Event: ESWC'08
Gametype: DuelMap: Various Maps
Mod: Challenge ProMode Arena
Viewpoint: mvd
Version info: cpma 1.46, q3 1.32
How to play back Q3 demos
>> 65147-fox-vs-fooki-dhs08-eswc-wbfinal.rar <<
(3096KB, 492 DLs)
(3096KB, 492 DLs)
fox vs fooking, playing t4, ztn and nodm9
There were some problems when recording the t4 match. MVD didn't work until 2:43, so it IS an mvd demo, but various povs before 2:43.
To be exact, this is the povs:
0:00-1:40 = fooki
1:40-2:15 = fox
2:20-2:30 = oops
2:30-2:43 = fox
2:43-15:00 = mvd
The rest of the maps were recorded properly (thanks to unholy for a better version of the t4 demo than my own).
Maporder: t4, ztn, nodm9
4284 Hits