So we've all heard the great news about QuakeWorld being played at QuakeCon in August. How awesome isn't that?! 20 years of Quake erupting in a volatile concoction of elite players gathered under the same roof. And finally continents will clash for real...
Now I'd love to go. LOVE TO. But there's a couple of obstacles I have to surpass.
1. Leaving my wife with 2 high-maintenance toddlers for a week is tough, mostly for her.
2. Income during paternity leave sucks. And obviously the wallet for such endeavours is none.
So, to make my girlfriend be fine with me going, I'm asking for help financing the trip, so that I'm not spending the family account.
So if there's any interest, here's how to donate:
http://blaps.se/bpstoqcon - I'm ever grateful for any contributions!
(And if I wouldn't go, all is given back)
If Paypal is not your thing, here's my SEB bank account:
5266 00 362 09 (For international transfers BIC: ESSESESS)
Or Swish to number: 0760626001
Status (updated):
Donated: 1 167€ (10 859 SEK) from 28 lovely donors
Goal: 1300€ (12 000 SEK)
Completion: 90%
Edited by bps at 13:35 CDT, 6 April 2016 - 44434 Hits