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In the back line (left to right):
Nico, Cash, Brett(GGL), Insomnia, Killerman, Angel, ?, Drizzt_Duncan(former CB Crew), Riper, N1ko(hiding behind Riper), Bleah, Cowworks dude, Tosspot(hiding behind the cowworks dude), erazor, Cowworks dude?, Sput, Cowworks dude?, Yami, Cowworks dude?, Malystrix, vany
In the front:
6 Cowworks / Games-FM people, RiGHT, X-Lien, Iceblokje, Crow.
Laying in the front
Ernst from Cowworks, the network dude who spent a lot of time on battling the firewall settings.
Missing on the photo are Wabbit from CB, RedEye from GGL(both making this photo). Also missing are Jason (Unholy) and Carmac from GGL and the ladies from Cowworks (Iris and Sandra).
(Since both the ladies and Carmac are missing, I guess I know where Carmac was..................... ;) )
Amsterdam Wob made a visit on friday evening, Godsmurf was (as far as I know) delayed because of work and would only be able to come for a short while on saturday, and would have a lot of traveling time for that so decided not to come.
But didn't you already meet all three of them at EC 5 fox? :)
Nico, Cash, Brett(GGL), Insomnia, Killerman, Angel, ?, Drizzt_Duncan(former CB Crew), Riper, N1ko(hiding behind Riper), Bleah, Cowworks dude, Tosspot(hiding behind the cowworks dude), erazor, Cowworks dude?, Sput, Cowworks dude?, Yami, Cowworks dude?, Malystrix, vany
In the front:
6 Cowworks / Games-FM people, RiGHT, X-Lien, Iceblokje, Crow.
Laying in the front
Ernst from Cowworks, the network dude who spent a lot of time on battling the firewall settings.
Missing on the photo are Wabbit from CB, RedEye from GGL(both making this photo). Also missing are Jason (Unholy) and Carmac from GGL and the ladies from Cowworks (Iris and Sandra).
(Since both the ladies and Carmac are missing, I guess I know where Carmac was..................... ;) )