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actually, I spent half a year in Oklahoma, so Texan is fine.
I could even understand the texas ranger in "From dusk till dawn" when we saw it in school in Germany.
some of my classamtes proposed it and said they'd write a presentation for it.
The teacher was new an appar[u]e[/]ntly hadn't seen it.
She stopped the movie after the first ten minutes and said that whoever wanted to leave the room had her permisson :D
Oh yes, we were 17 then.
it doesn't make you rich anywhere, even poor Ethiopians have shoes and cellphones these days, sorry :< (dont come to poland with your shoes and cellphone thinking you will be rich, you'll only get yourself robbed by some kids)
so, is this the point where you realize that stealing a cellphone and shoes is really dumb and therefore I won't fal victim to such a "heist" or shall we continue?
I agree, I sat in front row just before I ecspected memento mori to st just for that reason.
I also left the tag of my pullover out, so it would appear more lifelike!
stumbled upon ths picture again wanting to read comments when it really started giving me dexter-vibes. you look too normal man, theres like an 89% chance of you being a serialkiller :-/