In this, first part, the article focuses on the weapons, the characters, the demons and the teams behind DOOM development. The article also includes an in-game animation of a "Glory Kill" (looks awesome!) which is a new feature for a DOOM game, also a couple of screenshots from the game and artwork.
A few words from project leaders and their look upon previous DOOM's history and moments of glory are also cited.
"It adds a great deal of pressure because we aim to repeat history and reintroduce DOOM into pop culture again as well as revitalize the franchise. It’s a tall order that requires true teamwork. We push ourselves technically, and we are always learning new processes to improve art.” says the Environment Lead Lear Darocy.DOOM is set to be released this spring so get on board of the hype train and get some Love!
EDIT: Part 2 available!
EDIT2: Part 3 available!
I'll be updating this post as each part gets released.

Edited by viaIImaximus at 12:30 CST, 25 February 2016 - 25411 Hits