During March of this year various Polish news outlets reported of a drug-related search, and subsequent arrest of the famous Quake dueler

av3k. In response to this news a number of community members have decided to assist av3k by asking for donations, by
posting on ESReality forum. Some of the posts in the thread disclose the available information regarding the case, however, many of the details are not public due to the ongoing trial. Despite the lack of information a prominent community member, Memento_Mori, has created a
donation incentive to help av3k.
As you know Av3k is being prosecuted for drugs dealing in association with a gang. In the thread above you will find some details about what he had when he got busted etc. Regardless of the details, he admits he is not innocent, and has his share of guilt in dealing drugs, which the ongoing trial will judge. This is to say that if you have any moral doubts, you should ask yourself if you would rather donate for the many existing causes where innocents need help.
At the same time, many of you have known Av3k for years, played with him, met him at tournaments and call him a friend, and with the same spirit one may want to help a family member or a close friend who fucked up, one may want to help Av3k in this situation.
Since I handled donations from the community in the past, I've been asked to help here as well. I thought about it, and considered that, guilty or not, there's a number of expenses related to the trial one has to face. Having a proper law representation is right, even when one is guilty and ends up charged. According to Av3k's his lawyer is doing a massive job in trying to help him, and is also understanding wrt. to his financial situation.
In that light, I asked Av3k the cost related to his laywer until the end of the trial, and set a donation goal to cover those. This money should help him get through to whatever judgement awaits him.
The details about the court are not public (they are supposed to be at the end of the trial). You are welcome to contact him directly (pm twister or ins) for more details.
One relevant bit of information is that right after the arrest all his money and belongings were taken - even prizes coming from Quake, though they clearly were not connected to the drug dealing - and his family was also financially impacted, so he's been living these past seven months thanks to the help of friends and small jobs he could get. Any salary would be seized massively (75%), forcing him at times to work two jobs to put any money aside. At the moment he is completely broke, and every bit of money can help him, from simple things to paying the costs related to the trial.
- What if the money is not reached? Will the lawyer leave Av3k?
The lawyer has been very understanding so far - as he knows the situation perfectly. Av3k is completely broke at the moment, but might find help and eventually pay him.
- What about some 'shady' options mentioned in the thread above?
The situation is complicated, and if you want to know more contact him. This donation is intended for the lawyer costs, hence the target goal. Of course money is money, and once donated it can be used in any way. As in any other donation there's a component of trust; if you are not comfortable with this, do not donate.
- Is there more than just lawyer costs?
Besides having money for living, in the fortunate event of a probation sentence he would likely be charged a considerable fine. If people feel like they want to contribute to that, they can add to the donation.
Links: Police Report on Av3ks arrest,
DailyDot story,
Donation Page