94392 Hits
"Yeah its me infight/Prinzalbert Now my Story. Believe it or not. 2yrs ago i installed n7ql for 1 Day to Troll benbobster on a private Server. For 1 Day 5 ppl in teamspeak and a Lot of fun ☺ benbobster is a good friend. Still ☺
Than steam quake Come up. In december K1llsen toll me He Played vs a cheater. I told IT my friend cannabisyeah and He said "noooo way cheating is Not possible in steam"
One Server 2 guy on IT. I installed n7ql again. To test of its still possible. IT was lol ☺ i invited syncerror to the Server to Show him the n7ql problem.. he didnt Show up. Like.. 2 yrs ago..
Thats my Story and thats the "bet" i was talking about yakumo ☺
Now im out and i dont pay 1€ to steamql to Come back 😈"