Schedule: Passed
Right after the success of the Moscow Quake LAN Party #19, which took a place in August and gathered over 40 players, the MQLP series is back to being twice a year. This anniversary LAN however was decided to be held in an unusual format. For the first time in its history, it's gonna be a no duels team-modes only LAN.
Moreover, to raise the fun and competition level, it was decided to make it a draft tournament. Chosen captains are going to pick players and play six official 4x4 disciplines being CA, CTF, TDM, FT, Dom and A&D. Event will happen in the same place as the last time: The CyberSport Laboratory in Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism .

Links: Coverage, Brackets, Announcement
Edited by h8m3 at 08:11 CST, 10 January 2015 - 42888 Hits