Posted by doz3r @ 23:58 CST, 8 January 2015 - iMsg
Scheduled: 14:00 CST, 14 January 2015 to 15:00 CST, 14 January 2015 Schedule: Passed
The signups of Quake Live TDM 4v4 Winter Season have been closed. Here are the draft groups. Division 1 will play Wednesdays 21:00 CET and Division 2 will play Thursdays 21:00 CET. The Winter Season will start Wednesday 14th of January.
A first approximation for odds can be made by looking up tdm ratings for pickup games on Add up the ratings of individual players in a team to estimate team rating.
well, 3 streams, that seems nice. But, do they actually cast the games, or just stream them with no comment?
Some good old levelup-esque tdm casting, now THAT I'd love to see!
I may run but TDM is where my heart is at. You bet I'll be casting. I will have various players from #NATDM.QL joining me as well. Your initial reaction is exactly why I wanted to do this! Most TDM that gets streamed is either silent streaming (which i respect) or not in English.
I stream TDM as much as possible already so I am looking forward to this :)
Looking forward to the games!
gogo brainWashed