Apparently there's a decent coder interested in updating OSP if the community demands it. Should OSP 1.03a be updated with minor bugfixes (not touching physics or netcode)?
Poll requested by analyzer.
Poll requested by analyzer.
Edited by spyteman at 14:41 CDT, 19 July 2008 - 257854 Hits
/ready bug
avoid spec vote in tdm/ctf
voting + /team s substract the new spectator vote
stats 100%+ on weapon multi-hit RG/RL
followpowerup bug sometimes (seen on gtv)
followpowerup on the guy with most powerups, not the last picked
center items drops
Scoreboard pings more accurate
empty vote fix
Hitting a key while watching a demo stops it
name limited to 32chars, possibility improve capacity ?
vote time 20sec => 10sec
drop current weapon
drop current ammos (1 clip)
drop powerup ON/OFF ?
ready switch (ON/OFF) => not using 2 distinct commands
/ignore only one guy (player ID or name or regular expression)
stats 1v1: distance covered for each user / camping meter (time spent walking, etc)
stats 1v1: map domination => % of items collected (RA/YA/MH) in comparison with total items that have spawned.
stats 1v1: item timing => % of items taken in the next 2/3sec after spawn.
vote displayed in console
cvar containing clanname
vote maxcapturegap => for ctf pickups, max capture difference
vote maxfraggap => for tdm pickups, max frag difference
Ideas are welcome :)