Description by
Dex and
I hope the new generation of quakers will feel the spirit of the old school and the elders will recall the past!
Links: movie on,, Q3DF.ORG, #defrag
Old news about this movie on esreality

"Yes, 10 years are gone since the release of the movie! So I've decided to kinda remaster it and give you the opportunity to watch the vid as it was meant to be seen! Enjoy the higher quality fullscreen version!The best DeFRaG movie from russian community of all time. Many players have joined DeFRaG after watching this video, including the currently best vq3 runners in the world -
This video is about Quake 3 modification called Defrag, where you use different trickjumping skills to pass special maps as fast as possible, its representing our 'Black Shadows' team back in 2005!
40 impressive records performed by[bsh]genosh,
Edited and directed by me.
Well-synced soundtrack consists of 8 audio tracks of misc styles.
This video brought me 2 awards in moviemaking contests (1st and 3rd prizes).
A lot of these demos are not the worlds best results anymore, well, so many years passed, but still you may find enjoyable watching this piece of art!
Have fun!"

I hope the new generation of quakers will feel the spirit of the old school and the elders will recall the past!
Links: movie on,, Q3DF.ORG, #defrag
Old news about this movie on esreality
- Movie File - Stream () 0MB
- Youtube (249 clicks)
- Movie File - High Quality (Defrag_revolution_1080p.avi) 1805MB
- (12 clicks)
- maverickservers (37 clicks)
Edited by xajA at 14:14 CDT, 28 August 2015 - 13310 Hits
at first I was stoked, a 20 min defrag movie, the beginning looks like someone who knows editing made it. this will be good.
music crap, the first scenes in this is shite
head back to ESR to destroy it. realise it is 10 years old. I dont claim to know all 10 year old quake movies but I thought I knew the most important ones. From this point of view, 10 years ago this quality of production was KOS quality which I like to call as close to perfection as possible. BUT it is remastered, not knowing the original version I have to guess how good the 2005 version was. The description sounds like it was merely an hd update.
where does this leave me? I dont know. probably the film was a blast in the day, even now it is still alright eventhough the skill has exploded since then.
I cannot rate it. the nostalgists vote 10 by default, I dont want to rate it low since it was obviously good in the day but from todays perspective it just didnt withstood the test of time. I know more about quake by having seen it but the sensation is not exactly overwhelming. thanks for uploading.