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As Link said, he is an idiot, nobody who played him really likes him (talking CTF here). He's a self loving arse, and a mamas boy as a cholerics more or less are.
he would probably shout shut the fuck up youre not my mother or something childish like that. i didnt allow him to switch players mid game at qlan2 and he went berserk screaming at me.
lol, if that would ever happen to me, give him a motherly slap to get him down to reality, then throw him out from where this is taking place and keep him out for the duration of the event.
A silly question tho; Do you remember a song about Forever and his 32nd CTF antics, which was, I asume, written by a brit and made some fun of Forevers behaviour?
I'm trying to find it for over 2 years now, shame I deleted it back then.
It went something like this (all I remember),
Oh no, Oh no, here comes Forever....
...we don't need no kids from 32nd core, go play with play'doh, go!