Swedish made movie thats funded by a kickstarter campaign, featuring everything a good 80s actionmovie need, dinosaurs, nazis, and kung fu, in a span of 29 minutes.
Can watch it here: http://www.svt.se/kung-fury/se-program/kung-f...start=true
or here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS5P_LAqiVg&feature=youtu.be
depending on which works for you and your country.
anonymous reviews:
[15:55] <not nsx> i hope he fights the 3-headed-hyper-nazi-tyrano-shark-avalanchizer
[15:56] <not nsx> oh yeah, here arze the nazi
[15:56] <not nsx> lulz
[16:22] <really not nsx> that was fucking amazing
Edited by fny at 10:10 CDT, 31 May 2015 - 7200 Hits