Scheduled: 16:00 CST, 6 March 2016 to 21:00 CST, 6 March 2016Schedule: Passed
NADC Spring 2016 season continues this Sunday at 16:00 CST, 6 March 2016.
Dates for all remaining cups in the season are listed under the "Season" link in this post.
Events are open to the public and
signup links will be provided a few hours beforehand.
Thank You For Quakeing!
Double Elimination
WB semi, WB Final and LB Finals are BO3
Grand Finals match is two BO3 if needed
Remaining WB and LB matches are BO1
Coin-toss winner may choose to drop first or second.
Map selection is drop, drop, Pick, Pick, drop, drop, last
To avoid the same map's the second BO3 in GF is pick, pick, drop, etc.
Furious Heights
Lost World
Important Message About the Map Pools
With QuakeCon 2016 happening in August I want to make sure that players looking to practice the QuakeCon maps are not turned off by the NADC map pools. Both the current Spring season and upcoming Summer season will feature at least five of the maps from the QuakeCon 2016 map pool. I understand that some players will only want to play the QuakeCon maps, and I would like to remind those players that map selection for the events is drop-drop.
1st Place $50.00 USD
2nd Place $20.00 USD
3rd Place $5.00 USD
North American Duel Cup prize pools are made possible by community donations.
Donations are put towards the current/upcoming NADC prize pool up to a maximum of $100. Donations received when the prize pool has reached it's $100 limit any donations received until the next cup are placed into the balance for future NADC events. At the end of the season the balance will also be used to fund the playoff prize pool. You can view the Spring 2016 Balance here.
The NADC has officially adopted a seasonal format. Every season will have a playoffs and feature six duel cups. The six duel cups are always open to the public. The playoffs are invite only, and limited to eight players. These eight players are selected based on their total points at the end of the season. Points are awarded every duel cup to the top-16 players. View the current standings here.
Spring 2016 Schedule
Jan. 31 - NADC #12
Feb. 21 - NADC #13
Mar. 06 - NADC #14
Mar 20 - NADC #15
Apr. 03 - NADC #16
Apr. 17 - NADC #17
Apr 24 - Playoffs
Events begin at 17:00 CDT
Looking for Admins and Casters
If you are interested in helping out with one or more events behind the scenes or live on stream I would love to hear from you. Admin duties are very simple. Make sure that games are being played in a timely manner and respond to requests in the #duelcup IRC channel. Usually the events run themselves, but having even one extra person helping makes everything that much smoother. If you are interested in casting and you own a decent microphone I'd love to hear from you regardless of your experience. You can contact me directly on steam, #duelcup irc, or through a private message on these forums.
Spring 2016 Season