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Cursive's UTLAN Gallery of Fiery Wrath (9 comments)
Posted by Cursive @ 08:56 CDT, 25 July 2006 - iMsg
Over here in the USA we managed to have one of the few UT-only LAN events that competitive gaming has seen in the last few years, aside from the bass-ackwards monstrousity that is UltraUnreal (More like UT99 and no real cash prizes amirite?).

Well Nathan "Ender" Day and Paul "Maddeh" Day set out to give us an event that we'd remember, and we most certainly will.

Now, behold ye who hath stumbled upon my collezione of masterful photography and sheer artistic innovation. Within this gallery lies secrets that will forever shape mankind, and possibly give you indegestion. Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.
Edited by Cursive at 10:46 CDT, 25 July 2006 - 13723 Hits
ISC 2006: trito´s gallery (6 comments)
Posted by g0d-trito @ 06:50 CDT, 12 July 2006 - iMsg
I tried to post pictures earlier but faild, I'm giving it a new try now. Here are some pictures from ISC 2006.
13034 Hits
Mojo's CPL... I mean, ISC Gallery (4 comments)
Posted by meat man @ 21:50 CDT, 10 July 2006 - iMsg
OMG! I fixed my camera.


Not really.

It takes blurry pictures without the flash on, and I'm not allowed to use flash in the tournament area!
9307 Hits
ISC 06: Trito's Pitctures (24 comments)
Posted by Slasher @ 22:32 CDT, 8 July 2006 - iMsg
Edited by Levi240 at 11:48 CDT, 12 July 2006 - 14389 Hits
ESWC 06 Gallery by Ms.X (7 comments)
Posted by Ms.X @ 20:41 CDT, 5 July 2006 - iMsg
Various crazy photos taken from ESWC 2006 in Paris. The event was held at Bercy this year, which was quite an amazing venue...due to camera problems there's not many photos from the event itself, but more of the player's hotel and party. :) Many of the pics in this gallery also include Taiwan partyboy, a very special guest and at times thought to be an "unofficial mascot."

This is just a preview of photos, you can view the full gallery here.
Edited by Ms.X at 21:07 CDT, 5 July 2006 - 10319 Hits
The ReDeYe ESWC Gallery 2006 (6 comments)
Posted by ReDeYe @ 20:24 CDT, 4 July 2006 - iMsg
I had planned to take a lot of pictures and despite taking over 700, thanks to my laptop pronounced dead on arrival back at home, its a lot less.

Still, I hope you enjoy the pics.
Edited by ReDeYe at 02:00 CDT, 5 July 2006 - 14256 Hits
Sujoy's ESWC 2006 Gallery (31 comments)
Posted by Sujoy @ 09:17 CDT, 29 June 2006 - iMsg
Welcome to ESWC 2006, the gamers' favourite tournament and the biggest European event to feature Quake 4 this year. I'm here the whole weekend to take photos and write up some coverage live from Paris. This gallery will be updated each day with new photos.
Edited by Sujoy at 04:44 CDT, 30 June 2006 - 19034 Hits
Mojo's WSVG Kentucky Gallery (22 comments)
Posted by meat man @ 11:05 CDT, 20 June 2006 - iMsg
My awesome gallery with my awesome camera.
Edited by Mojo- at 11:11 CDT, 20 June 2006 - 19959 Hits
ESWC 2006 Polish Qualifier (3 comments)
Posted by TUMULT @ 02:28 CDT, 17 June 2006 - iMsg
My photos from ESWC 2006 Poland Qualifier.
Date: 3 June 2006. Fun: Pure.
Edited by freak_ at 14:51 CDT, 24 June 2006 - 12701 Hits
ESWC 2006 Swedish Qualifier (6 comments)
Posted by voodoochopstiks @ 21:59 CDT, 10 June 2006 - iMsg
voodoochopstiks pictures of the ESWC 2006 Swedish Qualifier. Sadly, lighting conditions inside Gamers Paradise(certaintly not a photographer's :D) were quite hard to work with, very dark or very green usually, or both at the same time. Leads to some blurry pictures, I hope you forgive me. This is my first gallery, and Sujoy apparently made me admin just for saying I was going to post pics later :D. Anyway, I had a very nice time there, and I hope you enjoy the pics.
Edited by voodoochopstiks at 23:44 CDT, 10 June 2006 - 16411 Hits
dallow's CovLAN III gallery (2 comments)
Posted by dallow @ 11:27 CDT, 5 June 2006 - iMsg
Edited by dallow at 12:27 CDT, 5 June 2006 - 12124 Hits
Covlan Gallery (7 comments)
Posted by ReDeYe @ 05:19 CDT, 5 June 2006 - iMsg
This was a fantastic tournament for Quake 4 and it brought out a lot of the top duellers and TDM players. I did take my camera however I spent most of my time commentating rather than taking pictures, so this gallery is a bit smaller than normal, but never the less, it does contain a few high quality pictures.
Edited by ReDeYe at 06:19 CDT, 5 June 2006 - 14421 Hits
Gamezone Belgium UT2004 LAN (14 comments)
Posted by ReDeYe @ 06:10 CDT, 29 May 2006 - iMsg
A gallery from the GameZone UT2004 tournament in Antwerp Belgium as well as a few shots from the bootcamp in Gent the 2 days prior to it.

Small note : the images were squashed down in both pixels and res for this gallery so are not as high quality as they came off the camera, sorry.
Edited by ReDeYe at 07:21 CDT, 29 May 2006 - 12516 Hits
GGL's VSports AllStars & HHGL Gallery (2 comments)
Posted by Carmac @ 18:49 CDT, 26 May 2006 - iMsg
While at E3 in Los Angeles I had my trusty redeye-loving camera with me. I was there to see the VSports AllStars event as well as the Hip Hop Gaming League finals in club Element in Hollywood.

It was all good fun so I suggest you venture forth and enjoy the gallery.
Edited by Carmac at 18:49 CDT, 26 May 2006 - 12318 Hits
Sujoy's IGUK Gallery of E3 2006 (1 comment)
Posted by Sujoy @ 04:46 CDT, 12 May 2006 - iMsg
It's 2006 and IGUK sent Sujoy over to LA to witness the American spectacle of E3.
12747 Hits
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