66931 Hits
talking about 2GD being "genuine" ... I Don't get it. he still does his "not appropriate" jokes on air and has this annoying know-it-all attitude he had from day one.
1) They hired 2GD knowing full well his presenting style, and he delivered exactly what they hired him for.
His opening lines were totally out of the question for any live event of this caliber, and any serious company would have fired him for that.
it really amuses me how many bigots could be found on e-sport site
close-minded adept of corporate cultureHe went there for the $$$ and not to change the world.
and fired him upon realizing their mistake despite the community loving it
Seems like valve are out of touch with the community
But that's because most of us are sheep. We won't say shit and try to follow the rules others place on us, cowering to the big man.Mwaha. Yep. If you're employed, that's what happens. That's what your contract obliges you to. Also, do you want to say that business agreements mean that people who stick to them are sheeple and the ones who violently disagree, throw shit and their weight around and make unnecessary fuss are the real deal? I kindly disagree, after 10 years of operating my own business.