We are happy to inform you that
Quake Live Clan Arena pickup channel is operating now at
#capickup. If you currently not happy with public matches, or just looking for higher skilled games or games without quitters, come visit and add up for a few games. It might be just what you are looking for.
Teams are generated by bot, so all games should be as close as possible, providing the players gives their best in each game. In case of a new player, match will have to be played with captains choosing players, due to new player still not added to database. Check below how to add yourself for games.
Any additional info can be found at
capickup.eu. Happy fragging!
Join #capickup channel
!iam <your steamid64> - adds you to db and allows you to use !a command
!a - adds you to the pickup
!r - removes you from pickup
Go to the designated server, join your team and ready up !
Make sure to stay for 2 maps!
Bot commands,