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Another cool case, or the crappest waste of time on earth? probably the latter if you ask someone with normal levels of testosterone. Please reply to me and call me a penisfuckingmanfuckerthatlikespeoplethatdon'tspendmoney"modding"theirgeekyobsessionsandsuch. I have A UV ROD ANDA coooooollllllllll case with fans on it and like a window and like uhm a light and some lights in the window and it makes up for my lack of girl popularity look at my computer!!! yay for me!!!!! just to be clear that is a shit case and I hope it overheats and incinerates itself.
sorry mom. wanna cookie? =]
ok jk jk i know it was rude its just the case is imho fugly and i really cant imagine what the guy is trying to prove by bringning it to a lan. original idea. but no like its visually appealing, which i think is the most important thing to maintain in a case, unless ur a 1337 g33kzor.