAN Party Sponsorship Program is open to all gamers interested in running a LAN event. We strongly encourage all organizers of LAN events to check out the sponsorship program and work with Razer to make their party a Razer-sanctioned LAN party.
As part of the benefits of running a Razer-sanctioned LAN party, organizers who register with Razer are eligible to receive a load of administrative gear to turn their LAN event into a truly electrifying experience. Each package will come with posters, gaming marshal t-shirts, lanyards, case wraps and other items to decorate your event and help officiate the party to make it an enjoyable event for all of your attendees.
In addition, Razer will be supplying qualified LAN parties with attractive prizes that include nothing less than Razer’s own cutting-edge gaming peripherals and gear. The top gamers at your event have a chance to win bonafide Razer schwag, Razer apparel and even one of Razer’s latest award-winning gaming mice.
To top it all off, Razer will be looking for the most sensational LAN parties to feature on the Razer web site, allowing gamers from all over the world to witness and take part in these gaming events no matter where they are.
For more information on Razer’s LAN party sponsorship program and to learn how to participate, visit lanparty.razerzone.com.
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