He literally took shovel started to dig a hole hit a bottom of it and that should be over but hes still diggin somehow :D. I love how he keeps talking about his life and how awesome it is to value up. You said in some previous post that window cleaner job is awesome you can climb up the ladder and watch dressing woman in bikinis... <facepalm> I wonder what you girlfriend thinks about that :)
You're kidding right, wolf tried like 9000 times to end this shit diplomatically(when he didn't even have to) and drejk wouldn't let it drop. He has made Articles, Journals, Videos, Threads, contacted people through Facebook, twitch, IRC, Youtube, etc. His literally done all that every day from the time he wakes up till he sleeps for the last week while telling people he's a gangster who doesn't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks... lol yea right. How his finding peoples other accounts also means his spending his time trying to investigate people like a fucking PI. All day every day. If there's another medium of communication he can reach anyone by, I'm sure he'll find it.
WTF was this shit even all about? Wolf suggested he found it odd that drejk could beat Rapha on 90 ping and lose most of the time to guys who aren't close to raphas caliber. Wolf also stated he didn't think he was cheating but he could see how people would find it suspicious. THAT'S IT. Now the fucking hypocrisy there is unreal, if you've never watched drejjks stream he doesn't state he thinks people play suspiciously, he actually calls people out as 100 percent cheats all the time, including myself when he played some FFA games with me.
People get accused of cheating all the time, it's not a big deal, get the fuck over it. Stop trying to pretend you're the victim, you're the one actively harassing people while showing everyone what a racist bigoted hate mongering hypocrite you are.
take more lsd man :) i asked him what the deal was. all he can point out is that im not sane and needs to ban me from zlive and hide like a girl for the truth. you talk better as wolf thats for sure, credit for that!
but i did not challenged myself and posted videos :) do your homework better next time. if someone talks shit and challenges me i need to find a way to get to that person right? maybe you have experience stalking your ex-girlfriends but not me :)
and if im a racist because i say i dont like muslims whats is basicly everyones thought about muslims. and i point out that half of the balkan cheats. makes me a racist sure man :) when u speak ur mind u get punished. then you are an asshole you get praised. thats how it works unfortunatly
you are the weirdest of all, instigate all of this shit. cuz it all started with you not being able keeping your mouth shut. and now your on the sideline laughing and giggling. hahahahahahaha :) way to go snitch_pl
* Best of 5 or something
* make it pick pick so no excuses
* myself and Shpulp stream and cast
* One time only we allow only the best quality shitposting in chat and top shelf dank memes.
* Winner gets bragging rights and veryfied 10" internet penis
* Loser stop's posting to ESR
who the fuck cares about all of you and your miserable lifes. call me a cheat because of one win over rapha and people left and right esdf saying stuff as: your gf sux, your life sux, your kid sux and its a matter of time before you hang yourself
makie saying suck your dads dick and i raped your mom
trolling or not i dont care, i talk back and thats what seem to bother you people
sincerly fuck you all i dont need you and i cant give a shit about what i sayd, hate me love me i dont give a fuck
i take the bait i dont fucking care, none of you would openly protect yourself and your family as the fucking cowards you all are
who the fuck cares about all of you and your miserable lifes. call me a cheat because of one win over rapha and people left and right taking the piss with me and longtime esr users like esdf saying stuff as: your gf sux, your life sux, your kid sux and its a matter of time before you hang yourself
makie saying suck your dads dick and i raped your mom
trolling or not i dont care, i talk back and thats what seem to bother you people.
you guys seem to protect retards like zhu and ppl who cheat for real, i guess its best to shut up about cheaters cuz its a dead end anyway. this website has become more and more cancerous ever since ql was going downhill. im esr member since 2006 and never, really never i experienced something like this. because of 1 win over rapha hahahaha guess its hard to accept the easy things in life. but as a group against one guy because he opens his mouth.
sincerly fuck you all i dont need you and i cant give a shit about what i sayd, hate me love me i dont give a fuck
i take the bait i dont fucking care, none of you would openly protect yourself and your kid family as the fucking cowards you all are.
when i introduced my son in quake he had 9k views in a month, everybody was positive and nice about it. now 9yrs later its my mistake i let my kid play quake.. people change and i know that, backstabbers will be forever. its the end of quake only the toxic ppl and assholes are left
its still me standing alone against all of you, and nothing your pity lives can do something about it. you gather like a herde of pussys and as soon as you get the truth shoveled under your nose you act like wounded gazelles posting what i have sayd
i must truly mean something here, i dont mind to take the bait, game is dead anyways and my love for quake is long time gone thanks to fuckers like you. but i still love my kid
good ppl sayd: drejk dont react, i react on it and fuck that, you guys are entertained apperantly
and for you esdf, you giggle and laugh on teamspeak when your streaming and you can post what i sayd, i basicly sayd nothing as i explained right here. the truth. now that you wont admit what you sayd yourself proves the narcistic fuck you are.
i truly appreciate you guys spend time thinking about me
stop this bs about me going to lan for makie to check you at wtf man.. i just heard that story about you and him when i came home from lan this is fucking insane..
1 i went to lan for some members of dp and ppl i know from the ctf scene
2 germans talked shit that they would slap me nothing happend when i step inside they all scared of the turkish muscle
3 i didnt even knew how u look like.. dont tell me i checked you out cuz i just found out how u look like after ur youtube video..
then if u really think i went to lan for you to check you out why u didnt came to me to ask it?
makie hes problems aint mine
leave me out of this im done with ql for months now
there's a part of me that believes the best explanation for this mess is that zhu stole drejk's ESR password to create even more drama with yet another account.
yes i am, i dont mind. let them waste their times on thinking about me :) i still practice evil and let you ppl think whatever you wanna think. got wins over the complete top 10 and thats what bothers them. what else?
People couldn't give a shit less whether you beat rapha or not, it's about how you reacted to the critism, and revealed out your true retarded self in the process.
#1 i get a comment from wolf, in nice and gentle words he basicly say that i cheat, but he never used the word cheat. theres only one explanation to his comment: i had to cheat. so because he never sayd im a 'cheater' hes free from anything he sayd. smart
#2 i get challenged by this lesbian zhu and i accept the challenge
#3 i ask wolf wtf is up, and he feel the need to call me a stalker and bans me on zlive
#4 all kinds of posts pop up and video challenges towards me from lesbian zhu
#5 i still accept, and pointed out that the challenge he made was because i stream cure and i am not that good when i stream. so i sayd cure it gonna be
#6 zhu dodges the shit out of me and posts video where im retard, while hes drugged himself
#7 my kid and my family gets attacked from left and right in a game i play for 20yrs, makie tells my kid he raped and fucked his mom and justin is a fat retard. esdf telling me my girl sux, life sux and its a matter of time before i hang myself
#8 i react on it because all i basicly say is: fuck you
#9 and you think now your the smart guy who knows it all
let that sink in for abit
and for all of you think that im racist, fuck muslims and that i named the balkan, cuz when VAC works half of the balkan dissapears, most of the cheaters like serious come from that direction anyway. is basicly true. call me whatever :)
its just esdf telling me my girlfriend sux, my kid sux, my life sux and my job sux, while he has a 9-5 office job himself. and then telling me stuff as: it will be a matter of time before you commit suicide. your silly screenshot has no value to the shit you say :)
so i must keep my mouth closed when people left and right call my kid names, my gf names and create videos directed to me challenging me?
maybe thats how it works in your world, fuck that if its internet
this is just a sad attempt to make him look cool or something