Updated: 2016/01/12


You can do the following /cv commands:

mode <vql/pql>: change between VQL/Classic and PQL/Turbo mode without the use of custom factories

weaponrespawn <5/10/15>: set weapon respawn time in seconds (5 is only allowed in VQL mode), 10 is default in PQL

thrufloors <on/off>: set damage through floors off (default) or on

footsteps <on/off>: set footsteps on or off (cannot be changed in PQL)

overtime <0/120>: set overtime to 0 (sudden death) or 120 seconds (default)

lgdamage <6/7>: set LG damage to either 6 (QL nerf) or 7 (QL pre-nerf) and LG knockback to 1.75 & 1.50 accordingly

mgdamage <5/7>: set MG damage to either 5 (QL default) or 7 (Q3 default)

rgdamage <80/100>: set RG damage to either 80 (QL default) or 100 (Q3 default)

rlvelocity <900/1000>: set RL velocity to either 900 (Q3 default) or 1000 (QL default)

reset <vql/pql>: reset all custom votes to default VQL/PQL settings

spec <id>: move a player to spectators

mute <id>: mute a player for 10 minutes

midair <on/off>: enable or disable rockets-only midair mode

rocketinstagib: enable or disable rocket instagib for midair mode

instagib <on/off>: enable or disable railgun instagib mode

crouchslide <on/off>: enable or disable crouchslide (Q4) mode

They don't show in the menu when you type /callvote, but there is a !votemenu command which lists them, so give a mention to it in the MOTD. If any of the settings are changed, like LG damage, a player is notified of the change when he connects to the server.

Anyone can freely edit the script and add or remove things they don't want.

A server in Germany running the plugin (with some features removed): (VQL/PQL ranked duel (QL + custom duel maps))

And a server in Germany running a custom midair plugin with kill distance rankings and custom midair maps: (Midair FFA/1v1 [DE]) (midair plugin: https://github.com/x0rnn/minqlx-plugins/blob/...ir_only.py)

Also, here is a referee plugin: https://github.com/x0rnn/minqlx-plugins/blob/master/referee.py

You can /cv referee/unreferee someone, or use a ref password. speclock, specunlock, specinvite aren't possible yet.