IF (can't seem to stress it enough) it does mean anything, hopefully it means they are trying to get a consensus on which map to drop based on which one ppl are tired of playing and which one ppl are tired of spec'ing
...of course we're talking about id here, and the idea seems to make alot of sense. Both those things make it a less chance of being true. =\
watching t9 is sort of like watching hub. there is not enough room for the player out of control to hide so it pays off to go agressive off the spawn and not stack up for minutes like elsewhere. that makes it the most interesting map for the sheer amount of fragging spectators get to see. dm13 seems boring from an observer point of view but
use it for home map, dm6 and ztn are slightly less boring but avoiding fights is still too easy on them imo. t7 is good because it is new and without a major flaw.
to me t9 is the least interesting map spectator wise, but otherwise i really enjoy watching all the other maps, any further preference would just be based on what i like to play
t9 is very fun from spec point of view (only second to hub and t4 imo), not so much when you are playing it and getting spawn raped, however its still a decent map.
another thing about t9 I don't like as a spec is when one person holds up on one side of the map (see strenx v. av3k- Dreamhack)- on top of the same situations over and over and over again
I think atleast the general consensus is, that everyone wants T4 back. Specifically because of its weapon selection and play style being slightly unique.
Huh. Why do people hate to watch DM13 so much? It's always a tactical treat for me, especially when watching someone who knows what he's doing there, like Rapha, Cooller or Avek.
I worry about this poll, a lot. It's not the results that scare me, it's whats to come that scares me.
First off, Carmac posted this. Carmac is high enough at ESL where I'm sure he could change a map pool for any game at any time. Yes this is an assumption, but I think it's a fair one.
But what's to be determined from this poll? Maybe he knows of the possibility of new maps coming to Quake Live, so he's preparing for an alteration in the map pool. The poll before this had people vote on the least competitive maps. The top two least competitive maps? T9 and DM6.
Yes on this poll, T9 is number two. If Carmac were to determine a map pool based on this polls results, then it seems to me that T9 would be kept. Why? What if we get new maps that are GOOD? What if we get something like Hub? Lets be honest here, the only reason T9 was put into the map pool was because of the push of it by top american players, the fact that the map was 'new', and it had teleporters, so it was 'similar to hub'. Well, what if we actually get hub? Wouldn't that be all the reason to put T9 out of the map pool?
The competitive community already agrees that T9 is shit. But according to this, T9 is spectator friendly. I'll agree with that, but who is ESL catering to? ESL is already in the business about promoting the players, not the league. So, if I LOVE Strenx, I'm going to watch him, regardless of what map he players. Would ESL really love XX% of viewers that T9 was put out of the map pool? I really really doubt it. ESL should be focused on a COMPETITIVE map pool, not a spectator friendly map pool. Yes, you can get the best of both worlds, but if it was up to spectators, we'd be playing DM6, T9 and DM17.
My main point is that the fans and viewers will watch Quake, regardless of specific maps. I really doubt people will not watch ESL TV because T9 isn't there, or DM6.
Lets get rid of the shit maps and put in good ones.
This is the response to the crappy poll that you started to kill dm6/t9, because carmac really know his shit and knows how to make a correct poll and what people really like outside the scope of some haters that bash their own mediocrity to a particular map.
Error: You have chosen more than one option for rank 1
Error: You have chosen more than one option for rank 1
Error: Missing vote for position 2
Error: Missing vote for position 5
I like dm13. You have to be a fucking ninja to be good at it. You can get stuck at RA and then fucked at mega, and then the lava burns your ass. Lots of cool shit here.
I hate t7, fucking water holding up your strafing, fucking bricks on the floor near RA taking your rockets without doing damage, fucking huge drop from top mega to bottom which is just shit to climb up there and own people that are sniping at you.
DM6 ... too fucking simple. It's a great map for newcomers but its just too easy. Let it die.
Tourney4 is very interesting to spec and pretty good to play. Strafing across middle should be the new "bridge-to rail" trick for newbies to practice
Tourney9 lol.. teleporter + spam + rush with lg + rocket spam.. fuck this. It's more fun than t7 but its still bad.
Keep dm13/ztn/t4 + 3 new maps + add hub
= 7 map pool.
Am I the only one that gets bored with ALL these maps anymore? I like ztn & t7 just because they aren't t9/dm6/dm13.
If only there was a LARGE tournament map pool (of quality dueling maps) that the players could choose from so we don't have to see the same maps over and over. From a spectator pov (mine) I have to say I spectate quake less because I have to see the same maps ALL the time. I don't know how many people feel the same.
Large mappools means you have to practice way too many maps. Rather than one big mappool, I'd like to see a 5-map mappool where one map gets changed per half year or so.
Seen and played so many dm6 and dm13 games from q3 until now. It's starting to get BLEEDING BORING.
Why are people in this scene often so afraid of moving forward?
Yes some continuity is needed, but its gone so stale now. I would actually cheer a little if dm13 and dm6 were removed.
It's clear talking about getting rid of maps like ztn from the mappool just because they are old is fucking retarded. The best moments at the last tournaments have happened there.
DM6 & ZTN are like tied first and second of these five, love 'em both. Most hate on DM6 sounds like bullshit to me. Like the whole "coin toss based on spawns" thing*, hasn't seemed like it in most tournament games I've seen (far too many comebacks and game ties for that to make sense; also, as someone already said here, "say what you want but DM6 delivers") and not the impression rapha's cooller game cast gives.
Also pleases me greatly that T7 is at least one of the bottom two. >:@ Though would put DM13 above it and T9; really like it with 2GD's casting that really makes it seem like this awesome map about area control and extremely calculated risk.
Just my opinion :x
* -edit- Those spawns where you both see eachother at LG within like 1 second is f#%& dumb though.